Trial of the Sea (2)

The moment one of the soldiers got close enough, Kaler wasted no time. In the span of a thought, Kaler brought his fist up for a punch. One so fast that it would knock a person out in an instant and they wouldn't have even seen it. In the blink of an eye, they'd be out like a light.


'That doesn't sound right…' Kaler realised. As bullet time ended, he saw the soldier he punched being pushed back all the way back to the door, however, he was still standing, using his feet and tail to halt his momentum, a fist sized dent in his shield.

'Wait… tail?!' Kaler made a realisation. As he eyed the other soldiers, he realised that the soldiers are bigger than him, stronger, maybe even faster if he didn't use his speed. They were fast enough to block one of his attacks after all. They had tails… and what little flesh was peeking through their armour was…scaled.