Chapter 6



Jaune who was knocked out by Nora's war hammer is starting to wake up from the noise he keeps hearing. He begins to have a clear vision of his surroundings, it seems that he was not tied up on a trunk now when that was the last thing that he has ever remembered.

Jaune looks up and saw what appears to be a destroyed battlefield that has fire, destroyed trees and dug up the grounds.

"What the hell happen here?" he question as he looks around to find his clothes and gear because he also remembered that he is naked right now when Yang gave him an awesome hand job or a blow job that time. (Almost)

Jaune shook the thought away and continues on finding his clothes and weapons.

He found his clothes and weapon where it has been just a few yards away from the battlefield. He quickly put his clothes on and put's his weapon on his side.

He was about to leave until he heard the same noise again. He turns in the direction where the noise was coming from and saw light from it. Curiosity got the better of him yet again, so he checks it out.

Jaune walks towards it and hides to a few trees or bushes so that he will not be seen by whoever is making those lights and noises.

He silently crawls to the scene and saw two gorgeous women who were fighting with heavily arm weapons that one of them cannot be defeated.

And those two gorgeous women are Nora and Yang. Nora looks perfectly fine, but has a few bruises here and there on her body and Yang is fighting somehow with her clothes on, the last time he remembered is that Yang was sent to a few trees as she was about to insert Jaune's dick into her pussy while being naked. Jaune shiver of the image and somehow feels pleasure from it, weird.

Back in the fight, he saw Yang and Nora fights with such power that he might die from it.


"So what are you doing here Nora? If you are finding Ren than he is back at beacon in your dorm probably sleeping" Yang said as she shot a few bullets to Nora.

"Oh, I am not trying to find Renny. I was just trying to find our fearless leader of where he has been…" Nora pause in her mid sentence"…I mean, My fearless leader that is" she smile and turn her weapon to grenade launcher mode to shoot at Yang rapidly to knock her out to sleep.

Yang runs so that she can dodge the bullets, Nora's weapon is a monster, the hit from the Warhammer is bad enough, but getting hit by grenades is much worse than getting hit by just a simply swing from the war hammer.

Yang keeps dodging while trying to return fire from her enemy which is powerful as she is and can do a lot of damage too.

"Jaune is mine! You already have Ren so why not make him your boyfriend or king or whatever you want to call him" Yang jumps out of the way to not get hit by three grenades.

"Renny is just a friend! A best friend!, but Jauney, Oh, it's a whole new different story" she still has her smile on her face as she turns her weapon into hammer mode and runs to Yang to try and hit her.

Yang happily obliges and runs to Nora to melee fight her as well.

In each hit one of them is not being thrown off, they have hit each other 4 times now and they are not even being launched to a few trees by each hit. This confirms that they are pure monsters to never stop until they get Jaune.

And speaking of Jaune, he was still hiding in a bush to think of how to stop them from fighting each other to the death, he was thinking of intervening, but that will cost him a few broken bones and some scratches which is only on him, but too bad that luck is not by his side anymore because of what happens next leaving Jaune to think why he was such an idiot.


Jaune mentally slap his face for being an idiot, that sound was his scroll ringing and that sound of ringing got the two women to stop fighting.

Jaune slowly look up of how was the fighting going, but got him really surprise as Nora and Yang were staring at him with a scary face that their eyes glow with excitement.

Did I forget to mention that Nora and Yang were just a few inches from Jaune was, because they are like 2 meters away from him which means that they are very ultra close to him as both of them were staring evilly at him.

Jaune gulp and slowly stands up "Hey guys, how is the fight going?" he nervously asked as if he was like asking a normal question.

Nora and Yang didn't respond, but instead of a response, Nora said "Whoever catches Jauney first wins and gets to do whatever they want to him, are you on?" She said with a sinister smile and turn to Yang if she agreed.

"Oh, totally" they both turn back to Jaune who was missing, leaving an outline of him behind.

They just laugh at both of them run into the direction of where Jaune was with such speeds that the ground practically exploded as they shot forward.

Little did they all know that a shadow was following them and it's target was Jaune.


Jaune was running for his life because two of the dangerous people that he know was hunting him down.

Instead of running straight forward to where ever he was running to, he turns left and right and left again to try and lose them, but fate is not done with Jaune as it could not possible get any worse than him running.

Ah, but it suddenly did, Jaune trip over a root that came to a tree and smack face first into a rock. Now that is not so bad, people make mistakes of running from far worse than death, until he feels an odd presence behind him, he immediately thought of Nora and Yang, but was surprised to see a black ribbon tangled both his hands and pulls him into the darkness with a manly and somewhat girl cry as he was being pulled to darkness leaving without a trace behind.

Nora just arrived at the same spot where Jaune vanished and notice a scroll on the ground, it was Jaune's, she immediately smiled and goes in the direction on where he was, but little did she know that Jaune was there a moment ago and being pulled into darkness that not Yang or Nora can ever trace. Meaning Jaune was gone from their grasp…. for now.