Impress me (2)

"Fuck you! Don't say I didn't warn you! Arrogant bitch!" The man lost his temper from a simple provocation, rushing toward Aurora, throwing all forms of caution into the wind. Aurora remained calm, scarily calm. "HAH!" The man grunted as he swung down onto Aurora.

Aurora was still unfazed, clearly unconcerned about the oncoming attack. She sidestepped the slash effortlessly, allowing the blade of the sword to embed itself into the ground. 'Huh!?' The man thought to himself questioning how Aurora managed to avoid that strike. He was so sure that she wouldn't have escaped that.

 The man tugged on the handle, attempting to draw his weapon out of the ground to attack again, but, to his surprise, it wouldn't budge. He tried again and again, however, he kept on failing, making himself look stupid in the process.