Cardin is terrified right now, not the girly terrified him peeing his pants sort of terrified, is more like him saying "I am so manly terrified" brave sort of way, anyways. Cardin is beyond terrified, he has not have been this scared in his life, other than the fact that he was almost killed by an Ursa major.
You see, Cardin is a coward and so his teammates as well, so when their life is on the line or if their situation is so bad that they might be killed by it, the plan they all have in their heads is to run away from danger and abandon all things important, even their leader they would happily abandon.
Their bullying shows that they are cowards, always showing their superiority on the weak, showing off that they are not weak, but strong people that will win against anything through the power of bullying, insulting, and lastly, their silver tongues.
The silver tongues are their last resort, you see, in combat, everything is useful, even your surroundings are useful, your chair is useful for a shield and a weapon while the mouth is also useful for teasing your opponents. Like for example, let's say Cardin is almost beat as his opponent or both of them for that matter are in the red zone, Cardin tease about something important to the opponent like his girlfriend which is a faunus and that made Cardin's opponent really mad. Now, Cardin thinks that he will win since his opponent is so angered that he will be distracted by his anger, as his opponent let his guard down, Cardin charge in as fast as he could think that he will bring the last attack that will end the match, but that teasing, mostly works in another situation, actually, it doesn't work at all as Cardin is being launched sky high and been punched in the face so hard that his skull fractured.
Cardin made it even worse, by adding the anger to his opponent's power, even with a fractured skull, he will still do it again, but not right now seeing as he is so angry at the girls for tying him and his team up for whatever reason that he cannot come up with or not remember doing something to them.
"What the hell are you all doing?!" he shouted at the girls as they stand in front of them, but they didn't reply.
"What's your guy's problem, we didn't do anything to you all!" he shouted again, but that was a mistake as Yang punched him right on the face and sent him back so far that he hit the wall.
"We didn't do anything my fucking ass! You all did something and that is lying to the whole academy that were some horny sluts!" Yang shouted back as Russel said something about him feeling something in the morning.
"Ah, now I remember, well, the rumor is true because you all are-" but he got interrupted as he screams in pain as a knife shove its way to his right knee.
"You better shut up before I burn your legs with your whole body" Nora says as Russel decided to say nothing more.
Dove and Sky were so scared right now, if they shout at them for tying them up, they will get stabbed so their plan next is to tell more lies or just put the blame only on Cardin.
"It wasn't our plan, it was all Cardin's plan, please kill him instead of the three of us" Dove pleaded mercifully, but the girls didn't buy that.
"Oh really?" Ruby asks sarcastically as she acted as the leader of the group that Pyrrha calls the Arc club or Arc lovers.
But anyways, Dove replied with "Yes, please let us go, we will not do anything bad to you girls anymore" the girls glance to each other nods.
"Alright, Set the other three free" Ruby said as she is not yet finish talking " and put all of them on the table and strap them up real tight~" she said happily as Dove drops his jaw out of betrayal as Sky and Russel were struggling to get free, the lying plan didn't work so they stick to plan c and that plan c is to struggle for their lives.
"What are you doing?! We told you the truth!" Sky shouted as he is strapped tight to the table with nothing, but his boxer shorts as they did it to the other team members as well.
"Oh, don't worry, you all are in this together and you know why?" She asks, but didn't let any of them answer "Because you all spread the rumor and we were thinking, it's impossible that Cardin spread the rumor that fast in only one day, he must have had some outside help probably from his team, I'm guessing" Ruby sarcastically says as she sarcastically ponders with great sarcasm.
Sky, Dove, and Russel were shocked and it showed completely in their face's that they are guilty, so they tried to reason with them again, but…..
"But we- ragghh" they put a ball gag in their mouths so that they would shut up and not scream from the pain. They also did the same to Cardin, who was waking up very slowly.
"Well ladies" Ruby address to her fellow Jaune lovers as she gestures both of her hands to four tables that had many tools around them.
"Let the torture commence!" Ruby shouted as if some sort of feast has started.
A feast of pure pain and torture that team CRDL will never forget, ever in their lives