Jaune is slowly waking up, he is feeling rather tired for some reason, it's weird because the last thing he remembered is him getting his weapon and heading out to vale to sightsee the beautiful creations around the city, but was stopped by two gorgeous women that he bumps into, he kindly apologizes and here he is now, strap and chain to a table….
….'Wait a minute,' Jaune thought as he slowly took into account that he is truly strap and chain to a table. At first he looks at his surroundings, the room he is in is dark, and the second is he panic by struggling to get free, to think he would get used to this by now, getting kidnapped and strap and ever so knew feeling that he will have sex with a girl or two girls to be precise, almost that is.
Jaune has no options, but to scream for help, but his mouth is strapped with a gag, he did not notice that and plus he is naked…again. Jaune, who is helpless just looks around in the dark room, but the room is too dark, only a light that is shining on him is present in his vision.
Jaune heard a Creeeeek sound, that means a door was open, he lifts his head up to see where is the door and the door was literally in front of him, not that far away, like mid far away seeing as the dark room to be rather huge or huge enough for a whole team to rest in.
"Oh, looks like someone is awake," said a very arousing and mocking voice, that sent the chills down Jaune's spine.
"Don't worry, my dear, we will take GOOD CARE of you from now on" the voice laugh as Jaune began to struggle for his life.
Cardin Winchester is happily walking down the halls of Beacon, going to the Mess hall to go get something to drink since he was training none stop to be prepared for the Vytal Festival. As he takes each step, he has the feeling like he was being watched by someone or a small group to be precise.
Blake, Yang, and Nora where tailing him, mostly it was Blake tailing him ever so closely as the two tankers were following right behind her. They got a lead that Cardin is the one who is spreading those rumors, but they need more evidence, so Ruby, Pyrrha and Weiss were getting more information if he is truly the one spreading those rumors.
"I can't take it anymore! Can I just go in and break his legs now?" Nora said through the intercoms that they magically have for some strange reason, it must be useful for sneaking up on someone while talking to the rest of the group that you are temporally be friends with to stop the rumors.
"I'm on Nora on this one, I really want to punch him right now for spreading those rumors" Yang crack her knuckles as the rest of her friends heard the cracking sound.
"But is it truly him spreading those rumors?" Blake shot Yang an answer that she pause for a moment to speak.
"It doesn't matter, he is a bully and we kinda of know his personality already" Yang said as she loads her gauntlets with powerful bullets that will break a wall.
"But still, we are trying to be cautious, if we just blindly attack him with just a simple thing, we might get another punishment from and you remember that we almost got expelled because of what we did" Blake cautiously follow their prey.
"Hmph, whatever, I wonder what is happening at Ruby's end" Yang wondered as the three of them continue to tail him.
Ruby is currently talking to a random student who have heard the rumor, so far, Ruby is taking the nice approach to spill the beans as Pyrrha and Weiss were on lookout for some reason, it's just a friendly chat.
"So Jeff, do you know who made those rumors or just where it came from" Ruby cut to the chase as Jeff was thinking or pondering about it.
Jeff is just a bystander, meaning he is just a person that heard things come and go, he is currently wearing the Beacon uniform with Black eyes, Black long hair, and has a little pale face as his skin.
"Yeah, I know, it was Cardin and his teams who are spreading the rumors, " he honestly answered as Ruby is angry.
"Are you sure?" she asked just in case, never too late to be cautious.
"Yeah, totally, four days ago, he just went to the mess hall and started spreading those rumors there, he even shouted the rumor in detail," he honestly answered again as he could feel the atmosphere changing quickly to dark when suddenly it turn down.
"Thank you for sharing that important information, now you may go back to whatever is your doing, bye" Ruby flashes him a smile and wave and go back to her friends.
Jeff wave off as well and started to leave as the three girls talk about what is their next plan.
"So, you found out who did it?" Weiss ask as Ruby nodded.
"Yup, finally after 2 hours of searching we got it.." Ruby trail of as she became serious"… it was team CRDL who spread those rumors" she answered.
"I knew it, tsk!" Weiss said with a scold as Pyrrha greeted her teeth.
"Why don't we pay them a visit? Hm?" Ruby says with a dark smile as she deploy-
That is the sound of her weapon being deployed suddenly bring out the tip of the blade first.
Oh prepare yourselves team CRDL because the girls will bring you pain, the true, unending pain of torture and nightmare