
My piece of charcoal : "hello little kid, are you alone ? Where are your parents ?" she asked me as if I was some lost child.

I admit that the fact I looked like an 8 year old did NOT help in being taken seriously.

Alexander : "I'm alone yes. As for my parents ? Home I guess ? But may I know your name my lady ?" I asked politely

My piece of charcoal : "I'm called Celina. Now, are you lost or do you live nearby ?" She asked me, starting to look worried, and a bit taken aback by my manners it seems. I don't think lot's of people called her a lady. It would change.

Alexander : "It seem this discussion will lead to nowhere if you keep thinking I'm some random kid... Alright, let's do it like this." And then I took her with me in the nearest alley.

Celina : "Wait little kid, we can't go there ! There's..." And she was cut off abruptly as I started to materialised the Gremory crest to aid for my teleportation spell. Usually, it would need her to be a demon, or at least to have some magical power to be able to teleport. But that's the devil standard version. And crafting an existing magical circle to take someone without magical power was relatively easy.

"What the... KYAAAAH"

And thus, we teleported to my workshop. Well I call it my workshop but it was more of an abandoned warehouse that crossed my road during one of my trips. I warded it against normal human, and against dirt. Some would say it's stealing a property, I would say you are right. But did I care ? Once again, not really. such warehouse exists everywhere on the globe and since no one use them, might as well do something with it.

I did furnish it a bit. A table with a few chairs, a bed and a workplace with some tools. nothing much really. But I thought it would be nice to have a little place to fall back during my travels. I did ward it a bit but anyone who really wanted to find me could do so easily. After all, it was just a random abandoned warehouse. Not my future house or secret base. I was not going to waste my average allowance to ward this place to make it a magical fortress. Component cost a LOT.

Celina : "What happened ? Where are we ? What was that ? Who are you ?" She was clearly starting to panic and to fear me a bit. Good. That helped in the end.

Alexander : "In order, I teleported us, we are in my temporary worshop in Spain, the magic circle was a crest, used to help in the casting of spells, and once again, my name is Alexander. I will give you my full name if you decide to work for me."

At the mention of possible work, the confusion and panic receded a bit to be replace with hope. That is when I realized she was really desperate.

Celina : "Sooo, Spain... We're really not in Mexico anymore ? You're a wizard ? Like Harry Potter ?" She asked me tentatively. "I would be a muggle so I don't think I can do much, but I'll do my best ! I'm extremely hardworking ."

Alexander : "No, I'm not a wizard" I couldn't help but chuckle at that "And I honestly wouldn't give you anything to do. From what I can guess you'd destroy anything I'd give you to do." The way she flinched at my remark did not escape my sight, and confirmed my suspicion. "No, I want you to work as my personal maid, secretary and whatever else I would want you to be. But not now. It is my personal belief that at the moment, you would be more of a problem than a helper. I just want to secure your services for the future. Do you have questions about what I said for the moment ?"

Celina : "A lot, but the most important is this one... Since you believe I'm useless, why offering me the job ?"

Alexander : "Because only your personality matters to me. The rest I couldn't care less. I want someone extremely hardworking, with a great work ethic. Someone who will do it's utmost to do his tasks, and go beyond if he can. Someone who wouldn't betray his boss for some benefits. And this, my lady, is why I want YOU. I did come from very far just for you after all."

Celina : "You... Want ME ?! You SEARCHED for ME ?!" she asked me, clearly shocked that anyone would want her. From what what I could see, she was already having problems making managers keep her so having someone looking specifically for HER, must have been weird. "WHY ?"

Alexander : "Well I did tell you didn't I ? I'm interested in your work ethic, the rest is irrelevant. We'll upgrade you with time. I already know how... Do you have anything against taking other people things ?"

Celina : "Uh ? You mean... Stealing ?" yeah, that was a bit of a change of topic but...

Alexander : "No, I mean taking what doesn't belong to you."

Celina : "Could you elaborate a bit ? I... Do steal some food sometime but... It's because I really don't have the choice." I was a bit surprised that she admitted that to be honest. But I imagine that it's not so rare in the outer rim of Mexico.

Alexander : "I'm talking about ripping someone's health and taking it for yourself. Plundering their talents, experience, ... Someone's beauty, or intelligence. Whatever you want, I can give it to you. All I'm asking for is your sworn obedience and most importantly, I want to be able to trust you." As I was talking I just could not stop myself from making my eyes go red, I was having such a kick.

Celina : "What are you ...?" She asked me, starting to feel fear, despite the hope previously showing in her emotions.

Alexander : "I'm a devil my dear Celina. Now tell me, do we have a deal ?"