Spontaneous Combustion

Isaac eyed him warily. "Why haven't you said anything in hours?"

"I'm surprised you said as much as you did about your situation," Tazonor said, sounding more serious than usual. "You're serious about this human, aren't you?"

"Yeah. But it's not like it's going to go anywhere. Why do you ask?" 

"Why do you think it won't go anywhere?"

"Because I'm stuck with you? I'll never be able to have any sort of love life with you always right there watching me! And you didn't answer my question."

Tazonor looked at Isaac like he was stupid. "That IS the answer to your question. If you do end up in a serious relationship with someone, you can tell your mother and she'll complain to her husband and let me go so I'm not stuck with you all the time. I might be able to get the contract terms changed so I can hang out in the demon realm unless you're in active danger."

Brilliant! That was brilliant! Why hadn't he ever thought of that?