The Eyes of the Beast (1)

I glanced over at the two girls. They were still bickering with each other, paying me no mind. It was a good opportunity to slip out. "Sure," I replied simply. She quietly slid the sick bay door open, walking outside. I followed suit.

She slid the door closed, and suddenly stared at me with a piercing gaze. Feeling the sudden pressure from her stare, I was taken aback. I gave a nervous smile and leaned back a little bit as I felt her staring into my soul. "Um…Ms Dhalia? Is something wr-" I never got a chance to finish my sentence before Ms Dhalia started to get in my face with her excitement. 

"Kaler. Who are you?" She asked eagerly. It wasn't meant in a rude manner, it was more filled with curiosity and fascination than anything else. I could even see a little glint in her eyes as she observed me like a precious specimen. 

"I'm…sorry…What?" I replied with another question. I needed further clarification. Asking 'who are you' is a little vague after all.