In the end, my itinerary was changed for me. During my travel on the plane, I was called by mother asking me to come back home.
Sad I couldn't teleport directly inside the Youkai territory, the magical call would have been blocked. But it would have been dangerous to do so, especially since the incident that happened with the nekomatas recently. From the rumour I got, every devil that teleported in Kyoto was severely punished (maimed).
I could already anticipate the family meeting was going to be annoying. But despite everything, they are still my new family, and while I did not love them that much, mother was still very nice to me, and had never shown less than motherly affection. Her only fault was not going against her husband for my treatment, but she was a devil, selfishness was a thing, and I was not stupid enough not to understand peer pressure.
They also never abused me. Neglected ? Sure, but never abused. At worst, the servants were a bit annoying. So I was still OK with them (Grayfia asside).
And honestly ? They couldn't really do much to me, aside from physical punishment, that would really annoy me. Unlike Rias, I didn't use my name as a Gremory, and I was never gifted anything aside from my allowance, that would be considered small for a family of that importance.
So in case of a punishment ? Meh, just ignore it or bail out in Kyoto for a bit.
As for Celina ? No way I was bringing her here yet. Just like when I was in Asgard, I gave her a bit of money and told her to live in Kyoto for a bit. No need to rush things.
I would also meet Koneko and Akeno for the first time. I was a bit interested to meet other characters of the main cast. Sure I knew they were real and all that, but it was always funny to see how an anime character looked like in real life.
I'm not sure when she would get Kiba and Gasper, but I was not particularly looking into it. What would happen would happen, and I didn't want to interact to much with important events. After all, I needed things to be as similar as possible as canon so that Issei would save the world.
the rude awakening would come later...
And so just like that, I was in front of the Gremory mansion, being guided inside by the head pest, Grayfia herself.
Grayfia : "Hello Alexander-san, it's been a while, anything of importance that happened to you in your travels ?"
Alexander : "No"
Grayfia : *twitch* "I see, and how was your trip in Asgard ? I heard a lot of exaggerated rumours about that."
Alexander : "Standard I guess."
Grayfia : "I see... And what was that about a painting housing the goddess Frigga ?"
Alexander : "Well... It's a painting housing the goddess Frigga. What don't you understand about that ? Is there a word that bothers you ? is it 'housing' ? Or 'goddess' perhaps ? I would recommend you the usage of a standard dictionary, the explanation would be more complete than what I could give you. Still, I'm a bit disappointed from your level of education, I expected more from a servant of the Gremory house. It seems that hiring standards are at an all time low. Or maybe you used your connection to brother to be hired despite your lacking qualifications" *sight*
At that point she stopped talking to me, and the temperature got a bit lower. Well, she didn't like me, and I didn't like her, didn't see a reason not to be an ass.
And thus I finally entered the parlour. My attention was completely focused on the magical girl in pink clothes. 'What the hell is Serafall doing here ?' was my initial question. Then it was 'why on underworld is Ajuka also here ?'.
Accompanying them was my father Zeoticus, my mother venelana, and my Brother Sirzechs. On a separated table on the side, Rias and her two new peerage member (Akeno and Koneko) were sitting next to another magical girl in blue attire this time. 'What the heck is Sona doing in a magical girl costume ?' I just couldn't let this opportunity pass.
Without greeting anyone, I took my phone, went next to her and took a pic. This would be glorious blackmail material in the future, I just knew it.
That being said, my silent entry and determined face made everyone stop talking and focus on me.
Sona : "Wh... What did you do ?!"
Alexander : "Took a picture of you. You're way too cute to let the opportunity pass." I didn't know at that time that someone could blush that much.
Sona : "DELETE IT, NOW !"
Alexander : "Not possible, all my pictures are saved on a separate private server in case I would lose my phone. I am terribly sorry." I told her a big smile and a complete lack of remorse.
Sona : "Onee-sama, do something !!!"
Alexander : "Oops, it seems like my finger tripped and sent the picture to someone called 'Miracle☆Levia-tan fan mail' ! My bad" I said this while looking at Serafall.
Serafall : "It looks like nothing can be done then Sona-tan. Even my power as a Satan is limited." She said doing a sad face, while giving me a thumb up.
I just couldn't resist and did the same, much to the consternation of Sona and the rest of the adults.
Sona : "I... I'LL REMEMBER THAT !"
Alexander : "Sure, no problem. Here, take this as a modelling fee" I then took a piece of cake out of thin air. "Tell me what you think of it, it's one of my new recipes. A variation of Strawberry chocolate cake."
Because yes, I cook. I mean, when I realized I had a gift for crafting, no way I wouldn't try and make sweets. It turned out they were awesome. So I created a little spell allowing food to be stored in a little dimension. Nothing big, but nice anyway. This way I always have food when I want to snack.