Chapter 3


Pyrrha can't see a thing as her vision was filled with nothing, but smoke. She tried to find her weapon or find out who was the attacker, but only found a fist heading her way.

She hit the ground with a sound of a thud, completely knocking her out.

As the smoke clears off , Jaune saw a long green sleeved shirt with white pants and black shoes. The attacker had the signature pink lining of his black hair, it was Ren who save Jaune from death (also saving Jaune's virginity).

"It's a good thing I just came in time to save your virginity, Jaune," he commented as he goes to Jaune's side while Jaune just slump on his bed as a sign that 'Thank the holy Oum above that someone save me'.

"Don't worry Jaune, I 'll get you out of here" Ren said as his gun just came out of his sleeve to cut the ropes and help Jaune up and give him his equipment.

"You better get ready because hell will be upon us" Ren said as he grabs Pyrrha, of course he covers her breast, to tie her on a chair with cloths of course.

"What do you me-" Jaune was interrupted by a slap to the face.

"Jaune just put on your equipment" Ren said calmly as Jaune rub his chin that Ren slap at.

"I was just curious" he mumble, but Ren heard it.

Ren guards the door with guns at the ready as Jaune change to his uniform to his combat gear.

"Hey Ren, what's going on?" Jaune asked again as Ren just stare at the door with guns at the ready, but he answered Jaune's question nonetheless.

"They are coming," he simply answers as Jaune was a bit confused. (Please don't take that out of context)

"What do you mean "they are coming"?" Jaune asked again.

"Meaning Team RWBY, Nora and Pyrrha are coming after you," he is still staring at the door with great focus with guns ready to blaze.

But that answer simply terrified Jaune in such a way "W-wh-wh" Jaune was stuttering, but Ren answered to keep Jaune a live much more further.

"Why they're after you? Because you dense…" Jaune look dumb folds "… those girls were giving hints of affection to win over your heart, but you're so dense that they can't take it anymore so they have to use force to get to you or your heart. In simple terms, they love you" Ren explains as Jaune was absorbing in the new information.

'Love?... Pyrrha was acting all weird because she love me… she almost rape me because she love me… and did the others feel the same way… have I haven't seen they're obvious hints until now….Love? Huh? I-" Jaune was, however disturbed by a wake Spartan.

"Ren, when I get out of here I am going to tie you on a tree in a forest filled with Grimm" she hiss at Ren, but he simply crossed his arms and go to the other side of the room as he let Jaune stand in front of Pyrrha.

"Oh hey Jaune, if you let me get out of here we can continue our little fun" Pyrrha said as Jaune was just thinking about something to do.

"Come on-" Pyrrha was, however, interrupted by Jaune kissing her on the forehead that made her shock of what Jaune did. He kiss her, Jaune kiss her, (while she was tied up on a chair) she can't believe it, but she shakes the thought away as Jaune back up and stare into her eyes.

"I' m sorry" Pyrrha was confused.

"I' am sorry for not seeing your love or your feelings for me, I can't believe that you are given obvious hints that I ignore and are they that obvious?!..." Pyrrha was so shocked that Jaune finally understand"…*ahem* sorry, please forgive me Pyrrha I was so stupid to not notice" Jaune takes a step back as Ren smile with eyes close as he nod. Pyrrha was about to say something, but Jaune beat her to it.

"Pyrrha…" he began "… I-" Jaune was interrupted by a door that slam him to the floor.

"Don't say it Jaune!" Ren help Jaune to not get crush even more by the door, but they all look at who was the person that crush the door open.

Jaune got terrified as the person who crush the door was none other Yang Xiao Long with Red eyes, burning hair, and a deploy Ember Celica that is locked and ready to punch something

Jaune take a step back with his hand on the handle of his sword, It was shaking, whether he want's to fight Yang with his sword or just bring it out just to intimidate her, but he was at ease as Ren goes to Yang or in front of Yang.

"Yang, please calm yourself, Pyrrha is tied up so you got nothing to worry about," he said as Yang looks to her right that a Spartan was trying to get herself free from struggling, that ease her anger.

"Good, now I was-" Yang was however being interrupted by an aura infuse palm to the stomach.

Ren goes for more aura infuse palms to the stomach at a rather quick rate, he pauses and let one hand being ready at his side.

"I will kill you" that was Yang's last words as Ren sent his last aura infuse palm to her stomach with a lot of aura being put in it.

Yang was sent back a couple of meters away from the room to hit the wall outside the room or rather she was sent back to her room which is team RWBY's dorm that is just across from team JNPR's room.

As she was sent to her room and land on a drawer that she almost crush, Ren goes to Jaune and push him to go to the window, but they pause as they feel an intense aura coming from the back.

It wasn't Pyrrha who was still tied up on a chair that she fall to the ground after that little event with the door being destroyed, it was Yang who was getting up from the attacks that Ren sent.

"Where are you two going, huh?!" Yang's appearance right now is a dark red mist that is right behind her as her eyes just turning to pure blood crimson red, her hair turning to dark yellow with flames that is coming out of it, but what's more terrifying is her face and weapons. Her face was sending them the chills because she was smiling crazy and her weapons just upgrade for some reason, it has a triple barrel that has triple bullets, it was like a machine gun, but the problem is that It's not a machine gun, it was a shotgun that looks like a machine gun, plus, the worse part of it was her being on fire, well, only her arms because if she was full flaming then she would have burned the dorm right now.

'Huh, that's new' Jaune thought as Ren just stare at her.

Ren just simply looks at her, then grabs Jaune's hoodie and jumps of the window.

"Oh, you can't run that far,"she walks slowly to the window and jumps leaving a struggling Pyrrha.