Never before in Jaune's life that he was so terrified of the fact that his partner, best friend was acting all weird and the most things that terrified him more is her face, looks like the face of a predator hunting down its prey with a kill intent and I mean literally with a killer intent because she is smiling crazy.
"Pyrrha, you freaking me out, stop it already!" Jaune was trying to talk some sense in the red head Spartan, but it didn't work, she continues to walk slowly to Jaune as he walks backwards slowly.
"Oh come on Jaune~, I just want to play with you and just kiss you on the lips" Pyrrha said as she licks her lips with glee.
Jaune panic in his mind ' what to do?! what to do?! what to do?!-' over and over again, until 'ah!' he found a solution.
Jaune turn's around and goes to the window, he looks down to the ground on how far was it and it was very far and yes people, he will jump off the window, Jaune has a choice, he didn't want to stay here in the room with a hungry lion to know what will it do to him so it was either this or the beast.
Jaune step on a drawer of his team to give him a little boost, he counts to 1, 2, 3 and he jumps, thinking that he will catch a tree branch or something and plus he put just enough aura to his legs to impact his fall if he doesn't make it or is he-
Time slowed as Jaune looks back at the window of what was that sound, he saw Pyrrha, with an evil happy smile that looks almost like Jeff the killer, she was holding a rope that is very straight for some reason until he looks at the rope to where it was heading and the rope was tangled or tied to his ankle.
Jaune almost make a terrified face while he was still in the air, but Pyrrha pulled the rope towards her with just enough strength for Jaune to come back in the room with the sound of his body making impact to the floor *THUD*.
"Ow, that hurt a little" Jaune said as he was getting up, but he meets Pyrrha, face to face, meaning his face is an inch or very close to Pyrrha's face.
"Um…." Jaune trailed off as he was trying to grab something to hit Pyrrha, with it while she is distracted by looking at her face, but there none.
"You look hurt Jaune~…" she said in an evil sarcastic voice "… let me help you with that, " she grabs both of Jaune's hands and drag him to her bed, she slams Jaune to her bed leaving a little broken Jaune, it's a good thing that his aura was about to heal him.
"Um… Pyrrha, I think we're going to be late for Professor Oobleck's class so I suggest that we go right now" Jaune tried again to reason her out , but it didn't work again.
"Oh, don't worry Jaune, I told Professor Oobleck that you're really sick and that i have to watch over you until you get well, so that means I' m going to watch over you all day, isn't that great!" Pyrrha exclaim as she gets the ropes to tie his legs and hands on each bedpost, Jaune struggle to get loose, but fail as Pyrrha successfully tie each leg and hands to each bedpost.
Jaune was trying to hard struggle to get free, but it still failed and that make Pyrrha giggle.
"Oh Jaune, seeing you struggle like that makes me blush and warm inside" Pyrrha notice that Jaune was about to scream, so she jumps and lands on Jaune's stomach that make him hurt a little.
"Ah ah ah, no screaming while we play" Pyrrha brings out a ball gag and put's it in Jaune's mouth, then she stands up to look at Jaune.
As he whimpers and struggling at the same time, it was an awesome sight to see. The sound of him whimper on the ball gag is so cute that make Pyrrha turn on and seeing him struggle was also making her turn on and it was kind of hot for Jaune. 'Welp, no time to waste, hurry up and go for it Pyrrha before some else disturbs you're private time' Pyrrha nod as she hears her other self talking to her.
As for Jaune, he didn't know what to feel, other than the fact that Pyrrha was going super crazy that make him having second thoughts about her or something, the other fact was he feeling aroused by this, it was kind of a weird moment for him to be aroused in a time like this, but he got no time to think about that as he struggle some more.
"Don't worry Jaune…" she began as she lays down beside Jaune "… this will all be over after I' am done with you," she says as she licks Jaune at the chick and kiss him at the neck.
Jaune was blushing super hard here, he needs to find a way to get free or other than that pray to Mounty Oum that someone will save him.
Jaune sees next is that Pyrrha was undressing him slowly.
While she was undressing him, Pyrrha was mumbling to herself. "I will start from the upper body before I move down to his pants where the real fun begins"
As Pyrrha was undressing him, she blushes plus turn on really hard.
She had witnessed a half naked man that has 6 pack abs and they look really rough, she is now drooling over Jaune like a mad hungry dog for its food until something occurred in her mind that made her smile.
"It's hot in here don't you think?" Jaune only looks away in response.
"I think I better take off my uniform as well" this got Jaune's attention that made him really want to look away as long as possible as Pyrrha smirk.
Jaune was looking away really hard to not make eye contact with Pyrrha's eyes that until…
"Oh Jaaauuunnee~, look over heeeeerrrrrrreeee~" Pyrrha said with a smirk.
Jaune was trying his best not to look at Pyrrha, but curiosity got the better of him so he looks, but it made him regret to look.
Jaune shoots out blood from his nose because right in front of him was a half naked girl that is sitting on his stomach.
"Like what you see Jaune?" Pyrrha giggle as Jaune recover from his nosebleed until Pyrrha feels something from behind.
"Looks like your partner here likes what it sees as well," she said as Pyrrha lick Jaune's chest that made him even harder.
Pyrrha was continuously kept licking Jaune's upper half as her hand explore what was in his pants.
"OooOoo, looks like you're really hard my knight" Pyrrha grabs the knife and was about to cut Jaune on the chest, but something occurred in her mind.
'Should I go first the knife or the hard sword of Jaune, Oh, I can't decide, I think I should go first the hard sword under Jaune's pants while I'll cut him Oh! That's a wonderful idea," she put's away the knife and begins to unbutton his pants until she heard something that drop on the ground…
She looks at her sides to find where did the object fall on until she locks eyes on a green pipe in the center of the room.
"That looks like-"