Headmaster Ozpin is having a rather peaceful day, it is like any other ordinary day, always checking some paper work on some certain things that needs his service, signing and stamping it as he takes another swig from his cup of coffee, but he is not just doing some paperwork. He is doing some research on Jaune's semblance, he only got a few results on one of the unlock columns, one is protection, which have healing abilities and enhancements.
Weirdly enough. In that column, it also holds regenerating ability as well, this confuses Ozpin because it is completely impossible. One of the finest scientists in Remnant tested their theory of aura regenerating , to see if aura is just enough to regenerate a missing body part, but unfortunately, it didn't work, one scientist who has complete control over aura volunteer to prove the theory.
They end up cutting a finger first, because there is no way they are going to cut their arms off or legs for that matter to prove just a theory.
That scientist started to heal the finger until he passes, healing to try and regenerate it, after long hours of focusing aura on just one spot, it didn't work. It even tired him out to near exhaustion and that they started stating that it will never happen.
Ozpin just couldn't comprehend it, he doesn't want to try it by himself by just cutting a student's arm off because he will be fired, making a bad impression, his family suing him, and lastly his mother. That last part is the most scariest because a mother's love for the boy is strong, stronger than any male that her so called husband cannot beat the woman.
Anyway, he shook his head, researching only the weaknesses. He only got a few, first is after healing the wounds he will still have the pain inside him, regardless even healing the pain. Second is him going numb for about how many times he uses that ability, for example, he uses that ability 5 times of healing so he will go numb for about 5 hours. Thirdly is his body will not respond to any of the commands of the brain give him to, like going to grab a glass of water, but instead his arm punches him on the face. Fourth is he will feel tired of using his aura to much, regardless of him having that much aura reserves, and lastly, the most scary part of Ozpin not wanting to imagine it is if he uses his aura daily, like using that ability daily, it will shorten his lifespan.
That is all Ozpin can list down for now, perhaps there might be more, but who knows, time will tell. He will not give the side effects to the boy so that he will not get much fear of using his ability since he is training hard to control it.
Ozpin goes for another swing of his mug as Glynda who is being there for the entire time I explain things is planning for the classes and the event that will come in a few weeks in her tablet.
Until they got interrupted by a ding in the elevator. They look up who is it and it is none other than General James Ironwood himself who had a frowning face.
"Hello James, what brings you to my office?" Ozpin asked, stopping on what he is doing to look at James.
"Hello Ozpin, I'm here for our plan on stopping this Queen" he said as he sits down on a chair.
Ozpin sighed "Not this again James, Qrow already told us-" Ozpin got interrupted by James who raise his voice.
"He only told us the Queen has pawns!" James shouted a little, feeling irritated by Ozpins calm face.
"Which is why we are training all of the future huntsmen and huntresses as best as we can to prepare for what we are facing…" He trail off as James is beginning to cool off"…We must not go in blindly, we must first learn what we can on our enemies"
"But-" Ozpin cut him off.
"Do you know what is the meaning of patience?" he asked to James, who just lump down on the chair.
"Yes, it mean-" Ozpin cut him off yet again.
"It means being waitful, but the deeper meaning of it is what it truly means…" he trail off as he sips his coffee"… The meaning of it is "Patience is the guardian of faith, the preserver of peace, the cherisher of love, the teacher of humility; Patience governs the flesh, strengthens the spirit, sweetens the temper, stifles anger, extinguishes envy, subdues pride; she bridles the tongue, refrains the hand, tramples upon temptations, endures persecutions. Those words were said from a hunter, so long ago that he does not exist from our world," he finishes as he stares at James' eyes.
"So tell me, what is patience for you?" he asked, again to see if he truly learns something.
James sighed as he looks at Ozpin "Patience is….peace?" he said, but it is like a question rather than a sentence.
"Not exactly, Patience is helpful in the battlefield and in our case, we must wait and take our time to learn from our enemy's misdeeds …" he trailed off yet again as he sip from his coffee" … Which is why you need to prepare every man for battle because I have a feeling it will come, soon because we already know the Queen is here so why not be cautious for a moment before she destroys our defenses like it is only paper to her." He takes another sip from his coffee again.
James sighed as he stand up and take his leave, but before he leaves, he stops at the elevator and said " I hope you know what you are doing, but ask yourself this… Do you honestly believe your children can win a war." He says with a little venom in it and enters the elevator.
Ozpin sighs "I hope they never have to" he said as he lay on his chair and close his eyes to think.
"He is always arrogant when he was in his youth and now he is still arrogant" Glynda who have been there this entire time they have talked.
"His heart is in the right place, he is just misguided, but still he is doing everything in his power to maintain peace" he bring his hand to his face to rub his templates.
"Is just that he always solves his problems by an army of soldiers," he finishes as he straighten himself out.
"That is James for us, he always brings his work whenever he travels" Glynda added.
Ozpin sigh again, but a long one. Ozpin sips his coffee, but he runs out, "Glynda, can you please refill my cup, I like to drown my stress with it" Glynda grabs the cup and head off, but before that she says.
"Of course headmaster" she leaves as Ozpin just looks at the window to enjoy the view.
"I hope we will find our guardian in time" he said as he closes his eyes.
Jaune was frozen stiff, he just stares at two gorgeous women who are wearing striper clothes or in this case, pole dancing clothes, the one with the orange glowing eyes had hers color red, bright red as the crimson eyes mint girl had hers black and plus the women in red is holding a whip with a fake red didlo between her crotch while the other one has black and a cricket bat that is very flat and has holes, but that is not Jaune look to the side if he can, he can see some sort of tools one of which includes a scalpels and other Surgical instrument with a saw that is the size of his arms.
Jaune struggle to get free, but it didn't work because he is chain really well to the table.
"Oh, he is so cute of struggling to get free" the orange eyed woman giggle"don't you agree Emerald?" she is asking to the now name minted girl Emerald.
"Indeed Cinder, he is just adorable" she said to the now name woman in a striper red suit, Cinder.
Emerald walk up to Jaune and goes to the side of the table as Cinder is at the other side of the table.
"Before we begin our…experiment, I would like to play with him for a while," she said as she plays with his hair with her hands.
"Where do you like to begin?" Emerald smile as Cinder also smiles.
"We will start from the whip first than the cricket bat and last is humping him" she finishes explaining as Jaune began to struggle profusely, he doesn't even want to know what is the experiment they are talking about or what they are going to do with those Surgical tools.
He just wants to get free, but is it impossible since he is chained up tight. What he saw next is both of them cuffing his hands and untying his feet and next is they both lift him up so that they begin to whip.
"Don't worry, our dear, we are just playing a friendly game" Cinder said as they began and only one thing Jaune can think right now.
'Help me…mom'
Cardin Winchester is slowly waking up, not remembering a thing, he only remembers going to the Mess hall to get some water, either way, he must get up and go to his dorm since he is so tired, but he found himself tied up to a chair, where his arms are tied to the armchair while his legs are tied to the legs of the chair.
Anyway, he completely panics, thinking that he got kidnapped by someone and as he looks around, he found his team tied up the same as him.
"Hey guy! What is going on!" he shouted since they are so close to him.
"Can you stop shouting Cardin, we are trying to sleep" Dove said as he goes back to sleep.
"Yeah sleep, go sleep on a chair that you are tied to!" and suddenly his team opens their eyes very quickly to see that they are tied to a chair.
"Hey, what gives, why are we tied up" Russel said as he struggle to get free "I can't get out, these bonds are really tight."
"Got a plan Cardin" Sky said as he too struggles to get free.
"I am working on it" Cardin is working on a plan until a door opens, letting their kidnappers in the room, but what they saw, truly shock all of them.
"Oh, looks like you all are awake" what stood there are six people and those persons are girls and their names are Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Nora, and finally Pyrrha.
" Well girls, the torture session has begun" Ruby announces as every male in the room got scared.
This is their nightmare.