Getting attention

* Michael POV *

Things are becoming more and more difficult. It's been a few month already but I can't seem to find what's the matter with twice critical. It's like the sacred gear was simply cut off from the system.

And what is this heart seeker ? that thing just decided to connect itself to the system but I can't get any information about it. And worse, I can't erase it. It's like I don't have enough privilege.

If only the Jade emperor would have let me search the area as soon as the bug was discovered... When I was finally allowed to search the area I didn't find anything. The human that was supposed to have the twice critical sacred gear appeared completely normal, as if he was never connected to the gear. It shouldn't be possible.

And as if I didn't have enough problems trying to maintain the system, Gabriel keeps asking me for permission to visit a devil kid.

I mean, I understand really... The fact that queen Frigga is back in the land of the living (if we can call it that) is clearly a miracle. And if he could do it for her, maybe, just maybe, he could do it for father too...


I just don't see a devil helping us to bring back father. It seem that we will have to monitor him closely to find out his opinion on the war. And if he's a pacifist, then hopefully...

* Zeus POV *


Stupid Loki, Stupid Hades, Stupid Odin ! Can't they keep my realm out of their stupid conflict ? What's this about war ?! We've stopped bothering with other pantheons for the last 2000 years !!! And then Hades just HAD to screw things up, like he usually does. I can't believe I'm related to that bastard...

Maybe I should just order Athena to deal with it ? It looks too troublesome, and I have better things to do.

And since when gods can be resurrect as a painting ? Why wasn't I informed of that ?! If a fail-safe like that exists I should have one. I'm sure that nerd Hephaestus already has a painting hidden somewhere, the selfish cunt.

And if he refuses me, I'll just punish him as his king, and order the devil brat to offer me one. It should be a nice honour for the Gremory house. Yeah let's do that.

* Frigga POV *

The last few days (or should I say centuries ?) were really... Peculiar. Living inside what Alexander calls the 'painting dimension' is restraining, but at the same time it's infinitely better than my 'resting place'.

I can still remember bits of it, the great void, the whispers of other gods, desperate to keep existing, desperate to be listened to, but still slowly losing their sanity.


It is depressing to know what will happen to me should I die again while my name isn't forgotten. At least with the number of paintings of me in existence, it will be more complicated now. Especially with the one hidden in his basement. It was a great idea of him to allow me that 'geek bedroom' like he calls it.

Alexander has no idea how much Hubby and I are thankful for his present. The original painting's name still make me smile. A 'godly gift' indeed.

That being said, I'm still shocked with the result of the investigation on the lad. I knew that devil tended to value their family magic but... It looks excessive, especially considering Alexander talent in magic. Surely, that should count for something right ?

And that stupid maid ! I can't believe she's the one spearheading that attitude. It look as if she's doing this to ensure the heirship for her son. This is just so ridiculous, more so when considering her history.

But we'll make it right for him, I owe him this much at least. Now, if Rossweiss could find her way into his heart, it would be perfect. This way we would have legitimacy to take him away from them, and seeing the girl, I'm sure he'll find a devoted wife in her. And maybe I'll have the chance to see some magical genius baby in a few years...


But in the meantime Yasaka will take care of him. I just need to make sure the vixen doesn't try to match him with one of her Youkai.

Alexander belong to US !

* Miracle☆Levia-tan POV *

How is it possible for a genius like that to go under the radar ? Resurrecting a god ? I mean, SERIOUSLY ? And the kid is just 9 years old ! Why isn't he being groomed by Ajuka ? And better yet, why are we learning about this from our spy in the Nordic pantheon ?! The kid was named friend of Asgard for Satan's sake. We should be having a ceremony to strengthen the ties between Asgard and the underworld. And yet, Asgard didn't even bother notifying us... It's as if they don't acknowledge his ties to the devil faction.

Something is wayyy too fishy here. And how come he hasn't had his debut yet ? Isn't he supposed to be introduced to the other noble children at his 8th birthday ? Now that I think about it, Sona-tan did mention he was sick during Rias 8th birthday party. And I don't think she ever mentioned him afterward. How am I supposed to present him as a diplomatic role model if the other kids of his generation have never heard of him ?

And how come I can't find a trace of his devil pieces bestowal ceremony ? It can't have been delayed that much right ? It should have been done when he was 6 after all, it's been more than 3 years now. Or are there special circumstance ?

There's just too much questions here. And when I think he's been given land in Youkai territory despite the fact that Yasaka-chan simply refuse to have any interaction with the devil faction after the Nekomata massacre... We can't be allowed to antagonize him. He may be our way in with them.

It looks like there is no choice, the mystery that is Alexander Gremory needs to be resolved, and this is clearly a mission for Magical girl☆Levia-tan ! Maybe I should bring Sona-tan with me, after all, they're the same age.

Maybe I should create a magical girl costume for my cute Sona for the occasion ?


Sona-tan will accept I'm sure, after all, it's for the greater good of devil society.

*magical girl maniacal laughter*