All Part Of His Cover

Kreznik hadn't done activities like this when he was a child. His planet was different so they did different things to help foster proper growth. But this playdough did seem to be helping with Sage's fine motor control and learning her colors if nothing else. 

They did that for a while until Sage needed to take her afternoon nap. Then Lavender ended up cleaning for a while as Kreznik watched a different sport. 

Nick really needed more variation in his hobbies. But an unsuspicious amount of time would need to pass before trying to introduce something new. As for how long that amount of time was…Kreznik didn't know. 

He couldn't let Lavender get suspicious. He had already slipped up a couple of times. It was better that he speak as little as possible but how long would he be able to get away with that? He didn't know how talkative Nick normally was with her but he seemed to talk a lot at work based on how often people came up to talk to him yesterday.