Can I be blunt ?

It was fun seeing Sona look at Ajuka with pity. A look that wasn't missed by the man himself or Serafall.

Ajuka : "You seem to have sadly pinpointed my job pretty accurately... And while I'm seriously wondering how you got the information on the Astaroth family, I won't inquire about it... For now. Like you said, it's not my business anymore."

Alexander : "There's no big secret here, I just hacked Diodora's devilbook, and deviltube accounts, and browsed a bit on his online storage space."


"Oh come on, don't look at me like that, it wasn't even complicated. The guy used 'Lucifer666' as a password on all his accounts. The worst ? Almost every boys of my generation use that same password. It's like they decided to band together an decided to become as dumb as a brick as a group."

The way they looked at me, it was like I had just reinvented sliced bread. That or they were just annoyed at me. Not sure which one. And I could see Serafall looking intently at Sona. Hum, I had the feeling someone would soon be made to change her password. At least 'chessmaster666' was more original... Yeah right.

"Can I be blunt with you lord Beelzebub ?"

Ajuka : "Aren't you already blunt ?" He asked bewildered.

Alexander : "Kinda ? While I may have overstepped a bit more than what would be considered appropriate with guests, I never said anything insulting nor was I vulgar, I mostly stated facts. Which is why I didn't bother asking if it was OK for me to speak my mind. You may have also noticed that while I spy, I did not give the information gathered 'illegally'."

My mother seemed proud at that. Guess we think alike what's OK.

Ajuka : "And now you want to share said information... All right, go on. You've been nothing but entertaining, and it's refreshing to meet a crazy kid like you."

Serafall : "Hey don't forget me ! You haven't told me why you think I'm pathetic. I wanna know too ! Stop focusing on Ajuka-chan."

I took her interruption for what it was, a way to deflect. She clearly didn't want the discussion to take place. Seems she had an idea about the trash that was Diodora Astaroth. I was honestly surprised to discover he was already a sick fuck so young. I regularly spied on the various heir of my generation after all. Because while I didn't care much about the plot, I cared about my future in this corrupted society, and like mother taught me, information is power.

Better get blackmail material while it's easy. And Diodora made it very simple. The kid took various picture of animals he tortured. Wouldn't be long until he does the same to humans.

Alexander : "All right. Let's forget the Astaroth business then. After all, ladies first." I said while bowing way more than necessary to Serafall, and comically enough to alleviate the mood a bit.

"To be honest I respect you a lot as lady Leviathan, your work in external affair is outstanding. You're clearly the Satan that impress me the most, and whose achievement is the most impressive in my opinion. But on the other hand I'll never aspire to be like you. You may be the best at what you do, but what you do isn't really nice *snicker*. To be blunt, I consider you the rag of the underworld."

It was fun to see that this time no one seemed angry, just waiting for me to elaborate.

"You're the one that has to mop the shit that devils tend to leave behind them without caring when they decide to have 'fun' or 'do something creative' outside the underworld.

And the worst ? You don't even get gratitude for it, you're usually insulted for being too slow, or not doing better. Sad really. I mean, what do they expect you to do to mend relations with Dionysus when a cunt thought it would be funny to steal all his wine ? And what about that guy from the Zagan house that wanted to know if raping a virgin magician would give him power, and he though it would be a great idea to test this on the daughter of the German magicians association's leader. I won't even bother talking about the guy from house Stolas. What he did was just baffling."

I could see her wince at this one.

"Just for the record, I want you to know you have my utmost gratitude for what you do, it's one of the reason I help you so much with your show by giving the most accurate reviews of your episodes as possible. I think of it as a payment of sort."

And at that I got a super smile from her. Easy goodwill, check. Nothing better than making people happy by telling the truth.

"I'm honestly baffled that after everything I found out, and I'm under no disillusion that I know even half of it, the entire supernatural world hasn't declare war on us. At some point I wondered if you used some kind of mind controlling device on every pantheon leader. I mean, HOW do you do it ? I still can't fathom how you prevented the youkai from simply butchering every devils in Japan. The fact you kept Kuoh town under the Belial house is in my opinion impossible miracle."

That's right, stand straighter, you deserve it Serafall. While my spiel won't change anything, at least Sona will know more about your work.

"So all in all, here you are. One of the most hard working and efficient devil of our society, yet you are only recognised for your TV show, and the council consider you as a grunt the best of times. You are also in my opinion the most gorgeous female devil after my mother, and yet you are single because... Politics, just like with lord Beelzebub. You are also rich, but you barely use your money because you don't have time to do anything personal.

You could do anything you'd want with your fame, power and wealth, and yet, you've chosen to be the underworld rag. THAT is why I respect Magical girl Levia-tan, and not lady Leviathan."