Chapter 4

Jaune and Ren where currently behind the Cross Continnental Transmit tower, why, well because the tower is pretty big for its size and both of them were breathing heavily on running so fast to get away from Yang plus they got no ideas on where to hide so this is their only option until they figure up a plan.

Their first plan of hiding was going to Emerald Forest, but they declined on that option because of obvious reasons.

Second part of their plan was going to Glynda to report an angry beast in Beacon, but for Jaune he doesn't want his friends to be blamed for their actions so option two is out.

Last part of their plan was hiding in the library, but they don't want to let Yang go on a rampage in the library for reckless action and destroying school property, they will have to pay its own their money since they don't have in a moment.

Jaune was seriously getting frustrated at making a plan to stop Yang since fighting is out of the question because fighting Yang will result in death or making things worse than before.

Jaune slump down on the ground to sit down as Ren has been quiet as always.

"Ren, thanks for saving me" Jaune said as he stares at the light blue sky with clouds sprinkle around.

"No mention it, I have to since Pyrrha was going to stab you" Jaune pause for a moment as a image of him being tied up on a bed as Pyrrha was toying with him and almost rape him.

He shook his head to let the mental image out of his mind.

"What are we going to do?" Jaune question.

""We"?" Ren question.

"No Jaune, you have to do this by yourself…" Ren trail off as Jaune's face was terrified and stun.

"But why?" he said as he was shaking with fear.

Ren sigh as he goes to Jaune and put his hands on his shoulders .

"Look Jaune, it's been 2 months of us being students of beacon and you just realize it now a few of our friends have feelings for you because I told you to keep you survive" Ren stare at Jaune's eyes to only see fear and guilt in the boy.

"You have been so dense you know that, so dense that you ignore their affection, their feelings for you and I already help you… I think I have helped you a lot lately so you must do this by yourself. I am not a type of guy that helps a person with his love life problems, it's love so I have no business with it because it's personal to them and I will only make things worse if I intervene" Jaune was still scared, still shaking in his mind.

"So this is somehow your fault in a way so your screwed, but man up Jaune, they won't kill you because…" Ren paused as he slap Jaune's cheek very hard.

"I said be brave Jaune. Stop being scared, you're a hunter -in-training and you improve a lot well with some of our help so use the lesson you learn with Pyrrha that time or echoed the advice that team RWBY gave you to improve"

Jaune just stare at Ren until he did a long sigh "Okay, I will stop being scared and face them" Jaune said as he stands up with confidence and determination in his eyes.

"Good, now I can go do my errands" Ren casually walk away as Jaune said.

"See ya around Ren!" Ren just wave a hand as he was walking.

Jaune just watch Ren walk as he put a hand to his cheek on where Ren slap him, it's a good thing that his aura have been unlocked to heal injuries.

"I wonder what will I do?" he question himself because he doesn't know how to approach Yang.

He knows he's being loved by 6 six girls, that's for sure and he knows a lot about love because of his seven sisters.

He just don't know how to approach Yang when she is in that state, he doesn't want him to be an idiot and just casually walk to Yang.

He needs a plan, a foolproof plan.

"There you are," came from behind, but Jaune doesn't need to know who that is.

The plan was him running to the airship while screaming like a girl. What a perfect plan.

'Run and live now that is an idea I can get behind' Jaune thought as he started running to the airship, but suddenly stop as there is none.

He forgot that Beacon was still having class so there is no airship while there was classes or that the airship had already left.

Jaune's second idea was going to the cliffs, he looks behind him and saw Yang running toward him at a rather fast pace.

Jaune put's some aura in his feet to go a little faster, he saw the launch pad so he runs toward them.

He jumps on the launch pad as there was a click sound.

The launch pad shot Jaune straight to the sky heading for Emerald forest, it's a good thing he is a little more skilled now.

He draws his sword and shield out, he brings forward his shield to punch through the trees as he saw a tree trunk, so he stabs the tree trunk, it slows him a little and puts some aura into his legs to brace the impact.

Jaune landed in a crouch position as his sword and shield were at his side.

'Nail it' he thought as he started running to complete no where.


Yang just saw Jaune have been shot to Emerald Forest, she grin as she steps on a launch pad and got shot as well.

Yang's landing strategy was something a little different as she is heading face first on the ground.



Jaune was still running in Emerald Forest, he just heard an explosion not far away, he's guess is that was Yang.

"I need to hide first then think of a plan to stop Yang" Jaune looks around to find a perfect spot to hide than think of a plan.

Jaune goes to a tree and started claiming it to not get killed while he was hiding and thinking of a plan.

'Think Jaune think, what is a better way to calm Yang down' silence went on as Jaune was thinking of a way to calm Yang down.

There are so many ways to calm Yang down, first is knock her out with a powerful blow that she doesn't know it's coming, or second is getting some ice and throw it at her, or third is to shake Yang really hard so that she will get confused, or lastly is a passionate kiss.

Jaune shiver at the thought, but it feels like it's the best option seeing how the first, second, and third has its flaws or errors.

Jaune was having second thoughts about kissing Yang and plus it's his first kiss soooooo….

"Ah, screw it, calming Yang down is more important than me having my first kiss" Jaune said as he notices a beowolf was strolling around.

He looks to his surrounding if that beowolf was alone and it looks like it is.

Jaune silently unsheathe his sword and waited for the beowolf to get closer to his tree.

The beowolf was sniffing around, for sure it tracked a scent, but there was no enemy that until something stab it's head.

It was Jaune's sword, when the beowolf was getting closer, he jumps and aims his sword at the head.

"Now that's down I…need…" Jaune trail off as the beowolf he just killed got friends and he was pretty sure that there was no Grimm around, just a lone wolf, but the rest of the pack come out of the bushes surrounding Jaune.

Jaune unfolds his shield and prepare for them to attack, but none attack in a moment so he takes the first move.

"I always want to practice my skills on live targets," he said aloud as he slashes forward.


Yang was casually walking on a path that could lead to Jaune, how does she know for sure that she is taking a path to Jaune? Well, let's just say that she can smell him and to be honest, Yang was a bit amuses that Jaune was smelling like a girl, it must be some kind of perfume that he uses.

Yang shakes the thought as she goes on the path she is taking until a sentence echo in her mind.

'Don't hesitate to destroy everything in your path or you will die' Yang just laugh a little as she smirks and then deploys her babies, then she starting running until an Ursa was blocking her way, nonetheless she still keep going.

The Ursa notice Yang so it will try and slice her, but Yang punched the Grimm already leaving a rather big hole in its chest.

Yang was amazed by her power so she experiment a little.

She punches the ground was still running which leaves the result of her going at super speed.

She keeps doing it over and over again to gain more speed, eventually she will reach Jaune in no time.


Jaune was currently killing the last beowolf.

He slumps to the ground to take a rest from fighting that many Grimm and he can't believe that he survived and he can't help to feel proud of himself of his work .

Jaune stands up and dust himself of, well, let's just say that he dust himself off as he was totally covered in Grimm blood.

Until he heard a bang and he already knows who that is.

So he goes back to the tree that he claims earlier and wait for Yang.

Yang was stilling running using her weapons, Ember Ceilca, to speed her up a bit until she halts to a group of dead beowolf.

The corpses of the beowolfs were starting to burn, leaving not a single skin behind.

She inspects them feeling that this has been just a minute ago until she started sniffing.

She grins and leaves the corpses to burn.

Jaune sigh in relief that Yang didn't know that he was up on a tree. Jaune was about to jump off the tree, but he felt pain for some reason, it's very odd to feel pain in a time like this, but he soon found out why he felt pain.

He felt pain because he was punched from behind going to a few bushes that break his fall, he saw red eyes to where the punch came from and revealed Yang with that smirk that she have.

"You must have thought that I left right? But sadly I found your scent to where you are hiding and nice perfume Jaune" Yang says as she jumps off the tree to land in front of Jaune.

Jaune was still broken from that punch, that powerful punch, he was able to heal some of his injuries, but has no power to move.

"Don't worry Jaune, soon it will all be over" Yang walks slowly to Jaune as he started crawling.

She grabs Jaune and throw him to a tree, why? Well, she wanted to let Jaune be more broken and not have the power to stand up that's why.

Jaune's vision began to fade as laughing was the last thing he heard.

"We are going to have so much fun~" Yang said as she grabs Jaune and carry him on her shoulder.


Jaune started to wake up as the sky was starting to turn orange, it must be afternoon he thought.

His injuries were quickly healed for some reason and he has the power to stand up now.

But he soon found out that he was tied… again. On a broken tree trunk that was laying on the ground, his hands and legs were tied to the ground leaving him open defenselessly.

Speaking of open, he soon found out that he was just wearing boxers, this got Jaune terrified, he hopes that Yang didn't throw his gear away, he eventually found his gear sitting on the ground far away from him, he deadpan.

He knew that Yang sadistic, but not sadistic of him being naked and tied up where his clothes and weapon was inches away from him.

And speaking of Yang, he found himself alone.

"I hope your ready for some fun lover boy" spoke too soon, he turns to his right and found Yang with only her wearing….her panty and bra?!.

This shot Jaune a nosebleed, two people naked in an infested Grimm forest where that one person was tied up and being raped by a woman.

Jaune only thought was.