Jaune was nervous; Hell, he was fucking terrified right now. He comes to his senses and remember what happen. He headbutted Neo to escape the kissing or probably something worse if he stayed there, he ran to the other side of the building or rooftop, glanced back at Neo to smirk at her, and then jump to escape the rooftop and Neo.
To compensate for something in his mind, he jumped off the tallest building in vale. In some part of his mind he thought it was cool, to be somewhat badass that he jump off while smirking at his enemy, but the rest is screaming to himself that he was an idiot. Until he remembered something at initiation, that he stopped falling by Pyrrha's spear.
'Damn it brain, that doesn't help me right now!' he shouted in his mind as the ground was getting closer and closer, leaving Jaune to feel doomed.
Until something clicked inside Jaune's mind as he turned serious and focus. By just him calming himself and getting serious, he brought out his sword as he stab at the side of the building to slow him down, but what that did was he adjusting his angle of him falling down. Now running on the windows of the side of the building, he put some aura in his legs to go faster. Even now, he can feel someone following and that was Neo.
Neo was smiling with her teeth showing giving her a crazy look that wants some blood, Jaune's blood to be precise. She began running on the side of the building from the start to catch up to Jaune and it's actually working as she is almost on him.
She is so close that all she need is to touch Jaune's hoodie and then teleport to a much more secure area, where there's a rope near by and chair to tie up Jaune on. Time slowed as Neo's hand is so close to the fabric.
'Almost there' she thought as she is so close. That's where she is wrong.
Neo was about to grab the fabric until Jaune jump off the side of the building as Neo had a shocked look as she pass by where he jump.
She looks at where Jaune is heading and she saw where he is going to land. The look of shock just got replaced by a grin as she disappeared.
Jaune's plan was to run on the side of the building while picking up speed to make Neo follow him at a high speed, he then jumps to another rooftop to escape her while she passes by him at such speed.
Jaune reach out to land on the rooftop, he land, but did a front roll as he stops in a kneeling position with his blade at his side, giving him a badass pose.
He grins as he got up to look where did Neo went. He can't see her in the crowd or even a crater that she suppose to leave ,so Jaune got a little nervous so he slowly walks backwards, very slowly, until he felt being hugged by someone: Neo, whom is hugging him so hard to not let him escape.
Jaune was about to speak or scream at her, but the way she holds or hugs Jaune is creeping him out, is like she is going to suplex him … .
… .Which she did with her little frame of her body, making Jaune hit his head. That didn't knock Jaune out so Neo teleport both of them in the air while still maintaining the position.
Jaune got terrified as Neo sent both of them in the air while still in the position, What Jaune got next is the world is spinning, which is making him sick until he slams to something really hard at the neck and back. His sense becomes clear as he makes sense of what happen.
Neo teleports him and her to go higher up in the air while still in the suplex position, as they were in the air, Neo began to spin to get a momentum to slam Jaune on the ground.
It works as Neo heard a few broken bones, What Neo also heard is a cracking sound as she look at Jaune's now unconscious body, she saw a few cracks forming under Jaune which is only means-
* CRACK *…* CRACK *…
Jaune is going to fall to the next floor of the building so Neo grabs Jaune's arm, disappearing and reappearing to another rooftop, but she didn't stop there. When reappearing to another rooftop, Neo reappeared a little high from the floor so she grabs Jaune's arm with both hands and slams him hard on the concrete, for good measure.
Neo exhales as she slumps down to rest for a moment, running on a side of a building, doing a suplex two times, teleporting to another building, slamming a heavy body on the floor, all of that is quite tiring you know.
Neo got up as she stretches her arms out to do another teleportation, she goes to Jaune's unconscious body and about teleport him and her out of the rooftop and find a suitable room to … .have romantic night.
She would have started right away to undressing Jaune and herself, but she wants a more private place to do the deed with her new husband. She wants a nice room that is not cold as hell.
So she grabs Jaune's hand and dis-
She didn't disappear with Jaune, but instead got kicked to the stomach, slamming into the wall hard. She gets up and looks at her opponent, only for her eyes to go wide as she saw who kick her.
Neo is one of the strongest people in her group of circle, she can beat Roman Torchwick, but still gets some injuries from the fancy thief because he is her boss, he also knows everything about her because she is his personal bodyguard while Neo also knows everything about him because they are like the perfect couple together, keyword " like " a perfect couple.
She can go toe to toe with Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai without breaking a sweat, but she can't beat Cinder Fall, her second boss apart from Roman. So the people that can only beat her is Cinder Fall, except for one more person.
Neo's opponent wore a shallow cut black dress, Five necklace beads, and a pair of matching gauntlets. She also wears black, thigh-length boots with a red splatter pattern, but her most distinctive feature is a full face white mask that resembles a Grimm with 4 bright red eyes showing the intent of fear to whoever face her.
Raven Branwen, the infamous huntress that roams around Remnant with her portals of black and red with the intent of showing fear whoever face her as an opponent.
She stares at Neo who doesn't know her true name, people call her by many names, but one name in particular stands out that fit her look, The Soulless White Raven. The look on her soulless red eyes that gives you the chills, gives you fear knowing that you're already dead.
That's what Neo felt when she first saw her during her train ride to the city, fear of dying to those red eyes. It was obvious from the start that she is out of her league against her, she even heard that she is a full blown huntress who graduated from Beacon Academy, one of the most perfect academy for any huntsmen or huntress in training.
Raven unsheathed her weapon ever so slowly, showing off her long red blade to Neo saying if she wanted to have a dual to the death.
Neo glance at Jaune sleeping so peacefully, it brought a smile to her, then she returns to look back at Raven without fear, but with courage, the courage of love. She finally has Jaune so she is not going to run away like a coward …
So she opens her umbrella, put it on her shoulder and bow with a smile on her face, as if to say I accept your dual.
They both stare at each other, still in the same position, waiting for the other person to move until both of them charge to fight to the death and claim their prize, namely Jaune.