This Was Impossible!

Leo passed away peacefully in Mila's arms after blinking up at her with those trusting green eyes and snuggling closer against her. It seemed like he fell asleep rather than died because he got a little floppier but his eyes were closed. 

His body was still warm and pliable so it seemed like he was still with her even though she knew he was gone. The vet let her stay in the room with him as long as she needed. 

She sat there sobbing her heart out holding her dead cat for an indeterminate amount of time before calling the vet back in to take him away for cremation. She paid extra at the front desk to have a plaster mold of his paw made and get an urn that would be customized with his name and picture on it. She promised to send her favorite snapshot of him over within the next two days and sniffled. 

Looking through pictures of him was going to be terrible but she may as well do it now while she was already upset. She did it as soon as she got home.