It's ALIVE !

It took him a few minutes of total silence to take a decision.

And it was extremely stressing to wait there, in the middle of a giant golden hall, with a lot of armed, trained, dangerous soldiers eyeing you as if you might become the worst criminal ever any moment now... Not talking about the deadly Valkyrie less than 3 foot away, with her eyes completely focused on me... And the creeps... Mustn't forget the shitty ravens.

Stressful minutes indeed.

In the end he took my offer. Let's just say I felt much better after he decided to give me a chance. Two guards carried the painting following Odin to... Somewhere. I guessed Frigga's room, or some kind of crypt. Never asked the detail.

As for me ? I stayed there alone, in the middle of the FUCKING HALL.

Well, when I say alone, I mean surrounded by soldiers, still as dangerous as in the last few minutes. But this time without their king to keep their leash if needed. I was still being creepingly stared at by Bruggä. And I was still in the presence of two annoying spooky ravens perched on the now empty throne.

Nether realized that time could be influenced that much just by your surrounding. I swear time slowed. the fact that they just stood there looking at me without moving and talking... *shiver*

Anyway, after some disturbingly long minutes (or hours ? I wasn't really sure), Asgard shivered. Like the air became tense. And then came the wind, the storm and the earthquake.

I admit I started to panic because that was NOT supposed to happen... AT ALL. The worst I was expecting was a little light show, not THAT.

And everyone's attitude toward me got a bit more negative. The fact that I suddenly had a very well crafted rune blade way to close to my head for my comfort was a big clue. Bruggä's strong hand around my neck keeping me in place, was the other. The fact that every soldier suddenly had their weapon out and were being extremely vigilant did not really warrant my attention at this point.

I mean, who cares about some petty deadly Valhalla soldiers wanting your head when the deadly Valkyrie close to you literally HAS your head around her hand. Well, not me.

Things got better for me when Odin's voice was heard saying :


Alexander : "As you can hear, it's not my fault, can I ask you to take your nice blade away from me my fair lady. I admit it makes me a bit nervous."

Bruggä : "sorry, it seems that my action was unwarranted"

Alexander : "No problem, no problem. I admit it scarred me a bit too."

While for me things were getting better, for the rest of Asgard, and specifically Loki, the shitstorm just started. From what we could hear from the very angry and out of control All-Father screaming and shouting through the entire realm of Asgard, it appeared that Loki was the instigator. He also had help from Hades, the Greek god of death. The trickster god gloated by revealing his masterplan while she was dying... Who would have guessed ? Turns out a Valkyrie was involved. She was tricked to summon Frigga for some help, just to be betrayed by Loki. Turns out her death might not have been as accidental as it seemed.

I also heard him saying he was going to declare war to the Greek pantheon and torture and butcher every greek god, but... Meh, not my problem.

And the wait became much nicer. The soldier started to run around like headless chicken looking for Loki, and the raven finally pissed off. Bruggä stayed there though. What a dedicated woman.

Loki was now being 'summoned for questioning'. And anyone with some brain cells could have guessed it, but he fled. Turns out killing your godly king's wife is not a good idea if you want to live a peaceful and fulfilling life in his realm.

He did come back to his throne room to give orders he had already shouted. Things like "seal the realm", "Get me Loki, and if possibly, extremely injured", "Call every gods for a war meeting".

The most interesting thing were the two guard carrying the living painting of Frigga inside the hall. And she was moving and looking around.

I was happy it worked well.

I just couldn't help myself and went in her direction. Bruggä seemed to want to say something but eventually just followed. She did seemed intrigued herself.

As for Odin ? I don't think he even remember I existed. He was way to busy being angry. And Satan wasn't he terrifying. Better get next to the homely goddess of marriage that could potentially reign him in case of problem.

Alexander : "Greeting lady Frigga, queen of Asgard. It is an honour to meet you."

Frigga : "And who might you be little kid ?"

Alexander : "My name is Alexander Gremory, from the main branch of the Gremory family, one of the 72 pillar of the underworld. Also the artist that painted your current surrounding. I hope it is to your liking ?"

After my brief introduction I could see some surprise, she was clearly NOT expecting that.

Frigga : "I am... Satisfied, for the moment. This entire situation is new to me as you can guess, so it is hard to tell what the future hold for me. If I am to pass the next few centuries here, at least there is a nice forest to visit, and a cozy house. I just have this feeling I can go inside them, whether the house or the forest, but I will stop existing during my time inside. And at some point I will come back here naturally. Could you explain this to me, it is a bit unsettling ? And of course I would like to thank you for bringing me back. It is a great boon you offered me and my husband. Even if I will be restricted in the future."