Chapter 7

"Oh Jaune~ Oh Jaune~…wake up my dear knight" at the last line, Jaune woke up and soon found himself on a top of a tree.

"Huh? That voice…" Jaune looks around some more to know where he is, well he is on top of the tree and can see the ground very visible, but soon he remembered that he was being pulled into darkness by a black ribbon or rope or something and what was weird is that is perfectly fine "… I got a bad feeling about this" Jaune said as he jumps down the tree.

It wasn't that far, only like 9 or 10 feet, maybe, he doesn't know, all he knows is that he has a feeling that Yang and Nora was still looking for him so he needed to run, NOW!.

Jaune was about to leave when suddenly he feels something tangle on his ankle and it was a red hand that has blue sharp claws.

Jaune quickly grabs his sword, but he doesn't have it. He grunts as he was trying to get loose from the red hand, but found it hard to. Jaune was a little weird out of the hand or a little freak out of it completely.

He looks at the red hand on where it was connected to, it was connected to the tree. He was trying to bust out of the red hand's grip, but he suddenly fell to the ground.

"Oh, don't worry my knight, this will all be over soon, very soon" Jaune heard the voice again until a dozen hands came out of the tree, all of them are the same color with blue sharp claws.

Jaune scream for his life while trying to crawl away from the things, but soon found himself being dragged back to the tree as each hand grab every part of Jaune, hands, legs, arms, head everything, until he was being straight up flat at the tree, like it was trying to tie him up on the tree, but in a weird way.

"Hahaha, you look so adorable and that scream though, it was so cute" the voice seems to be mocking Jaune.

"Let me go who ever you are, let me go or better yet, what are you?!" Jaune scream to whoever was speaking to him until he saw two red lights slowly becoming visible in his vision.

"Hahahah, I am hurt Jaune, I am certainly a person not a monster…. I am your future wife" the voice laughs as it finishes his or her sentence that he or she was saying to him as Jaune was seeing a figure coming towards him with red eyes.

"Don't be afraid Jaune it's only me…" the mystery figure came into full view, but what Jaune saw was nothing more than a monster or better yet-

"-Ruby?" Jaune's jaw drop with fear. The mystery figure was actually Ruby and see look very intimidating because her hood was covering up her upper half head with a shadow and her weapon was at her shoulder with blood covering around it, trying to give it a more scary look, and lastly her eyes glow very bright that looks like she is staring into your soul, but instead of sliver eyes, they were dark crimson red, pure blood color, while her clothes were a little cover with blood.

She looks like the Grimm Reaper with her scythe deployed and her hood up hiding her face that her eyes glow pure blooded red.

She terrified Jaune to no end. "Oh don't be terrified Jaune, it's only just me" she giggle as she finishes her sentence. Jaune struggle for his life as Ruby just simply watch Jaune struggle with feared.

"I think it's time to end this little event of ours…" she said as she slams her scythe to the ground.

"Huh?" Jaune question, what did she mean by ending our little event here.

Until she began to cry out with blood running through her eyes, those are tears of joy.

"I am so happy that you are here Jaune, so I will make this quick…" this got Jaune confuse, what did she mean by that "… Goodbye Jaune"


Jaune just cough off the blood, he looks at his chest and found a very long blade sticking out of it, he got stabbed from behind by Ruby's scythe, he coughs some more blood and was trying to say some words.

"Wh…y….why…Ru…by?" he question as his vision slowly fades.

"Because I love you," she said in a cute almost sadden tone.

Jaune slowly look up to look at Ruby, but got shocked as Ruby was now near him and gave him a kiss, lips to lips, even though the blood was slowly oozing out of Jaune's mouth as she was still kissing him with the blood on the way.

Ruby was invading Jaune's mouth with her tongue as she holds Jaune's head to move it a little to the side until she separates her mouth to Jaune's leaving a blood trail as she separates her mouth.

Jaune's eyes slowly began to change to a soulless eyes as Ruby licks her lips because of some of the blood that got in her mouth, she licks it with glee.

"Hmm… that was delicious~" Ruby then grabs her scythe and turn it to gun mode "see ya on the other side, Jaune" she said with a smirk and then points her weapon to Jaune's head, thus ending his life.


"RAAAAHHHHH!" Jaune woke out of the blue as he quickly stands up and draw his sword out.

He quickly scans the area that he was in and soon found out that he was in a cave.

Jaune sigh as he drops down to the ground to get some rest, he slowly walks or crawl out of the cave at the entrance and just look at the night sky that shows the beautiful stars above.

"It has been just a dream…" he trailed off as he continues staring at the stars trying to think over some things.

"I wonder how I got here…" he trailed off again, adding it with a sigh.

"I wonder if I will love them back in the future, I wonder" Jaune got interrupted in his train of thought as he was being pulled back into the cave.

'Oh yeah, forgot, someone kidnaps me' Jaune thought as he deadpan with such bad luck.

He was being pulled by his ankle and was trying to crawl out of the cave, but find it hard to, until he was slammed to the wall knocking him tired and unable to move.

He then saw a figure who was holding the other end of the black ribbon that cannot be seen in the dark, he can only see cat like eyes that are yellow that is looking at him with hunger.

"Um, hello, who are you?" he asked as the figure went up to him, until the figure was on top of him. Jaune was about to move the figure away, but he soon found his hands tied up together.

The figure was still not saying any word and was completely on him. He figures it out that the person on him is a she, but who can it be?

Luck answered his question because there was a hole in the cave that shows the bright moonlight, the light was slowly going toward him so that he can see who this person on him and completely licking him from his chest to the bottom until the moonlight was on them now and can see who was the person licking him.

It was Blake, Jaune's mind just went shut down for a moment, trying to process what is going on. Blake, the silent book loving girl was on him and has feelings for him? Wow, that's a shocker.

Anyway, Jaune will try to talk to her about stop licking him and why the hell she is naked, but not him and try to reason her out.

"Um, Blake, can you get off of me" Jaune said as Blake just simply said-


Jaune just roll his eyes out with a sigh, "can you at least stop licking me and why the hell are you naked?!" he shouted the last part at her, but she didn't flinch.

She just tilted her head and a light bulb just pops out of her head.

Then she begins to unbutton Jaune's pants and Jaune who was blushing everyday with every girl he had been through blush at Blake for unbuttoning his pants and doing the same thing that happen to him with Yang, a blow job… again.

Jaune struggle until he set his eyes upon Blake's uncover cat ears.

"Blake, you're a faunus?"(Of course she is captain obvious) Blake was hoping that he ignores the ears and thought that he can't see them because is too dark inside the cave even though there was light upon them.

"Yes, I was hoping you didn't see them, I thought you might have hated me if you see them so that's why I brought you to this cave that is dark so you will not see them" Blake slowly back away from Jaune since he knows her secret now.

"Blake.." Jaune began with a sigh"… I do not hate you, actually I respect every person that I meet, even the faunus and the white fang, good or bad, I still respect all of the people that are good " he finish as he sit up straight using the wall as a support to sit up straight.

"You don't discriminate faunus?" she asked, starting to feel relief.

"Yes, I don't discriminate them because they are normal people like us and I treat them as if they were normal, good people, that's why I came to this Academy because I want to stop that discrimination and set peace to this world" that last part may be a lie, but it's actually the truth because that is his dream even though he forge his transcripts (and I can't believe that they are having a moment to understand each other I think).

Blake just stares at the young man, a foolish dream, but he is worth it, so she jumps on him and begins to have sex until-


Blake got sent into a wall. Jaune look at the cave entrance that was the only way where the attack came from and cannot believe who it was.

"Get away from the buffoon Blake, he is mine!" it was Weiss, the cold ice princess.