Holiday in Asgard

My stay in Asgard was pleasant to say the least. After Odin's declaration, I was considered positively by the locals. It was a nice feeling, and a radical change of pace compared to the underworld where I was ignored at best.

It took 4 days before Bruggä showed me my new house. It wasn't a mansion, but it was a fairly large residence with 4 bedrooms. The best part ? It was MINE. Not my father's, but mine. I finally had my own (legal) lair.

In the end I stayed around 40 days, learning about various stuff, but mostly about the culture from an Asgardian point of view, and not the clearly bias information I had access to in the Gremory library. Bruggä was a great source of information in this matter.

It turns out she would be assigned to me ANY time I came here, it wasn't a temporary thing. So I had the equivalent of a capable maid during my stay in Asgard. And after living with a permanent helper, it really motivated me to finish my 'make Celina the best maid ever' project. I just knew it would become annoying to do everything by myself again. Having a maid was clearly like taking drugs... Too much addictive.

But the most important part of my vacation was my rune magic studies. It was also the time where I was introduced to Rossweisse.

She was exactly what I expected her to be, albeit younger, and she didn't have her nickname of 'The Valkyrie that's never had a boyfriend' yet. From what I learned, she was using this tutoring opportunity to bolster her resume, since she would apply in the equivalent of the best magical high school.

Bruggä also told me she was already know as a stuck up genius bint. In truth she just sucked at social interaction if you hadn't the same values as her.

Our first meeting was a bit strained because she thought I was just a pampered rich kid that found a way to be given a clearly overqualified tutor. The fact that I had an aura of laziness around me did not help. What did she expect ? I was a kid in holiday ! And while I truly wanted to learn, I did not have a deadline, especially since I was now permanently invited.

Things got way better when she realized that I understood what she taught pretty quickly, and when we started having heated discussion on improving magical circle using runes. We became really good friends, and I ended up working with her on creating an extremely complex rune sigil that could be use for long range bombardment magic. It was supposed to become her own personal magic in the future, but it ended up a joined project with me, and we finished it way earlier than in canon.

Frigga also started giving me lessons when the subject became advanced. I used the opportunity to praise Rossweiss so she could learn with me. I know I scored a lot of brownie points for that. Her completely blushing face during that discussion was also super cute. Sadly, that's also the moment Frigga took an unhealthy interest in our relationship.

Speaking of Frigga, I was also paid an hefty sum to finish my order, and ended up creating several paintings of her that were put in various locations. One of them being the living room of my new house in Asgard. When I asked why here, she just told me she wanted to have the possibility to talk with me when we weren't busy. In the end I didn't really had a reason to refuse, so we started to chat regularly during my afternoon snack, and I started to think of her as the nice grandma I didn't have.

A bit before departing I also created for her a very special painting. One that was kept secret even from Odin (at least I think he still doesn't know about it), and ended up in my basement, waiting for relocation. The reason for the secrecy ? It depicted her in an ugly but comfortable pyjama stating 'When I wake up I have no plan to be sexy, it just happens'. She was in a bedroom full of mangas, anime figurines, and of course, a impressive computer. That's right, during our discussion I corrupted her and made her a woman of culture !

Furthermore, I found a way to attach an Ethernet slot on the painting frame. This way, she would have access to internet once I had decided where to build my permanent workshop.

As for the drop of blood needed for the activation ? She basically told her husband "Give him a drop of my blood, don't ask why, and don't complain !"

Eh, at least I knew who wore the pant in the royal couple.

All in all, it was a very enjoyable experience where I made several friends and acquaintances. I also ended up mastering rune magic enough for some of my projects.

But before upgrading Celina, I needed a safe place. Sure my house in Asgard was awesome, but I was still ultimately part of the underworld faction, and staying here too long could bring complication. Complication I did not want to deal with at all.

So after talking about it with Frigga if she had an idea, she told me she could ask one of her friend to give me a little place inside one of her territory. And thus I ended up with a modest mansion with a warehouse attached to it in Tokyo, as thanks for bringing back Frigga. It turns out one of my painting was sent to Yasaka, the leader of the western Youkai faction, and apparently, one of Frigga's best friend. That's when I learned Yasaka was really old, like, 650 years really old. Who knew ?

And after some tearful goodbyes (Rossweiss really was a crybaby), I departed for Tokyo, to ward my new permanent residence. The objective being to be able to survive an apocalyptic attack, a trickster god fury, or a god of death wrath... Just in case.