It's An Honor

Ace said Cora should tell him so he could prove her wrong, like it was a challenge. Fine. She would take it. They would see who was right. 

She couldn't bring herself to say the words so she did the next best thing. She took off her Sharpie shield and showed him the terrible truth about herself that she had never told anyone other than Janelle and her therapist. 

He stared at her arm in horror and didn't say anything for over a minute before saying she wasn't disgusting in a panicky voice. That wouldn't work on her. He hesitated. He only said that because he thought it was what she wanted to hear. She knew that no one would be able to accept her as she was. 

Ace immediately refuted, saying he only hesitated because he was thinking about what happened to Janelle. Then he hit his head on the steering wheel, clearly beating himself up for saying anything.