Meeting two big shots

Ajuka : "Nice little spell, who taught you that ?" he asked clearly interested.

Alexander : "Made it myself, I thought it was a major necessity to have access to sweets, and more importantly cookies at any time." And I was serious, you never know when a godly loli may appear in front of you. That's why I had a bag of 'ultra premium dragon god's special' cookies in stasis.

"But excuse me... I forgot myself in the gorgeous presence of the one I believe to be the lovely heiress Sitri." My bad, she COULD blush harder. And she acknowledge my remark by timidly nodding her head.

"Mother, sister, father, brother, I'm back. Lady Leviathan, lord Beelzebub, it is a pleasure and an honour to meet you officially, I am Alexander Gremory, second son of Lord Zeoticus Gremory. I am a great fan of both of your works by the way. Heiress Sitri, it's a real pleasure to meet you." I told them while doing a short bow to the two Satans, and kissing the back of Sona's hand.

I was so going to kill her by having all her blood go to her head. She was way cuter than she would become in the future.

Ajuka : "officially ? I don't believe I've met you at all ?" He said with a little smile, after all, everyone liked to be buttered up a bit. Serafall was also blindingly smiling at me.

Alexander : "That wouldn't be a mistake my lord, I spied on some of the meetings you had with my brother in his solar using a simple baby talky walky" I told them without an once of shame or regret. "It was a good way to learn about the political landscape without the half truths that father and mother tend to give me and my sister."


Clearly, no one was expecting me to say that after just saying hello. What can I say, devils tend to only think about magic protections. After all, who would be so crass as to use a pathetic human tool... Me. The worst ? It clearly works.

"I also discovered another listening device while I bugged brother's office by the way. Just for fun, I put it in a box with an mp3 player stuck on Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. You can sleep happily tonight knowing that whoever that was, was Rick rolled." I couldn't stop a smile at that.

Once again, a nice silence took place.

Sirzechs : "You... Bugged my office ?!" he asked clearly bewildered.

Alexander : "When you want something, take it. Isn't that kind of the devil motto ? Furthermore mother always taught us that information is power."

Zeoticus : "Why didn't you tell anyone about our house being under surveillance, instead of playing a childish prank ?!" he asked clearly the angrier one in the room.

Alexander : "I tried to. 10 times actually, but each time I asked to talk with brother about it, Grayfia told me he was kept with important work and that he couldn't pamper to my every needs. When I went for her instead, she just said she was busy. And when I wanted to talk to the chief of security, I was outright ignored. So after some time I stopped bothering about it. After all, it's not my duty to secure the mansion, that would be yours father, as well as Grayfia since she is in charge of the servants here."

At that comment I could see Ajuka and Serafall narrowing their eyes at Grayfia, and the other adults not knowing how to react. Rias on the other hand was clearly not happy with me throwing Grayfia under the bus. But Sona was looking at me with a weird glint in her eyes, and it seems that for some reasons it made up her mind to finally try my cake.

Alexander : "But that fun fact aside, may I ask why you summoned me back mother ? I intended to decorate a new property of mine before you called. I also wanted to use the occasion to visit Kyoto, and the western youkai enclave."

"HUUUMMM !!!" and the flow was once again broken *sight*.

At that sound that could be mistaken as an orgasm, every heads turned to Sona again.

Sona : "This... This is the BEST CAKE I EVER ATE !" She said without realizing she was being the centre of attention.

Alexander : "Thank you for your appraisal heiress Sitri" Eh, I'm that good.

Serafall : "Really ? Give me some of it Sona-tan !!! I need to sample it, it's for my mission here !" At that remark everyone looked at her weirdly.

Her mission ? What could my cake had to do with that ? And clearly, I wasn't the only one bewildered.

And seeing that despite being clearly reluctant Sona was going to give her a slice I took pity on her.

Alexander : "If you want I can give you an entire cake lady Leviathan, I don't mind." And did just that. I served her a improved lemon cheesecake.

Sarafall : "YAY ! Thank you Alex-chan !"

And after her first bite, she started to devour my cake as if her life depended on it, all the while moaning like a pervert. All the while, Sona doing the same.

No need to say it, but during Sona's and Serafall's discovery of my culinary skills, the rest of the room felt awkward. Some still thinking about the fact the house had been bugged since at least my departure.

As if to make conversation going again, Ajuka asked me a light question with a bit of anticipation.

Ajuka : "Can I ask why you have Serafall's fan mail on speed dial ?"

Alexander : *sight* "What a gross mistake you are making lord Beelzebub, I expected better from you." I told him with the most admonishing and disappointed tone I could muster, much to everyone's shock. "It's Miracle☆Levia-tan's fan mail. It's completely different."

At that I could see the two gluttons getting back from cake heaven, or hell in our case, to listen to the conversation again.