Leviathan and Levia-tan

Nonplussed by my answer, but intrigued nonetheless, Akuja didn't react more than a raised eyebrow at what could clearly be considered a condescending and borderline insulting attitude toward one of the leaders of my nation. After all, I WAS a kid.

Ajuka : "Please enlighten me with your wisdom then kiddo." a bit of mirth in his tone.

Alexander : "With pleasure my lord." I answered as if everything was normal, much to my father slowly growing dismay and anger.

"First of all there is the one called Miracle☆Levia-tan, the popular and public figure of Serafall Sitri." I did saw a few tick at me using the Sitri name instead of Leviathan. "An extremely bubbly and gorgeous magical girl. A hero of sort for devil kids, since she possess impressive magical power, and childish enough for little girls to project themselves as a magical girl in the future. A role model of sort, even if she wins most of her fights by using the power of love, friendship or cooperation. A masterful way to brainwash the future generation to be less devilish, and a way to cement the progressive faction, and introduce the idea of a permanent peace with the fallen and angel. By the way, the plot of episode 427 was way too obvious, you might want to tone it down, lest it becomes banned by conservationist like... Zekram Bael for example." It was funny seeing them look at me as if I was an alien. Serafall attitude on the other hand was subtly changing, and becoming more weary.

"This is why Miracle☆Levia-tan is someone I greatly respect, and why I'm a big fan. The fact that she found a way for her show to be interesting to follow even for adults is impressive. The judicious use of wardrobe malfunctions and skimpy outfit does the job, while staying PG for kids. The plot is also very interesting for who bother to understand the detail, and give a nice overview of the political landscape. Once again, I would tell you to be careful, I honestly though you would be censured after episode 438, since the nekomata reference was really obvious, as well as the fact that the presence of a devil mastermind was strongly hinted... It's when I realised that your show had become way to annoying to deal with by the council. Congrats on that by the way."

By now most of them seemed shocked at my revelation and Sirzechs was looking as Serafall completely flabbergast. The fact that neither Ajuka or Venelana were surprised comforted me in my opinion of them being dangerously observant.

Serafall : "A little genius indeed... And thank you for you support" she said slowly with a dangerous glint of interest in her eyes.

Alexander : "And on the other hand, we have Serafall Leviathan, the satan aspect of Serafall Sitri, the name and role she 'won' with her achievements during the civil war. And here I'm not impressed. To be honest, aside from Falbium, I consider the satans to be pretty pathetic."

Once again, the various reactions were funny. The disbelieving look from the youngs and Sirzechs, the increasingly angry one from my father and the murderous one from Grayfia (as if I care about you stuck up bitch) were the negative ones. Weirdly, non of our two guests were antagonistic. Serafall looked as if I had sucker punched her, and Ajuka was looking more and more interested. Mother... Well she was the only one not surprised by anything.

Serafall : "I thought you were my fan ?" She whined.

Alexander : "Like I said, I'm Miracle☆Levia-tan's fan, you might even know my alias since I give a review on every of your episodes, and you wrote back a few times to thank me for my support."

Serafall : "YOU'RE 'MYSTERIOUSWIZARD666' !!!" She yelled while standing up and pointing her finger at me, startling everyone. "YOU'RE MY MOST HARDCORE FAN !" and I am. The show was just that great.

Alexander : "The one and only, at your service magical girl Levia-tan." I told her with a wink. "But like I was saying, it is my personal belief that the Satan are a pathetic bunch, and I mean it in the literal meaning of the word. You all inspire me pity when I look at your situation.

I mean look at your achievements, Brother and lord Beelzebub are 2 of the top 10 most powerful being in the world and you lady Leviathan are one of the two most powerful woman in the underworld with my sister in law, not sure who's the strongest here. You all won the civil war and became hero for the winning faction, making you all extremely popular. Furthermore all of you are handsome/beautiful, rich, and talented. You could do anything you'd want to. Obviously every devil's dream right ?"

At that statement I could see Rias and Sona eagerly nodding, as well as my father standing prouder. Fools.

"And yet... Look at your current situations. Let's start for the easier one, Lord Beelzebub" I said while making a hand gesture at his direction, getting a nod of approval to continue. "Despite all his accomplishments, he's almost banned from maying because of political shenanigans, and has to do with flings. I'm even pretty sure that lady Shax's death was more than an accident."

And wow, can Ajuka looks scary when he wants to.

"Furthermore, he can't even decide on the topic of his research, but needs to cater to every whims of the devils part of the council if he wants to keep his budget. And he needs that budget because he's banned from doing personal research. Why ? 'It could do untold damage to the underworld'. *Snort*, As if a genius like him wasn't taking precautionary measures when working on volatiles stuff... And let's not get into the fact that despite being 'separated' from house Astaroth, they keep coming to him like a bunch of leeches to deal with unsavoury matters discreetly, but ignore him when he want to improve their situation by getting rid of corrupted elements, because 'he can't intervene in matter of the house anymore'.

I've already heard some disturbing news about the heir of the Astaroth clan, and from what I can infer, you'll keep cleaning for them for a long while."

From the look I got from him, he knew that very well, but he seemed surprised when I mentioned it. Plot knowledge and Miracle☆Levia-tan's episodes for the win.