Painting dimension

Alexander : "I could hazard a guess, but nothing concrete. First of all you need to understand what I really did. You're not resurrected stricto sensu, after all, you are now a painting." At that I could see her nod, I could also see that the guard nearby and Bruggä seemed to be paying more attention to our conversation.

"Furthermore you need to understand that what I did could have only worked for a god because divinity allow for a lot of flexibility, and also allow you to throw the middle finger to reality and rules." At that little information, I could see her smiling a little. At least she realized how bullshit divinity truly was.

"If it was a normal being, I would've need several sessions of painting while talking with said individual. This way I could have captured the most of who he is. Then, if the painting is of good enough quality and said individual can see himself in it, he can infuse some of his 'being' inside the painting via a harmless ritual. A bit like a memory copy, but much more complex since personality is also taken into account."

"But it would still be a painting. It would act, talk, and react like the original model, like a living being, but IT would KNOW it is a painting. the individual inside the painting will never be bored, because in the end, a painting exists for the purpose of being looked at, not... Evolving or changing like us. But for some reason, they still retain some need to 'move around' so they would move around. Getting out of their painting to visit other similar painting, or simply going in the background if possible."

Bruggä : "you're saying that if you make more painting like this one, my queen will be able to visit them ?"

Alexander : "yes and no. Like I said, what I described to you is the NORMAL process. The one I invented when I wished to make a business of my talent for painting. I thought with this, it would become something unique that would gather attention, allowing me enough fame to live of my art."

Frigga : "I can assure you young devil that it will be a successful endeavour, especially considering your talent in the craft." she told me with a smile.

Alexander : "Thank you. But like I was saying, these 'backgrounds' and paintings are all linked. They constitute what I could oversimplified as a new world, in an dimension overlapping ours, to which the gateways are my paintings. So theoretically, we could go inside or out of these painting. I just have no idea how at all. This would require a greater magical knowledge than I have access to, and power too, lots and lots of power."

Bruggä : "So if one day you find a way, you could just paint a pile of treasure, food, and women and just... Take them back here ?"

Alexander : "While extremely oversimplified... Yes. But again, you seem to forget that going threw dimension has a cost. One of which, is to bypass the great Red, he IS the dimensional guardian after all. So I'm not fighting a dragon god for food, treasure and fair maiden. Even if they end up as pretty as you lady Bruggä." The blush on her face was just priceless.

Friggä : "What about my situation then ?"

Alexander : "Your case is special. You're not a painting given some sentience. You are a living goddess given a painting to reside in. This is why even if you can see the house and go inside, there is nothing there. It's a blank in my dimension since I haven't painted it yet. You would come back because of the magic inside the painting compelling you to be present. Your 'rent' for living in the painting is basically to pose as a model.

As for more detail to what happened to you, I kinda sent your soul in my painting dimension, creating a living body in the process. Meaning if you find a way to 'cross over', you'd have two bodies. The one I created for you, and your original one. And both would be as real as the other. But once again, this is gross oversimplification. I don't understand it as much as I would like to. Like I said, I relied a lot on divinity bullshit to finalise the job."

Frigga : "Language young lad. You may be a devil, but no need for vulgarity. I have to say your magical paintings as you call them are a very interesting idea. And if I understand everything you said, you could create more painting for me to move in if you linked them to my painting ? Like painting the inside of this house ?"

Alexander : "Indeed. I could totally do that. The only problem is that I invented that house. Before you ask me do paint the inside, I would recommand you chose a house of your choice, le me visit it, and I'll do a painting for each room. Furthermore, if you have some clothes you'd like to use, ask your husband to give me memory of yourself with said clothes. this way you'd be able to change clothes to the set I paint. Keep in mind that for every modification to YOU, it would need your blood to link to you.

The funny thing is that you could then gift your paintings to some friends and visit them whenever you want without a single waste of time. You could also sent some to your enemies and spy on them. Nice right ?"

Odin : "Indeed young friend, very nice." he said behind my back. "I would appreciate it I could book your next 10 magical paintings. I will give you memories of a specific house that would match well with the exterior of the one you already painted. I will also grant you memories of my Frigga wearing various garments. Furthermore I will give you memories of various magical forests.

Now tell me Alexander Gremory, what will it cost me ?"