Chapter 18


Neo and Jaune reappeared on a rooftop of a building as Jaune walk forward to feel the cool air breeze of the wind as it pass him. He misses the wind since he has been stuck in the torture chamber for who knows how long as he was constantly being whipped on every single part of his body, even with the healing ability, he can still feel the pain of the marks the whip land.

Jaune almost completely forgot the person that saves him so he turns around to talk to the mysterious ice cream girl who is looking up in the night sky to see the beautiful stars.

Jaune walks up to her and talk,"So…" he began as he got the attention of Neo "…what's your name" he asks as Neo grab her scroll and type.

"The names Neoplitan or you can just call me Neo, for short," she said as Jaune replied with his own name.

"Nice meeting you Neo, My name is Jaune Arc, short, sweet, ladies love it" he said in a dorky tone as Neo giggle with Jaune being a little embarrassed and also regretting of saying that to a cute girl who looks badass for some reason.

Neo brings up the scroll while she giggle "A pleasure" and then she smile afterwards.

Jaune smiled too as he turns around completely, leaving himself defenseless to Neo who can attack at any moment.

Jaune just look at the city with the lights turned on in some parts of the building, making it a cool sight to see in the night.

"So Neo, why did you save me back there? And how did you even know I was in there?" he asks a question to the mute girl so he is rather an idiot for turning the other direction when asking a question to a mute girl who doesn't speak so Jaune just nervously scratch the back of his head and turn around to read what she was saying.

Until he found himself tackled by something or rather someone and that someone is Neo herself on top of Jaune as she is smiling creepily with her breast showing.

"N-Neo! What are you doing?!" Jaune asks as he was surprised and scared.

Neo's answer is "I love you Jaune Arc, I have been tracking you ever since those bitches kidnap you" this made Jaune scared even more, why is every girl chasing him?! He has a funny suspicion that every girl that he knew or not knew is now chasing him to just do it in bed as per say.

It feels like every girl in Remnant is trying to hunt him down right now, he wonders why?!

(Hah ^ _^")

Discarding that thought aside, he is trying to escape Neo's grasp as she wraps her legs around his stomach and that's not all, for some reason, his legs were weighted down, as in someone is hugging his legs very tightly.

Looking down to where his legs were, he saw not one, but two Neos on his legs hugging them. It scared the hell out of him.

"Why there are three of you?!" he shouted as Neo just giggle evilly.

Neo replied with her scroll "It's because my semblance is an illusion. I can trick people's sight, making them believe they are fighting their real opponent when the opponent is right behind them," she explain as Jaune was pondering on her info of her semblance.

"So the other two you on my legs are fake?" he asks as he completely forgot that he is being… "Pound" by a woman or rather having a intercourse with her except it's the other way around with her fucking him.

"No, they real, actual solid copies of myself, made out of glass, but still real though," she said as having three little cute, sexy girl that looks the same, jump on him was enough, but two more jumps on him with the other two hugging his arms, making him vulnerable.

Jaune was struggling to get free, but the five Neo is hugging his legs, arms, and stomach proved to be hard as they kept hugging him. The Neo on the stomach was getting close to Jaune's mouth to try and kiss him, but he was moving around, that made things more difficult for her.

"Jauney dear, please stop moving around so I can kiss you" Neo says as she is getting irritated.

"One quick question before you do that. How old are you?" He needs to ask first what's her age, because Neo look too…young which is hard to tell if she is old as a teen or just a plane kid doing this for fun.

"Old enough to suck your-" Neo was, however, interrupted by Jaune shouting.

"Please don't finish that sentence! And please be serious so that you can answer my question!" he shouted as he keeps struggling to get free.

"I'm only kidding, anyway, I am nineteen years old" Neo answered.

"Oh good, I thought you-wait a minute, you're nineteen years old!?" he shouted again, apparently because of Neo's answer.

He stops struggling after he heard her answer, "I thought you were…you know…" he trailed off as Neo just silently laugh with her copies of herself.

Neo stops laughing as she types her response "You thought I was 12 years old or below?!" he nodded as she and her copies began to laugh again.

"It's not that funny" Jaune could only make a 'Hmph' face as she laugh.

She stops as she responded with, "Is it because how small I am?" she asks him as he only nods "Well, there's your answer, I am old enough to kiss you anyway" she said as Jaune forgot about that so he struggle.

"Oh yeah, one more question," he began,"but you need to come close to my lips to able to hear it," she did exactly that, but as Neo slowly went up to Jaune's face, Jaune quickly head-butted her so hard that her copies were shattered.

Neo got pushed back by Jaune's head-butt making Jaune to stand up. Neo holds her forehead to heal the bruise as he look at Jaune who is running the other side of the building.

'Oh you play dirty huh? I like that, but you can't escape because this is the highest building here in vale and there are no exit doors either, so you're stuck here Jaune' she thought as Jaune just stops dead in his tracks as he looks down, the ground is really far away.

Jaune just glance back to Neo who smile thinking he has no means of escape, but Neo raises a brow as Jaune smile back thinking that there is an escape and there is really an escape by-

Jaune turns back on the edge and jumps as he gives Neo a sly grin.

-Jumping off the building. Neo just drops her jaw in disbelief, but she grin as well as she thought 'you want to play that game, huh Jaune?" she thought as she stands up, runs, and jumps over the edge as well, going after Jaune "I am loving you even more so I will hunt you down if that's what you want" she just smile with her teeth showing giving of a rather chaotic face.

Another chase begins as Neo hunts Jaune down, but little did they know that they are being followed as always, Jaune is always being followed, for the better or worst.