Trial of the Sea (3)

Kaler struggled to defeat 6 soldiers, quite reasonably, they are no pushovers. Now…His back was against the wall, or throne, staring down at least 30 or 40 of these soldiers. "I'm so dead…" that was the only thing going through his mind. Fighting even one of these soldiers would be suicide for a skilled mage. 

Draconoids have a natural resistance to magic, even more so to their attuned element. The armor that these soldiers wore also gave them more resistance. This means that if say Aurora were to use Niflheim on them, they would still be able to walk freely, hindered, and slightly slower, but still free. Whereas a regular person would be frozen solid.

The fact that he had managed himself to this point is impressive, but foolish. 'My king, with all due respect, I believe Neptune means to test you.' Gaia told Kaler telepathically.