Taking off!

"Mom please. It is not going to take long. Only two days and I will be back . Nino and Miyuki have already planned the whole trip and if I won't go then imagine how much sad they will become". I pleaded my mom while sitting in dodgeza.

I nearly forgot to tell my mom about my trip and when I told her , I simply got glares and a 'no' in return.

I don't know why but she was still traumatized about the fact that we got attacked by mafias on our previous trip.

'How can I tell her that I cleared that garbage already '. I facepalmed myself in continued requesting by different means.

"It's okay Iori. Our son is in his youth so let him enjoy. Did you forgot how many classes we bunked to go on dates , then why you are restricting him. Don't worry I know our son would take care of himself and you belive that too right." My dad supported me at the right moment.

Dad surprisingly becomes super understanding in these types of situations which help me a big time.

Mom's expression softened a bit and after she stabbed some glares toward dad too , she finally agreed .

"Okay but keep your phone alway on and don't go out of the city got it?" I nodded vigorously with a happy face.

I had no idea where I was going but I guessed that we might be going to onsen of Kyoto or something so I agreed to her conditions , without hesitation.

"Here take this little gift from your dad and enjoy your trip son". Dad gave me 5000 yen with a wink of victory.


[Time remaining: 56 hours 23 min 08 sec]


Next day I woke up and called Miyuki and Nino about where we have to randezvous .

"Call me after you will get ready". Nino told me and since it was only 7 a.m I thought it will be better if I complete my daily quest before leaving.

At 9 o clock I returned back to my room from dojo, completely bathed in sweat and some blood as I tried B rank training doll for the first time. My Sabers were still not upgraded so I didn't used them for now and in that place I tried to defeat it with my knives.

I was beaten up to pulp in all my three tries . Using staff wasn't much better as the B grade doll has assassin like movements and staff always gave too much opening because of its size and my underdeveloped techniques.

The doll was a lot more terrifying than Nidhan in all ways and I was fortunate that I can control them or it might have..

[Training dolls will never kill , I told you before too remember?]

'Yeah, but it's harsh beating is more painful than death'.


After taking a bath I changed my clothes and wore a denim jacket over a white shirt and causal chinos. My hairs were tied in messy bun as it was really hot today.

I called Nino and within a minute a car appeared at the front of my apartment building.

A butler which I have saw in Miyuki's villa was standing at the door with a smile on his face.

He took my trekking bag in which I packed everything I needed and guided me to the back seat.

I was being taken somewhere unknown . I first thought we were going to Miyuki's place but when the driver approached the highway I got startled.

'Am I going to the onsen all by myself?' I threw my misgivings and leaned back on the seat. After closed my eyes, I started listening to songs on my Ipod.

Iura , gave me a whole lot of music collection which I usually listened while running or in my free time. Music really helps me to sooth my mind and take decision calmly.

After half an hour , I heard a loud sound of plane taking off.

I opened my eyes slowly and found that we were entering the runway through VIP entry.

'Dont tell me'.


"How much money do your fathers have?" I asked the two beauties who were standing at the entrance of a private jet.

Nino was wearing a short skirt and a floral shirt with a straw hat and glasses. Her hairs were shortened to shoulder length and she was looking super cute.

Miyuki on the other hand , had an elengant look like usual, who was wearing a blue one piece with her blue eyes matching well to her dress and her flushed cheeks and pink lips were inviting me as always.

"My dad forced me to use this . He is very cautious person you already know that and I also wanted to travel without getting disturbed." Miyuki explained the situation.

'Seriously , money can solve everything ". I sighed and boarded the plane with my two cute girlfriends.

The pilot and three hostesses greeted us and led us to the luxurious interior .

The lights were dim and the temperature was well moderate according to the humidity outside.

I never entered in a private jet before so I was a little bit over excited . My face had a clear bloom smile .

The hostesses took my bag and placed it in the storage compartmen.

I sat on the comfortable sofa like seat and Nino sat beside me.

Miyuki was discussing something with the pilot which I didn't tried to listen in order to maintain their surprise.

"You are not going to tutor me for this month, why?" Nino asked while resting her head on my shoulder.

"Your school is organising extra classes for which you have to stay there atleast 2 hours after school so you will get tired after that much of studying".

"But your presence make me more relax you know". She said nonchalantly.

"You really know how to flirt huh." I chuckled and wrapped my hand around her shoulders.

"It will take 5 hours to reach out destination so you guys can sleep if you want". Miyuki came back and I pulled her in my lap before she could sit somewhere else.

"Mmm" I snuggled in her delicate neck while getting intoxicated with her mature fragrance.

'Hmm? Mature fragrance?'

"Miyuki did you changed your soap or something ?"

"You really notice my body odour huh. Yes and not only me..." On her remark I turned my head and saw a pouting Nino.

I poked her soft cheek .

"Don't be like that ...after we reach there we can also hug how much we want." I caressed her cheek beofre Miyuki stood up and left to sit on the adjacent seat as the flight was about to take off.


[Time remaining : 42 hours 02 min 41 sec]


I slept almost all the way until our destination and forgot to enjoy the five star service of the flight. I was feeling groggy all the time until now and the reason behind it was the dragon blood I consumed.

It was more strong than I thought.

The scenary outside of the window was something to behold what I saw when the jet was about to land.

Open fields and mountains filled with evergreens were spreaded like a sheet and only one feeling came to my mind.


With my perception I already glanced very far away and no crowd and hassle like cities were to be seen , only peaceful and relaxed atmosphere everywhere.


We landed at the Flighafen airport where a car was already waiting for us .

'We almost crossed half of the world and mom told me to not cross the city border.' I sighed and sat in the car.

The breeze felt really cool when I boarded off the plane and all the stress faded away in an instant

'I hope nothing goes wrong in these two days.'


[Time remaining : 37 hours 11 min 28 sec]
