Chapter 8

Jaune just simply stare at where Blake was sent to, the rubble simply falls onto Blake, but he can't see where she is now until he feels a presence right behind him and that presences was Weiss with cold eyes, a sultry smile and a rapier in hand.

She was staring at a scared Jaune with soulless cold eyes, it scared the crap out Jaune even more. Now to tell you the truth, Jaune doesn't have feelings for Weiss when he saw Weiss dances with Neptune, he simply let her go to a much more suitable man.

That time Jaune feels like he isn't ready to love a cold person like Weiss or to put it in a more sensible way, Weiss is not Jaune's type because Jaune is a kind hearted man as for Weiss is a spoiled, cold princess who wants nothing more than fame, but that was that time, that time,but this time it's much more different like Weiss suddenly gain interest in Jaune for a weird reason and that's what Jaune's been questioning, Weiss hate him right? And why is she fighting Blake to get him, it doesn't make any sense!

But still, he let go of Weiss, but Weiss than coming running back to him. He doesn't hate their doings, it's their decision so he respects their choices for better or worst, it's just getting a little annoying though.

Anyway, back to reality, Weiss is slowly getting on top of Jaune and slowly, leaning on him to kiss him, but he resists and was trying to get free.

"Why are you resisting me to kiss you? You dunce! Let me kiss you!" Weiss is commanding Jaune to let her kiss him, but Jaune resist again.

"I thought you hated me Weiss!" he shouted as he was struggling to get free.

Weiss just stays silent for 5 minutes until half of her face was shadowing her eyes with her hair as Jaune look at her of what was wrong.

"Um Weiss, are you okay?" Jaune asked as Weiss just leans on him, like using Jaune as a bed to lay down as the moon lit the whole cave for some reason.

"I don't hate you Jaune…" she began"…I…I was only acting to hate you…" as she trailed off Jaune got confused (Tsundere much?).

"Why you were acting to hate me? Don't tell me you already have feelings for me from the start?" that last part wasn't teasing, he is just curious, but Weiss fell for it like he was teasing her.

"No, I do not you dunce!" she slaps him lightly, Jaune just flinch a little, but didn't show it "My feelings for you were slowly rising, that Is what I was saying," she said as she cross her arms and say 'Hmph' as she looks in a direction as her eyes were close.

"So you love me?" he asks so bluntly like he forgot that he was in a cave that he is tied up right now.

"No, I don't you dunce!" she shouted at Jaune, but suddenly she feels sad for it "…I mean…I…do love you, Jaune" she said in a whisper voice, but Jaune totally hear it. (And Tsundere overload!)

"But, do you love me back?" Now that's a question that no man can answer where they are close to death itself.

Jaune only stare at her with serious eyes, but his answer nonetheless "Y-" but he was interrupted as Weiss just got sent outside the cave.

He looks back who had kicked her, it was Blake, Jaune forgot that Blake was also in the cave as well, listening to their conversation and what really surprise Jaune is how the hell Blake got her clothes back?

A moment ago she was naked, fully naked, and when she kicks Weiss at the side she is now in clothes.

Blake then looks down to where Jaune was tied up, well, her hands were the only ones tied up, not his feet.

As Jaune was staring into Blake's eyes, he flinches as Blake's eyes turn Into cat like eyes, like literally cat like eyes that glow with anger.

"Don't you finish that sentence Jaune" she said as she leans in close to kiss him on the lips, but that was interrupted as an ice shard just past Blake face in mid connection to Jaune's lips.

"Get out here you cat bitch!" Weiss shouted from outside the cave.

Blake smile and grabs Jaune by the shirt and drag him outside.


Blake just jumps out of the cave and throws Jaune to a tree that he got slammed on.. Again, making him tired again.

Blake walks to Weiss and stop in front of Weiss just a few meters away from her. She then deployed Gambol Shroud.

"You know, I have been meaning to fight you to the death someday since you're an Schnee" she said as both of them began to circle around each other.

"Me too, since you are part of the White Fang that time" Blake greeted her teeth, she wasn't part of that White Fang, she was a part of the good White Fang who didn't do violence.

"I am not part of that White Fang, I was a part of the good White Fang, who only protest to our rights!" Blake was getting angry, if Weiss taunts to her about the White Fang some more, hell will break loose.

"But you stilled stay until the end, but you give up the life of crime to live a normal life, hah! With that disguise people will find out" Now, Weiss didn't mean that, but since it's Jaune their fighting, they have to give it everything they got, even taunting.

"You will…" Blake was shaking in anger, can't hold that much hatred inside her, can't hold the intent to kill, but it got released anyway "…DIE!"

Hell broke loose as Blake shot forward with inhuman speed that almost matches Ruby's speed, Weiss grins as she summons a few ice shards heading her way, but to her surprise, she takes it, but that was only her clone as Weiss look sup and saw Blake about to slash down at her, Weiss brings up her weapon,Myrtenaster, to block the strike, but she uses another clone to go land quickly to try and slash from the side.

Weiss barely block the attack as she jumps to the side, but Blake was already there as well, so Weiss uses a glyph to boost over Blake to avoid getting sliced by her blade until she land on her glyph which is the clock glyph that she use it that time with the chainsaw wielder on the train. She summons glyphs around Blake and then she launch with such speed going to glyph to glyph as she hit Blake multiple times in each glyph until she uses the finale glyph to stab her on the head.


Weiss looks down and was really surprised, it was the head, but it's stone, Blake must have used her clone stone to block most of her attack or use it as a decoy, but where is she? That question got answered as Blake went into punch Weiss to the face that sent her to the grassy ground.

Blake laugh as she is perfectly fine, but as for Weiss, oh, she is not because there was blood running down her forehead to the bottom left eye down her face, she touch the blood and soon she remembered her fight with the Giant Armor, she then began to slowly stand up with anger in her eyes and bring forth her sword that suddenly turn Blue.

Blake knows what is that blue color on her rapier, it's her dust, Blake goes into her stance and knows Weiss is turning serious. Weiss slams her rapier to the ground to cause ices to go to Blake to try and trap her, but Blake is smart, so she simply side step, but Weiss was gone, until she feels a presence behind her, she goes for a swing, but suddenly her blade just slips from her grasp because Weiss' rapier color is now green, Blake was about to get her blade, but under her is a glyph that sent her up to the sky as Weiss traps her there and she jumps super high to get the momentum to slice her through.


She lands in a kneeling position and stand up to look at where Blake's corpse is and go get Jaune as her prize, but got really shocked as the corpse she cut was not soft and oozing out blood, instead it was another stone that looks like Blake, this made Weiss angry, she just uses her special move for nothing! And that's the point where she let her guard down.

Until there was a black ribbon tangle around her neck and she got pulled with so much force and Blake suddenly appear where she is being pulled and head butted her completely knocking her out.

"That's done," she was about to leave and take her prize, but something came into her mind.

She grabs her black ribbon and stretches it and goes to Weiss.

"Oh, this going to be hilarious"


Weiss woke up very slowly and was about to get up, but she soon found out that she was tied up in a…weird way and plus she is naked.

"Having fun there Weiss?" Blake asked as Weiss was tied up to a tree branch, but she is tied up in a very sexual.

There Weiss was, tied up to a tree branch, the way she is tied up is her hands tied together from behind, legs tied together to her knees and her whole body were tied from every, around her breasts, neck, arm and lastly…her pussy.(For short she is tied in bondage style)

She was getting a hard way of how to get free, but every move of her head, the black ribbon that is on or around her pussy is getting tighter by the way her head moves.

Weiss' face looks like she is about to explode with pleasure and did I forget to mention that her mouth is covered with a ball gag.

"Hahaha, hope you like it Weiss because I been meaning to do that to you when you were very harsh that time with Ruby…" Blake smirk as Weiss said muffle sounds.

"Oh, what's that, you want more pleasure, sure thing" Blake brings out a small pink tiny box that is thin as well, there was small words, saying "MAX & LOW" must be the level of that thing vibrates.

As she put the switch to half of the circle something begin to vibrate into Weiss' pussy and to her surprise, Blake actually put a small vibrator in her pussy.

Weiss began to scream In pleasure and glee, but Blake heard it.

"What's that again? Oh, you want another one? Sure thing," Blake brings out another one and put it to maximum, actually, she put it both to maximum and Weiss forgot that her ass were also got something stick in it and it was vibrator as well, dildo vibrator.

Now Blake was just giving Weiss some great torture, but in Weiss case, this is horrible for her.

"Now if you can excuse me, I need to get my Jaune" Weiss scream for 'Don't leave me here like this!" and another scream saying 'When I get out of this, I will put you in a world of great torture Blake!'.

Anyways, Blake continually laughs as she goes to where Jaune was, but something hit her, where the hell is he?.

This got Blake really mad, but who can be mad at the guy you're going to have sex with, she grabs Gambol Shroud and head off to the woods to find her husband and it's a good thing that she can smell his scent since she is a faunus.

But little did Blake know that the hunt will soon come to an end.


Jaune was running yet again, it's a good thing that their fight was long for him to rest and escape, of course he didn't leave without his sword and cutting the bounds on his hands as well. For once Jaune questioning his luck, he got bad luck for getting kidnapped or almost getting naked or almost going to have sex with them, but sometimes he always escaped in a short notice, maybe his good luck has come back since his escape from death like three times now I think.

Oh, he spoke too soon, he continues to run until he falls to a cliff that he didn't see and soon he found himself going down a cliff and land on the soft grass.

It's a good thing that his aura is active like the whole time he face death, he has a pretty big aura pool so since he active it for a long time now when escape from Pyrrha, I think his aura is half way to being depleted or rather he have a couple of rest during that time he face death.

You know, Jaune has been dreaming of becoming a hero from the start since he was a kid and it looks like that dream will finale come true in the near future, but he didn't know that nightmares also came true, like the nightmare he have when he was sleeping in the cave, the nightmare about Ruby.

Jaune continue to run until he trip on something yet again. "Oww…damn, that's the second time I trip myself on something, but what is exactly I trip on this time"

He looks at where he got tripped, but it really shocks him as to what it was or who it was. It was Ruby's weapon that trip Jaune, there she was holding her scythe in the same manner in the dream, but she doesn't have blood cover her and her eyes didn't glow red, instead, it glows sliver this time.

"Hello Jaune, finale we can have this wonderful time together," she giggled as she walks to Jaune, he simply froze from the spot, the nightmare that he has about Ruby come true.

Monty bless his soul