Chapter 1

Jaune was having a weird day, his girl- friends are giving him some strange looks as he passes by them, every time he pass by them, he feels something was not right, like the atmosphere just changes in one big boom, but it was still early in the day so he doesn't have the time to think about it because he is facing the most horrible thing he ever did or ever gone to.

Going to class, now that doesn't sound too horrible, but hearing the old man talk about his early youth of his hunter days was kind of boring to most of the students, they can't believe that they miss lecturing, I mean actually miss lecturing, like they want a lecture of Grimm or talk about Grimm instead the old man's tales.

As he walks in the halls to go to 's class, he saw Ren going there as well.

"Hey Ren" Jaune greeted.

"Oh, hello Jaune" he greeted back as they both walk together to Port's class, but Jaune was having a feeling that he needed to ask Ren about their friends sending him weird looks.

"Hey Ren…" Jaune's got the attention of Ren who was walking in silent and haven't said a word this entire time " …Did you notice anything weird about our friends when I was passing by them?" Ren ponder a bit about that to find the right answer.

"Now you mention it, they have been acting strange since now"

"And do you know what is the cause of them giving me weird looks?" For some reason, Jaune asked what is the cause of his friends sudden change of character since he haven't 'NOTICE' it yet.

"I have no idea Jaune, but I think you just drop it, it might be probably nothing, perhaps they have a problem in the personal life that they don't want us in it"

"Are you sure that was it and last time I check, Nora and Pyrrha are giving me weird looks as well" Jaune looks around to see if any of his friends are there, hopefully there are none as Jaune catch a breath.

"Relax Jaune, I am sure Pyrrha and Nora are just looking out for you and I' m at most certain that they don't have a problem with you" Jaune gives Ren a nervous look that says 'are you sure?'.

"Is that what you're thinking about? Thinking they have a problem with you since they are giving you weird looks " Jaune nervously nod.

Ren laughs a little. "Oh come on, Jaune , they are your friends, perhaps your best friends and me as well, they will never have a problem with you because you are the nicest person here in Beacon Academy, so calm down man"

Jaune ponder a bit of what Ren said. Yeah, sure as hell he was the nicest person in Beacon and never intend to make an enemy in his friends, perhaps it was just nothing .

Jaune laugh a little "Yeah, you're probably right Ren, it might be nothing" Ren smile as Jaune got out of his state of guilt or something.

"Now that's the spirit, now come on we got class to attend to"

Jaune smile and goes running along with Ren to go to 's class, as Jaune was running along with him, Ren was thinking something in his mind.

'You're doom, you dense idiot' Ren frown at what he thought because he knew exactly why Jaune's friends or most of his friend were sending him weird looks, the reason why most of Jaune's friends, which are girls who were giving Jaune looks is that they are starting to get impatient, impatient of the fact that they are giving hints or affection to a dense motherfucker and plus they are waiting for too long so they are going to have to use force. Ren knew why are the girls giving Jaune looks because if Jaune still doesn't connect it, then Ren will be there to help him connect the whole situation. Meaning Ren will be Jaune's wing man for short. (Is that right?)

Jaune and Ren walks into the classroom and find their teammates and friends sitting already on the desk. So Jaune took a seat beside Pyrrha as Ren took a spot beside Nora because somebody got to watch over Nora.

"Hey Jaune, How are you feeling?" Pyrrha asked before the class starts.

"Oh, I' m feeling fine, I just hope this day will go splendidly " Jaune said as he prepares a notebook and a pen.

"Okay," she simply answers with a smile that sends chills down your spine 'Don't worry Jaune, soon you will be mine' Pyrrha said in her mind as she giggle 'I will show you the ropes'.

Jaune just had a chill down his spine, now to him that was a bad sign, but it was probably nothing as Jaune just shrugs it off.

As Jaune was about to do something else, he caught Pyrrha staring at him and when he caught her staring at him, she immediately turns her head in a different direction.

'That was weird' Jaune thought, but right now he needs to copy notes.

But why the hell is he going to copy notes, is just going to talk about his youth and his hunter days again, but Jaune needs to be prepared for anything.

walks and in and said.

"Today class were going to study a new lesson or a new Grimm to be precise, now this Grimm is a spider, it's called Arachne, Rank C….." Port trailed off as some are a bit surprise, that he is already taking this seriously by talking about Grimm, mostly he keeps talking about his hunter days, but looks like his talking serious business here about the Grimm and especially his talking one of the powerful Grimm right away.

"Now students, don't try to hunt this Grimm down alone because this Grimm's size is about 9 meters in length approximately 5 times an average human's height and 3 meters in height twice that of an average human. Blades jut out from the legs to allow for close-quarters combat" Port pause for a moment to look at the student's reaction, some are feared, calm, while others are hype, and have a hunger for battle face, he looks at them with stern eyebrows.

"The Arachne is very powerful if you're alone, but with the right strategy and a bit of teamwork you can take it down. Approach this type of Grimm with great caution. Surroundings and ambushing this Grimm is advised for best tactic. It can also shoot strong strings of sturdy silk at 180 mph to catch humans by surprise and draw them in for the kill." Some of the student's are taking down notes as others are a bit interested in the lesson.

"Now that being said, this Grimm is surprisingly fast for its size so be careful, but this is not a powerful Grimm as you think it might be a powerful Grimm ,but it's not. All types of strong opponents have their weakness so aim for the joints because that is probably the only part that is not armored" one student raise his hand up for a question.

"Question, what do we if we get caught by the strings, you said it was strong so how do we cut it"

"That is simple, cut it with your aura" the student put's his arm down as he got the answer, some or all of the students finally learn something in class that doesn't evolve his hunter-.

"Ah, back in the, I use to fight this Grimm when I was just a lad-" never mind, some of the student's moan in annoyance as they slump down in their seats, but the new Grimm was surprisingly interesting, they did learn a bit of Grimm today.

"That was surprisingly interesting" Pyrrha said as team RWBY and JNPR were walking down to the Mess hall.

"I agree, we finally learn a new Grimm besides the old ones" Yang said as she stretches her arms in the air.

The two teams talk and eat as Pyrrha ask Jaune to follow her, this got the attention of everyone. Ren can feel the atmosphere just change to a killer intent so he thought.

'Looks like Pyrrha is making her move already, but the others aren't too happy about that' Ren thought as Yang's eyes just turn red for a moment as Nora was chewing in on her pancakes really hard, Ruby was sharping the tip of her weapon, Crescent Rose with an unhappy evil look, Weiss was reloading in some dust charges in her weapon Myrtenaster, Blake close her favorite book for some reason with yellow cat eyelids that are glowing with anger.

'I think I better watch over Jaune if he's so close to die' Ren did as he finish his last bit of meal, leaving the girls with their thoughts.

He heads to the locker room to get his equipment, hell will start soon.

Jaune follow Pyrrha, while Pyrrha lead Jaune to their room which is quite far away from the mess hall. Pyrrha opens the door for Jaune to enter.

Jaune walks into the center of the room and looks at the window to see the beautiful things outside of Beacon or probably the building of Vale.

"So what do you need Pyrrha?" Jaune said as he totally ignores Pyrrha as she was about to do something.

That until…

Jaune heard a locking sound from behind which he turns around to find a Spartan with a ball gag, some rope and a… knife?

"Oh, nothing Jaune, I just want you," she said as she slowly walks to Jaune with an evil grin.

"Ah…. Pyrrha, what are you going to do with those things? Pyrrha? Pyrrha? PYRRHA!"