Chapter 10

Blake and Ruby where having a stare off, since Blake found out that Ruby have kissed Jaune first, that made Blake really angry. They both are in a fighting stance as they both stare at each other, while waiting for some kind of signal.

~BLOOP~ That was the sound of water dripping on a puddle echoing through the ears of our fighters making them both make the first move.

The ground exploded as they both charge at each other, their weapons hitting each other with each swing, they are fighting melee for this as each block made the sound of clink as each swing made the sound of clank, but Ruby's weapon has the advantage of defeating Blake since her weapon is a giant ass scythe that is also a gun, it was hard to block since the tip of the blade was almost hitting Blake's face every block she made, so she use a clone to take a hit from the large weapon and go in for the kill, but Blake is forgetting that Ruby's weapon is also a gun so Ruby pulled the trigger as she back away from Blake's slash.

Blake turn her weapon into gun mode and trying to shoot Ruby dead, but she also forgot that Ruby's semblance is speed so Ruby just simply dodge each bullet as moves with her scythe in hand. Blake feels like that she is almost out of bullets, so she uses her weapon to throw it on a tree branch and climb the tree up there and using her stealth to hide from Ruby and attack her when she doesn't see it coming.

Ruby was in a stance with her scythe in hand, trying to be cautious when Blake decides to stick with stealth to kill her. Ruby being the smart huntress in training she is, uses her senses to help her to be cautious some more, like her hearing and her reaction time, actually her reaction time is overly outrageous because of her speed and since she is using her hearing, her hearing and reaction time is a great advantage to defeat Blake.

She turns her weapon into gun mode since Blake is up in the trees hiding, she slowly steps forward and waits for something to happen….rustling… that came from the right, so she shot it up from the right up the tree branch… nothing fall… so she waits again…. rustling… that came from the left, this time, so she shot it and waits for something to fall.


She goes to where Blake's body fall and look at it if it was really Blake, but to her surprise it's-

"Birdie No!" she exclaimed on the dead bird's body as she fell to her knees to check it's wounds, but that bird took a .50 caliber bullet so it's technically dead.

As she hugs the bird she whispered something "Curse you…. you author"

Meanwhile, as we ignore that whole 'she blaming me that I wrote that', she heard a slap in the air, that was probably Blake facepalm herself and slowly realizing that she blow her cover, so she tried to escape, but a bullet went through her ankle, it wasn't that much of an injuring, with her aura she can heal that wound in no time, but that was enough to make her lose her balance, ending up not landing on a branch , but she caught it with her hands and bring herself up high in the tree, but since Ruby knows where she is, Ruby comes running toward the tree where Blake is and ended up cutting the tree in half with her scythe being deployed.

Blake just jumps to another tree, but Ruby has already sliced it, so she jumps to another tree, but Ruby has already sliced it. Again and again, everywhere she jumps to, it's already been cut so she lands on the soft grass and goes into a fighting stance again as she waits for Ruby, but she is injured as her ankle was still being healed.

She saw Ruby coming in full speed at her as Ruby goes into a mighty swing at her side plus added the force she uses with the speed, throwing Blake to a tree, but Blake uses the 'she was being shot to a tree' to her advantage as she shot her weapon to said tree and pulls it to go around it and going back straight to Ruby with a mighty kick, was about to block it, but it hit her stomach and thought she was going to get hit by the face, thus ending up shooting Ruby into a couple of trees or ended up breaking three trees, but to her surprises she landed on a tree trunk while being thrown with the force of the land almost breaking the things around her and she jumps to go back to Blake and do another mighty swing to her other side.

In slowmotion, Blake saw what Ruby is heading for so she goes to block her left side to avoid being slice in half by a huge ass scythe, the scythe was going to the left, but Blake's weapon was already blocking the left side, but it soon surprises her as Ruby's weapon did went on the left side, but suddenly back up and went to the different side which is her right side, Ruby counterclockwise her scythe to think of Blake hitting left, but actually hitting her on the right side that totally got her off guard, thus sending her to a couple of trees with enough force to break through each tree she lands on.

Ruby lands and looks at the many destroyed trees, that force must have been too powerful plus added to the each shot she done with that simple counterclockwise spin move. Ruby sighs and turns her weapon into gun mode and grabs a fire dust vile that is the same size of a crystal, she throws it very far from where Blake went and shot it, creating an explosion plus fire. She didn't care if she got Blake with the explosion she made, if Blake was unable to move than she will have to put an end to her with her body slowly burning in all of that wood that she got sent.

Now it's time for Ruby to find Jaune…again.

Ruby sighs as she runs in a direction that she thinks that where Jaune was, luckily she was right, but little did she know and all of the girls that Jaune will soon take charge and stop all of this madness that is happening right now.


Jaune was walking in an open field that is very large like the one initiation that time, well his goal is to go back to Beacon and have a nice sleep time with his bed, but it's taking its time because he is taking his time, him running is pointless now and trust me, he is still afraid even though he is walking in a calm matter, still afraid of his friend after that wonderful kiss from Ruby.

Jaune soon realizes that he is in the center of the field and for some odd reason, he could feel something coming….or someone.


Jaune looks at his left where a few trees were falling down, creating a loud noise.

" Found you!" that was Yang, who had a look of excitement in her eyes.


"HAHA, Found you Jaune-Jaune" now that was Nora, who has the same look as Yang, but there are more visitors to come.


"Found you" and this time, that was Pyrrha who somehow track Jaune in no time and when did she even came into Emerald forest.


"I finally found you idiot" now that was Weiss, who is somehow in clothes and somehow got out of the bindings.


"Found you as well" Blake said as she is perfectly fine for some reason and did she battle Ruby right?

Jaune look at his front if there was any escape, but to his shock Ruby was there with the same intimidating look that she give him.

"F-O-U-N-D Y-O-U" she slowly said with a scary voice and soon everyone was quiet in time as they took into account that they are not alone.



"Whoever touches Jaune first wins and gets to do whatever they want to him!" Nora shouted as Jaune was fucked up because he has no escape or a plan to stop what will happen to him.

Time slowed as all of them were running to him with a lot of speed that almost matches Ruby's. As they feel they are close to touching him, they bring their weapons forward to help them reach him some more, in another perspective, it was like they were trying to hit him as they run close to him.


They all stare in shock as their weapons was piercing through Jaune, well what would they expect, that he was going to be fine after getting stabbed in multiple ways more than one.

That being said, Pyrrha's spear was stabbing him on the side of the arm, actually through the arm, as for Nora's weapon, well, it cracks a few ribs in Jaune, as for Blake, it was stabbed behind Jaune's back, as for Weiss, her weapon was stabbed in a vertical side, like through the arm going down to his kidney, wonder how does that work. Yang's weapon was not a blade, it was her fist that connects to Jaune's body that broke more of its bones inside his body and lastly Ruby's weapon was stabbing him in the chest going down to Jaune's stomach.

Jaune's head bows a little letting his hair cover his upper face, all of the girls were panicking, but didn't show it, they were merely panicking inside their heads and thinking that they will not have a few children because Jaune's is dead in second because he was stabbed by 6 different weapons.

They were about to separate their weapons, but Jaune said something that made them stop for a moment.

"…enough…" he muttered, the girls clearly didn't quite hear it and was about asked him what he said, but he shouted.

"ENOUGH!" they were all shocked, Jaune's face was showing pure anger and his eyes were pure white.

All of them jump back including separating their weapons, leaving Jaune's body, bloody.

They all just stare at Jaune who was kneeling down, how can he survive after being stabbed in more ways than one, they shook the thought away and focus back on Jaune who was burning with white fire for some reason until all of them were speechless at what happens next.

All of the wounds that Jaune have, are closing up in a rather fast rate, leaving Jaune's body fully healed and soon, the white fire suddenly disperses. What even shock them more was Jaune's cloths and armor on the upper part of his body are repaired and Jaune's eyes were close during his healing.

All of them were so happy because Jaune somehow survive that attack, they were also about to jump on Jaune as he was standing up, but all of them stop as Jaune shouted again and open his eyes that still showed that it was still white.

"Everyone sit down, NOW!" he commanded, and shouted, all of them somehow flinch by him shouting with that much anger, but nonetheless, all of them seated as Jaune just rub his nose on the bridge with frustration plus added with a sigh.

"Now everyone, I know you all love me, but please put it in a more normal approach…" he began as everyone just listen "… like saying that I have feelings for you, not me being kidnapped or tied up naked and getting torture with pleasure and about to have sex with some of you" he said as he look at Pyrrha, Yang, and Blake who flinch at his stern glare.

"You all are rushing to have a intercourse with me and I know i have been dense for that long and didn't notice all of your affections, but since I now know you all love me and want to have madly had sex with me, please be patient for a moment and wait until we all graduated okay" all of them look to each other if they wanted to just go along with it.

"But Jaune, we all want to be your girlfriend now a-" Jaune interrupted Yang's sentence.

"Look, how about this. Instead of tying me up and having sex with me while being tied up, how about I choose who will be my girlfriend" they all agree since all of them were forcing him to love them.

"But i need time to think this through, you can't force someone to love a person and force them to give an answer, I need time to decide" they were all about to pretest for some reason until they all heard noise came from above.

*It seems that you all are done fighting* they look up and found a bullhead landing slowly on the soft grass right in front of them.

The doors open that soon made them all scared. Standing at the door of the bullhead is none other then the headmaster himself, Professor Ozpin and at his side is his assistant, Professor Glynda Goodwitch who is angry for some reason.

"Now, since all of you are done fighting, please come inside the bullhead so that we all can go back to beacon and have a nice relaxing sleep and have a little talk tomorrow about… your behavior " Ozpin said as he sipped from his mug as everyone step in the airship and go back to beacon where they will have very long talk about their fighting with Ozpin and Glynda