Impress me.

"Wh-Wha… What…" The sudden freak of nature incident left everyone without exception stunned silent, frozen in place, their life flashing before their eyes. Astere, in particular was stuttering heavily, especially terrified. How could he not have been? The lightning strike landed right in his face! It was as if god himself was condemning him and the only reason he was alive was because he showed mercy.

As the gravity and implications of the situation started to sink in, everyone in the arena's shock turned into fear real quick. You could see it in their eyes, they were petrified. What was supposed to be some a normal, hot-headed argument between two boys in their young teens was interrupted by some divine power or something. Someone might be watching them! And whoever it was was certainly not very happy. Some looked up at the sky, the supposed source of the strike, and starting whispering amongst themselves. 

"Hey… There were no dark clouds before…"