Heart Seeker

It took me a few weeks but I found what I wanted.

It was... Harder than I expected. Honestly, by reading the novel, I was expecting sacred gear to pop left and right, but it appear that sacred gear are rare... Really rare.

And while my detector worked wonderfully, the range was a few hundred kilometres. So I continued my travel in dense area, with the end goal of making my travel more comfortable.

I ended up finding an office worker in Hong Kong with a twice critical. Perfect for my needs. I just followed the guy in his house, a little hypnotism and TADA, I had my piece of divinity. Let's just say I did not stay long. Aside the fact that China was a place you did not want to make trouble, I knew the angels would freak out. So China was the best place to go, after all, no way a Seraph would travel here directly on the off chance of occurring some VERY dangerous god wrath.

So after a little bit of magical interference magic, I ended extracting the piece of divinity. I simply sealed it in a heavily runed box, and went my way without using a single piece of movement magic, and especially not teleportation magic. After all, I didn't want someone to track me. Once I was outside Hong Kong I teleported several time using various magic signature in every big city.

Once I was pretty sure I had covered my track I ended up creating my compass. It wasn't that hard to create once I had the ingredients. Weirdly thought, aside from an actual compass, I needed some whale bones, sea salt, a world map and something that represented a treasure. I ended up buying a doubloon. I thought it went well with the theme. And consistency was important when creating artefact. So in the end I decided to create my compass at "Tortuga de mar" also known as Tortuga. A significant historical island during the piracy era.

And so I went at work. It was incredibly exhausting. Working with a piece of the divine to create my 3rd trinket was really not how I was expecting my inspiration holiday to go by. And I really thought it would fail at some point. But in the end... I did it.

My compass is a beautifully sculpted ivory box with the Gremory crest layered with gold on top of it. When opened you could see a piece of map at the bottom, moving with you as you walk, and in the middle a white needle made of salt and gold. It was aesthetical pleasant. And I can say I was VERY happy with the result. And since it was my very first real treasure, I decided to name it.

After all, every tool of legend has a name, so I though my compass needed one. So I named it "heart Seeker", for he will always show me the way to what my heart seeks.

My beautiful little piece of awesomeness. And God ...*ouch*... Satan will it useful.


In the end I decided I wanted to find a hardworking failure. I wanted to find the MOST hardworking woman ever, whatever her body, health, intelligence, or talent. I just wanted someone with the right mentality. The rest ? I'll find a way. After all, it is easier to build a great building with sturdy foundation.

So I wanted to find a woman who was doing her damn best but was simply untalented.

I have a theory about birth and human general attribute. It is my personal belief, after my readings in the subject in the devil great library, that human all come with what I would call basic stats. And then, said stats pass thought a random generator that can add or take away some of them. But the greater some of your stat goes the bigger some others get drained. So if someone has an completely unnatural stat, chance are they have a serious issue somewhere else. The problem ? It's not necessary visible. Could be luck, life expectancy, or something similar.

So when I searched for my harworking lady, I wanted her to be what I called a life failure. This way I would at least be assured she didn't have conceptual problem, such as bad luck.

And Lucifer be damned, I found my diamond. Or at the time, my piece of charcoal.

I met her while she was being summarily thrown outside a family shop by the owner a bit before night time. And he was NOT happy.

owner : "AND DON'T COME BACK ! I can't believe I thought you could do the job. You must be the most pathetic and clumsy human that ever existed."

My piece of charcoal : "Please ! I swear I'll work harder. I'll do the night shift, I'll ... I'll do double the time you pay me for. I BEG YOU, I can do better !"

owner : "ENOUGH ! OUT !"

And then I SAW her. She was ugly that's for sure. She was fat, wearing rags that could barely called clothes with an apron that the owner didn't bother taking back. She had greasy black hair tied in a ponytail, not hiding the impressive number of pimple on her face. A croocked nose, and some crooked teeth surrounded by heavily damaged lips.

At least her eye were somewhat pretty. A nice shade of green. But the mix of despair and determination in those eyes. That's the thing I focused on.

Alexander : "Hello miss, my name is Alexander" I told her, and then I started to grin. I just knew she would be mine, and that she would be glorious "and I believe I have a deal for you."