Chapter 11

Silence. That is what filled the room where team JNPR and RWBY are in, they are currently in one of the lecture halls that was used for studying a lesson with two people that had complete control over them and those two people are Headmaster Ozpin and beside him is Professor Glynda Goodwitch.

Ozpin was giving a rather serious pose as people call it the "Gendo Ikari pose" of how the surrounding is giving off a scary look of how he does it, while Glynda was a bit angry, wait scratch that, she is super angry right now.

The two professors in the room were so pissed at the girls' actions on Jaune, they completely destroyed Emerald Forest well a part of it at least to just get to Jaune and have sex, that must have broken the rules to probably expel them, but he doesn't want to do that, but Glynda would probably do, but he doesn't and just want them to explain it to him in a more understandable way.

But, the silence is going too long, so he is the one who broke it. "First things first, you do understand that Emerald Forest is where we sent trainees to form a partner and a team, correct?" he asked to the silence teams who are afraid to answer, but they nodded nonetheless.

"And you probably understand that we still have cameras hidden in every part of the forest, correct?" that shock the girls and Jaune, Ozpin know the whole time, like he know from the start, wait, does that mean he knows how this began? Like it began with Pyrrha and after that Yang and after that Nora and so on and so on.

They nodded out of embarrassment, Ren doesn't even understand why was he here anyways because he didn't join a part of it.

"And yes, I also know where it began and might I add that I never expected you Ms. Nikos to be a rather… vulgar person, I had expected better from you" Pyrrha blush while Jaune blush as well.

"Now, which leaves me to question why all of you, except for Mr. Lie, have "attacked" Jaune, tie him up and had a intercourse with him in Emerald forest" He asked the most obvious question to them that the answer is obviously-

"….Love…" Ruby answered as Glynda just rub her forehead out of annoyance as Ozpin just sighed.

"Is that the answer you're going to present me? Because I need full details so I can understand the whole situation that you students are in." Ruby just looked nervous thinking that Ozpin doesn't buy the whole we love him answer.

"..Actually… that IS the answer, the reason why we are having a intercourse with him is because we all love him (Except for Ren because he is a boy)" that last part came out in a whisper, but everyone heard it.

Ozpin just look at the rest of them if that is actually the truth "do you girls agree with this?" every girl nods as Ozpin just takes a sip from his mug out of frustration.

"Okay, if that is the answer. …" he called as Glynda turn to him "… what is the best punishment that you can think of that you can give to these two teams?" he asks because he has none right now and his best bet is just to suspend them for a whole week or maybe two weeks so that Glynda can be satisfied and stop looking like a ticking time bomb.

She sighed before speaking "Well, If I was in your position headmaster I would just expel them all…" the two team tense up "…But they are our top teams in the first years and it will be sad to see such talents and effort gone to waste"

Ozpin smile, seeing that there is still hope for these students because he didn't want to expel them because there is something to them that he sees and that is…heroes.

"Alright, I think that is an optional punishment. Now-" he was interrupted by Pyrrha who raise her hand.

"Um…Sir, can I ask a question?" she asked as Ozpin nods for her to say her question.

"When we all stab Jaune in different ways more than one and I am sorry about that…" she pause as Jaune just way it off and the rest of the girls just bow their heads in shame and guilt "… how he survive that "attack"? I know his aura did it, but I have never seen that kind of aura that can heal faster" with that, Ozpin smile or grins because he was waiting for them to ask about that.

"I glad you ask , but I'll let explain that…" he trail off as Glynda spoke.

"When Prof. Ozpin ordered me to escort to the infirmary for the injuries that you girls made…" she glare at all of them that made them flinch in fear "… We scan his upper body for those injuries and surprisingly enough, all of it was healed, from inside out"

The two teams were kind of amazed by that, even Jaune because he didn't know that. "How?" Weiss said as she was so intrigued in Jaune's abilities, but she did not have a concern for Jaune, himself mind you. (Wow, a Yandere and a Tsundere, all in one (and you know that this is just a joke right?))

"It seems his semblance have finally been unlocked…" she trailed off as Jaune celebrated in silence"…Only a part of it that is" she added that made Jaune confuse.

"What do mean by that professor?" Ren asks as Ozpin is the next one to speak.

"It means Jaune's semblance have not been unlock in his early age, sometimes when you children train, you unlock your semblance pretty early and got more time to practice before you go to school. Now in Jaune's case, he hadn't unlocked it for a very long time. Aura is the manifestation of one's soul, you are born with it in the beginning of your life and never know once you have one until you learn from your parent's and tutors" he pause as he stand up and goes to the blackboard as a screen came out while Glynda walks to the other side of the screen.

"Jaune's Aura has been unlock with someone's help…" the screen show Pyrrha unlocking Jaune's aura"... that was a very good thing you did , anyways, observe how Jaune glow, now that means Jaune has a lot of aura reserves, but when we scan his aura, his reserves where very high, much higher than any other aura user or healer or a mage to even obtain, Now we move on to how Mr. Arc defended Mr. Winchester from the Ursa major…" the screen than shows the battle of where Jaune kills his first Grimm "…See how injured is…" the video shows Jaune has a bloodly face with a few bloodly injuries "…and after that fight see how he is now…" the video than shows Jaune helping Winchester up with no injuries.

That made all of them amazed of Jaune's aura even more, but the question still remain, what do they mean by a part of it "Now we move to Jaune's Semblance…" All of them were still silent and very, very intrigued on Jaune's semblance "…Weridly enough, Jaune's semblance is divided in to… 5 columns which is very impossible to have in your teen age years " he said as he look at Jaune who just looked nervous " the first column was unlock during that attack you girls made…" some of them were to busy looking nervous because all of them were shock that Jaune has five parts of his semblance and one of those five were unlock except for the other 4 which leaves mysteries "…Now that particular column which is unlock is protection, now that maybe werid because it's just protection and maybe thinking in your mind that it is only useful in defense stratgey, but it's not only protection in that column, that column can hold healing abilities and enhancements that will make like a giant titan that cannot feel any pain while the other columns are yet to be discovered" Ozpin finish as the screen disappeared.

The two teams were silent, who knew Jaune can be that powerful in time, even Jaune himself is slowly taking all of the information.

"But of course, this ability has its flaws, we are yet to learn from those flaws when will show some side effect in the near future, Now are there anymore question that we need to answer for you?" Ozpin ask as all of them just stayed silent.

"I will take your silence as a no, now if you excuse us, and I have more present matters to attend to, such as dealing with a certain organization that is causing chaos in the streets of vale" he said that last part in a mutter tone, but the two teams heard very clearly.

Ozpin goes to the door and let Glynda walk out first as Ozpin just glance back at the two teams"Enjoy your suspension and I do hope you use this time to study and train some more so all of you will have the upper hand" and that he shut the door close, leaving two silent teams behind to their own thoughts.

They didn't know what to do at that point because their hunting over Jaune is done.

"I think it's time I take my leave" Weiss said as she stands up and leaves.

"I will be leaving too, I need to go to the library to read on some books to past the time" and that Blake leaves as well.

"Me too, gotta go some…where" Yang nervously said as Ruby leaves as well saying that she will be in the dorm for a while.

"I need to take my leave as well seeing that I clearly have errands to do, Nora you want in?" Ren ask Nora as she just agree in her normal way of saying her words.

That leaves Jaune and Pyrrha. They both look each other in the eyes and glance away.

"So I need to train since I know I have special powers…" he trail off as Pyrrha just smile.

"Oh, I'll help you then, I am so curious in your abilities. How about we go to the same place we usually train," she says as they still act nervous toward each other.

"Yeah, that sound nice, let's got" Jaune stands up as Pyrrha stands up as well, the two of them hurriedly walk out of the room, but Pyrrha trip making Jaune trip as well, both of them fall to the ground, face to face.

They both blush heavily and quickly stands up, "I think we should hurry before it get's dark" Jaune said as Pyrrha nodded, making them walk faster to their destination and did I forgot to mention that it was 2:00am in the afternoon.

Anyways, our heroes did their own business, enjoying their suspension. Jaune wonder if things were going to be normal again, Oh…How wrong he'll be.


Somewhere in a dark haft lit room, a figure was watching something in the scroll, and that something is Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Nikos training on the rooftop, but the figure, however, only focuses on the blonde boy, she or he was interested in him since she or he also know the boy's power, she or he thought that time he was going to be a useful asset to her or him in the near future.

"Don't worry Jaune Arc, soon, you will bow down before me, your….Queen" the voice laughs menacingly in her or his dark world.