"Woo, I think he has had enough Cinder just look at him" Emerald said as a bloody Jaune was hanging with both of his hands in the air, only his boxer shorts clothing him, his middle body was a mess. The skin was practically gone from his abdomen, only a few small wounds that were made from each oncoming whip and he was bleeding slowly.
"Don't worry Emerald, he still has some energy left in him, look" they both watched as Jaune's wounds were being healed at a rather fast rate, leaving a perfect unscared set of skin around his chest, stomach, and back.
That was the fifth time that Jaune healed his wounds, Cinder and Emerald were having fun for the last 2 and half hours, that is a lot of time for the girls to whip him, their whips are blood red stained at this point. the floor is wet from the blood that dripped from Jaune's wounds.
Jaune is at this point broken, the look in his eyes were dead as anyone could figure, soulless with no emotion, he didn't even bother to scream in pain because he lost his voice only a few hundred whips in.
"But, I am feeling rather bored with using our whips for this long, so why not let's move onto our cricket bats" she said with a smile as Jaune just didn't bother to move exhausted from healing himself.
"No…please…stop" he pleaded in his thoughts, his thoughts unheard by the sadistic women"Oh…please…someone…anyone…help me" he prayed that someone might save him from his hell of torment, but no one came as his prayer went without answer.
Cinder and Emerald went to the table 7 or so feet from Jaune which happened to be filled with torture devices planned to be used later on, but they only needed the bats to beat Jaune they grabbed their bats and aligned their position to Jaune's, Emerald chose to hit Jaune on his ass, while Cinder went beside him for easy access to his chest and stomach.
"On three," Cinder said as she counted up "One…two…and…THREE!"
Team CRDL are losing their minds from the girls doings since Ruby announced that the torture was to commence, CRDL is having a rather hellish time of torture. let me tell you, it was PURE torture, no licking off pussies or ass, no hand job or blow job, no nothing, it was gore torture, there was no pleasure in their torture sessions, just pain.
There were six girls and four victims to torture, they did the math and they need two more girls in their party. Because four victims across the group to be tortured, so if they partnered themselves in two's to torture each one member of CRDL, there will be one person that will not be tortured. The six girls will only be able to torture three victims so if there were eight girls (and I am really doing the math here) they will be able to torture the whole team of four. Eight divided by four is equal to two, get it, no? Good.
Anyways, they decided to torture them one by one. The group went to the first table which had Sky strapped down, in front of Sky's table are four sets of trays which held some surgical equipment, one of the tools being a butcher knife, a saw, and another knife that is as long and almost as wide as s regular hand.
Nora grabs the butcher knife for obvious reasons, Ruby grabs scalpels of different sizes to change the size of cuts and bruises made from the tools, Blake goes for the needles which vary in sizes, Yang get's the hammer which is just a normal hammer, Nora was thinking of getting the hammer since she has a giant ass hammer for a weapon, but she goes for the butcher knife because it's big and can bring out blood better than the hammer, Weiss goes for the whitehead mouth gag and the Jennings mouth gag for making them drink something hot or cold or something disgusting, and lastly is Pyrrha who grabs the hand sized knife with a smile. The torture begins.
Ruby, Nora, and Pyrrha were drawing scars and some patterns on Sky's skins but in general his whole danm body, even in his crotch area, Ouch, that's gotta hurt. The worst part for Sky is that his eyes were open as he was forced to watch a TV screen of himself getting tortured.
Ruby is cutting him on both arms as Pyrrha cuts him around the chest and stomach, Nora is cutting him on the legs very close to his crotch which erects a sinister giggle from Nora. Sky's reaction to this was a muffled scream along the line of "MMMHGMH" and while crying during the scream.
As the three pevious girls were done, the other three girls begin to do their work with Yang hammering over his body, even his crotch and Blake poking him with the needles of every size and Weiss opening his mouth, forcing him to drink water and never giving him a chance to breathe and after she forced him to slightly drown, she than force him to drink some very hot tea, it was hot, but it was some nice tea.
After all of the girls tortured him, Weiss grabs a bucket of lemon juice, which she somehow obtained and poured it over Sky's body in which he profusely contorted from the pain. Now you may ask why the lemon juice, well, if you have a open wound like Sky and in excess like Sky imagine the amount of pain that washed over his whole body, than just think of what would happen, the lemon juice is so sour (or sweet) that it stings if you put it on a open wound on the skin so it has a great use for torture. After he was done being tortured he passed out, he is still alive, but completely unconscious. They didn't want him to die now would they? Because then they would be expelled from beacon and arrested, but what they are doing is bringing them copious pain to where they pass out but will recover and function normally, to the girls this is a more reasonable pay back than just killing them, it sounded reasonable enough for the six.
"Weiss, where did you get the bucket of lemon juice?" Ruby ask as the other girls were interested in how Wiess got the item too.
"Oh, you know, just found them while we were asking some of the students who helped spread the rumor, it might be helpful for our torture session with these idiots so I asked and got the juice" she replied as they all accepted her answer which seemed reasonable to them.
"Can we drink some lemonade after we finish with this torture session?" Nora happily asks.
"Of course Nora, it's a good thing I have a few more with me" Weiss said as they finish their chat and move on to the next victim which is Dove.
They happily go to Dove, who is sweating and shaking on the table, but they will not do what they did to Sky, Now that would just be repetitive to do so, what they will do to Dove is electrocute him and heat his entire body, however, they will not simply "Electrocute" or "Burn" him, they will do those things in a more creative way so that is why there are 6 taser and 6 blowtorches, the girls will have to pick which one they want until Pyrrha asks.
"Remind me who set up these torture tools?" Pyrrha asks because she is kindly curious about who set the whole thing up.
"Me and Blake set it up, why do you ask?" Yang answered.
"I'm just curious about how you two got this equipment or how about the fact that you two know how to torture someone" Blake and Yang glance at each other.
"I only know little about torture" Yang answered honestly, she only knows one way of torture and that is to beat the crap out of people so that they will give you information that you want "but I know a guy who sells this type of equipment or the information to get it where as Blake knows a lot about torture" she said as she gestures to Blake who nods.
"It's true, I was a member of the White Fang since I was a child, since our leader has been replaced, we fought our way to equality for many of my later years in their organization, sometimes we had to torture some humans to get them to talk and let me tell you, I have seen some things that are so horrifying, things a child should not see" she said in a calm demeanor.
Their reaction was just silence and don't worry, team CRDL didn't hear a thing since they were to busy struggling to get free.
"Anyway, let's start" Ruby broke the silence and went back to their victims.
Ruby, Nora and Weiss pick a taser while Pyrrha, Blake, and Yang pick the blow torch. The three with the tasers started first as Ruby is tazing the head as Nora is tazing the chest and stomach, but she didn't not forget to taze the crotch because Nora knows that the males greatest weakness is their crotch, always the crotch. Weiss tazed the feet, after they were appeased with the electrocution, Dove was twitching every second because of the repeated shocks in a short amount of time.
Yang, Blake and Pyrrha begin with the heating as their goal was to heat his entire body to an unbearable level, they even ended up burning his boxer shorts and getting him a new pair that was tagged with a wire set to electrocute him on anus anus and dick, every 25 seconds.
They now move to Russel, is just so happened that he was struggling profusely, after what he saw what the girls did to his teammates (and yes, the other three have a TV screen too, to watch the pain their teammates are having :D) he put all of his strength and effort into struggling like there is no tomorrow, but that didn't work because he was really strapped down tight by ropes and straps limiting the movement of his wrists and ankles.
He stopped struggling to catch a breath, the girls immediately started to surround him, giving him an evil deathly smile that could kill a cute animal from just a quick glance.
What he saw was a taser gun on Ruby that was very weird for some reason because it had a few needles to it and when she activates the shock, he could see sparks around and connecting the spears extending from there electricity machine, to his right was Weiss holding a mouth spreader gag and a jar full of black ants (Yes, there are grimm ants), Blake is held a metal dildo, it was definitely designed not to give pleasure, but to give pain and lots of it with just a spark (the dildo is also a taser), Yang is held a meat tenderizer, it is useful in his situation since she planned on tenderizing Russel's meat (I.e his genitals. Nora had a syringe for a reason that comes in later, she also held a couple of electrodes, and beside her was a bucket of water (Damn, what's with these women with electricity), and lastly Pyrrha is holding a knife, a rather large sharp knife that can heat up to cauterize wounds immediately. One would question how the hell these perfectly "innocent" girls have this "equipment", well, just ask Yang, she will fill in the details.
Ruby jabbed him with the weird looking taser on the arm and electrocute him, but not just there, she also went for his legs and other arm, she didn't want to stab it right at the neck, especially from behind the neck, it would mess up Russel's brain message through his nervous system or ended up killing him flat out, Ruby doesn't want to kill a person, instead torture them alive, brutally torture them until they can't stay conscious anymore.
Weiss was next by forcing his mouth open and forcefully putting the jar of ants and also through his urethra and anus into his body, Not before putting a bit of honey to it, hehe.
Next is Blake shoving a dildo into Russel's ass and activating it (while there is still ants at his ass), making him twitch and Blake pulls it out forcefully and shoving it down to his mouth, activating it right then and there and leave it there for him to be quiet as the next person steps up to torture him.
Yang with the hammer pounded him to oblivion on every inch of his body even the crotch (These girls never forget to bring pain to the crotch), she pound him on the arms, legs, stomach, chest, and somehow still alive and awake.
Pyrrha was next by cutting everywhere she could and after she felt pleased cutting everywhere his body, she set up the knife to heat and started to cut everywhere again over her previous cuts to make sure he wouldn't bleed out, after she finished her work, Nora was up and used her turn to inject a mystery liquid into his neck directly into his bloodstream, now what Nora injected to Russel's neck is very potent downer, the pain he will encounter is emotional.
(A/N: just a note to say, don't do drugs kids, it will ruin your life, so DON'T DO IT!)
After that injection, she pours water all over his body and happily place a few electrodes to be exact, on the arms, legs, chest, stomach, and lastly the crotch and activated and deactivated it around 10 times.
They finish torturing Russel by setting the electrodes to electrocute him repeatedly for about every ten seconds and leaving him to his downer drug (and that drug should last for 4 to 6 hours).
They move to their last victim of the day and that victim is Cardin Winchester the leader of team CRDL. Now they make him their last victim to torture because he is the worst person out of his whole team, firstly he is a racist bastard, second he bullies people especially the faunus, three hates faunus kind falling into his prejudice and racism, lastly he bullies Jaune every chance he has and made up a rumor about him which included the girls fucking each other and Jaune like they were a bunch of horny whores, that seriously made every girl in the room angry which fueled their desire to make Cardin scream and bring him pain, they will combine all of their equipment and what they previously did to the other three members of CRDL together for Cardin's torture.
They will torture him every way they possibly, not leaving an unmarked area on Cardin's body. They will brutally torture him to no end and never make him forget their message, never bully Jaune ever again.
"Well girls" Ruby began as she turns to her group "Let's have some fun. Let's make him our last victim of the day and make every tool and method count because he will never forget to not mess with us again" She smiled as she turned back around to head to Cardin's table as the rest of the group just smile in their own way and giggle happily and ever creepily, especially Pyrrha who was smiling with glee and giggling to herself while all of them prepare to start the last fun they will ever have with team CRDL.
They will show no mercy and make Cardin never forget not to mess with Jaune ever again in his life.
Jaune slowly opened his eyes, he must have passed out from the blood loss coupled with his constant use of his healing factor, and getting whipped so many times. Jaune just shakes his head to wake himself up, he notices that his hands were free and he got a nice surprise, he is fully clothed no longer solely in boxer shorts his armor and sword were at his side, he says a silent thank you in his mind to whatever deity that watched over him.
He stood up because he thought it was better than lying on the floor until he noticed something, he was still in the same room that he was being tortured in however long ago, the equipment is still there with the swinging light and table that he was strapped in, but the question is where are the two women who tortured him.
He heard a noise in the room, that noise was metal hitting the ground and that particular noise was in the room with him so he quickly brought out his sword and shield to get into a defensive fight stance he learned while training with Pyrrha all their while turning around to face them sound, but only to be stopped by what he saw.
He saw (the room was somehow brighter) the two women naked, tied up, unconscious and they were in the position many people would call the 69, but that was not all there is, beside them is another woman who looks too young, basically, her clothes, hair, eyes are in the theme color brown and pink.
You guessed it people, she is Neopolitan, the ice cream girl that looks so young mainly from her height. They both stare each down both wondering who is going to make the first move until she raised a scroll.
'Don't worry, you're fine now, I am the one who saved you' she "said" as she just stood there smugly for some reason with a smirk on her face.
"Okay…? So, what's your name?" he asked while he sheathed his sword and walked right up to here.
She replied with 'Not important right now, let's get out of here and then we can talk'.
Jaune nodded as Neo took his hand in hers and teleported them away. They both leave the two women to their fun (Especially Emerald since she so wants that pussy of her leader).
Cardin slowly wakes up as he woke up he took notice of his surroundings, after watching his teammates get tortured and knocked out by a bonk to the head after.
He wished to escape after seeing his team get brutally tortured, he couldn't believe that his team was even alive, that kind of torture could simply kill you.
But anyway, enough of that, Cardin is fully awake and took notice that he was still tied up at the moment , but he was tied up to a different thing and that is a chair.
"Looks like you are awake, good" he looks to his side and saw Ruby with the rest of the girls coming in the room.
"Sorry about bonking your head, we wanted to place you to another contraption" Ruby says as the group surrounds in front of him.
He wanted to shout, but he was gagged at the moment and he could only reply with muffled screams.
"Now, Now, you be a quiet boy while we prepare a few things" Ruby mockingly says as she goes to a table with the group already there, Yang was there to talk to him.
"Yeah, be quiet as we set up the things to torture you" Cardin just screams out of horror "Yeah, we got a few good pieces of equipment as we were dumping your teammates somewhere"
"They were already done with the session so it's only you" she smile as Cardin just got scared and did I mention that he was still in his boxer shorts.
"Okay, that is enough talking to him Yang, let us begin" Ruby said as the rest of the group were ready to begin.
"Alright, I guess it's time to play with your body dickbag and don't expect pleasure from our session, it's all pain" she smile as she went to the group to get her tools. Cardin just screams of him being so scared and wanting to not get tortured by those monsters,but the girls will have a fun time with him, hehehaha-.
That night, Cardin Winchester got tortured more ways than one, he was stabbed, electrocuted, hung, forcefully sit on a chair that has spikes, got shoved in the iron maiden that was all needles and got electrocuted from the inside (and was still alive), burned alive, got sliced by every girl with a knife, shove his dick in an oven, toaster, and electrocuted.
That's not all, they did the water torture where he drank gallons of water, but not only water, mud, nails, hot water, some hot coffee, tea and much more.
Roasted him to death, tie him to death with weird positions, being eaten alive by big damn ants, got really burned, needled him, and forcefully kneel down on wooden spikes.
Yeah, he got tortured so many times and was still alive, they cannot afford to let him die, it will be a shame that he dies right then and there, but he didn't.
One of the girls said that is enough of torturing, but glance to each other and said "Naah, he needs more"
And so Cardin was tortured like that, so many more times and methods, for like 5 hours of torture with pain.
The girls walk in the halls of beacon at night with Yang carrying a bag and while walking ever so innocently, they were done torturing him up and it was fun they said, so they will put him back at his dorm where his teammates are there, knock out in their beds.
Now you may ask why? Wouldn't they get in trouble if one of them wakes up and report it to Glynda and Ozpin or if Glynda found out that they are heavily injured that they will pin it to the girls?, Now to answer those questions Glynda will not find team CRDL heavily injured because the girls have a special syringe they have, now they have four syringes, in them are fluids of heavily toxic healing factor, now that may be impossible and how the hell they have those?
Well, it's all because of Yang, Yang knows a few people in the criminal underworld that will give her the right information and the right equipment, even the most highly contagious one like the healing syringes.
Well, to be honest, those aren't even healing, they are just a boost to the aura to heal the body faster so, if the girls use it, they will get away with anything.
Now they wouldn't just heal them right then and there, they will leave a note and video tape of them getting tortured and they know they will use that video tape to blame the girls, but in the videotape are just figures and the audio is cut off, but not the sound of them screaming and tools working.
It's like a reminder to them to not mess with RWBY and JNPR ever again so yeah.
Yang just drops Cardin on his respectful bed and go on to healing them and leaving the things that will remind them to never, ever mess with Jaune or the girls ever again.
"Whooo, that was refreshing" Pyrrha said as they all walk to the Mess hall to have some dinner, the night was still young so they will have some dinner.
"Yeah, you said it, are you sure Ruby that we leave those videotapes and the note there? They might frame us with it," Yang asks to her sister who was the one who plan all of this, sort of.
"Oh, don't worry, they will remember, but the videotape and the note are not traced back to us, I made it perfectly anonymously so they will not use it to frame us" she said as her stomach growl out of hunger.
Ruby was embarrassed," I don't know about you, but I am starving" she said as the rest of them agreed.
And so they happily walk to the Mess hall to have dinner and do their businesses like studying and training, but they all forget one thing to ask themselves, where the hell is Jaune?