...She's My Wife

Everything was going to be okay. Relieved but also exhausted by the emotional upheaval of the day, Whitney went to bed not long after dinner. 

Apparently she went to bed too early because she was in a semi-conscious state a few hours later when she heard Isaac's voice and felt him touch her face. "It's okay, Whitney. Nothing bad will happen to you or our baby now. I can protect you no matter what."

Protect them? What would he need to protect them from? She was still half asleep so she wasn't able to puzzle through that one until she was reminded of it the next day as she fed the Vega baby. 

The date of the car accident was only a few days away…was he worried about history repeating itself? But that was such a simple solution! All she had to do was stay inside that night and everything would be fine. That was what she had been planning on.