How Are Things Going With Her?

"I bet she wasn't," Delia snickered. "My sister wouldn't be either if I incited a ninja star war." 

"I've learned my lesson since then. No more providing small children with weapons," Simon said with a laugh. "Even if they are only made out of paper."

"Who knew origami could be so dangerous?"

"Not me until then. Another of my relatives recommended it as a way to keep busy. I didn't realize how many applications there were at the time. Oh well. Live and learn. It's a nice way to pass the time. I usually do it while listening to podcasts."

"What kind of podcasts?" Delia asked curiously. 

Today's conversation involved the most personal information Simon had offered about himself. It still wasn't much but she was undeniably curious about the man she had been spending all of her lunch breaks with.