Eyes of the Beast (2)

Author's note: 

Hello people! Been awhile! I would like to apologise once again. Although, I'm not gonna give you the whole spiel about school because that's boring. I'm trying to manage my time better so yeah please be patient with me🙏.

On a less serious but still very serious note, I noticed that the book has been gaining a lot of support lately. I could not be happier. Although I must say I am terrified every time I see someone leave a comment, cuz I'm scared of feedback but thank you all for all the heartwarming messages. 

Finally, I have been hearing that there's been a lot of grammatical errors in past chapters. I would like to apologise and I will attempt to go back and correct them given I have the time. They were probably left there in a rush when I was tryna pump out the chapter. So yeah. Thanks. Enjoy!
