Alexander : "... the right to veto any marriage partner you'd choose for me that I don't approve of."
That's right, arranged marriage, THAT was my nightmare. No way I was going to let him choose someone for me. If I was had to live thousands of years with a woman, I'm the one choosing her. Especially since he didn't care about feelings or compatibility, only family benefit. Rias example was all I needed.
When I realized I was in a worse situation than her (I'm not the heir, and I'm not loved by the most powerful sis con of the underworld), I started to look on how to get myself immune to that plague.
I always wondered why Rias had that much problem getting out of hers, so I checked the details. Let's just say it's not pretty. Basically, if you're the blood child of a house's head of the 72 pillars, a blank marriage contract is redacted 6 days after your birth, using a drop of your blood. The head of house just need to fill the name, the date and add various clauses if he wants and it's MAGICALLY ENFORCED. And I'm talking powerful magic here. The only way to cancel it is by cancelling the contract.
Sounds simple right ? The problems ? First, since it's blood tied, if I destroy it without the head of house approval shit happens because of blood magic shenanigans. I can't just burn it and say 'good job me'. There is an actual risk of blood malediction. As a male, it's highly probable I'd become disfigured and a quick shot in bed.... And even if I commission someone to do it, the curse would still occur. It's based on intent detection magic. I swear, the guy that crafted these standard contract was evil, but he did the job well, I am truly terrified of it.
And the second problem ? I have no idea where father stored the contract anyway.
I do know of a way to cancel it before it can take effect, but I would need to renounce my name in a magical ritual, officially rejecting any ties with my family. Once again, it's more than just being named Alexander no-name. I would lose the magical and physical benefits linked to the Gremory household. I would probably become a bit less handsome, less magically powerful and there's a high chance my hair would become less red, or outright change color.
Not to mention Father would definitely consider me an enemy after that. And as for my potential betrothed ? Her reputation would be throw in the mud. I mean, which devil would be willing to renounce everything that matters (devil general opinion) just to escape her ? Yeah, I would gain a mortal enemy, and Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. So thank you, but no thank you.
But the worse ? I'm pretty sure my crafting gift would be affected. There's a real possibility for it to disappear completely. So no repudiation ritual.
And here we were.
The opinion were varied. Rias looked at me like I was an idiot (just wait a few years sister), Mother looked ... Proud ? Happy ? Hard to say, but a positive emotion. Brother was bewildered (of course you wouldn't understand, father was too afraid of you to force you to marry you to someone you didn't want), Grayfia was annoyed (standard feeling) and Father was clearly unhappy.
On the guests side, Sona was blushing even more (*eye roll* as if it had anything to do with her), Serafall was finding this funny, and subtly glancing toward Sona (and finding it less funny), and finally Ajuka seemed entertained.
Zeoticus : "That's what your little play was for ? To marry for love or some nonsense like that ? You can't be serious ?"
Alexander : "Father, I believe that if I have to share my very long life with someone, said life would be much more comfortable if she would share opinions, hobbies, or at least have a temperament compatible with mine.
Furthermore, you may have noticed I'm not asking the right to choose her, I know that this right should belong to the head of house, as is proper. I'm just asking for the right to veto the partners I deem unfit.
It might make your work to find someone for me a bit more difficult in the future, but considering the huge benefit I am offering you, it would be but a petty annoyance for you."
As if. From the moment he'd accept I would simply veto every single girl until he had no choice but to accept my choice. And if he'd refuse ? Don't care, I wouldn't marry and my kids (if I have some) would be born out of wedlock. And since I learned I had double nationality, I could simply live in Asgard where no one would cares about that.
In the end we bargained a bit for bargaining sake and I got what I wanted. I even managed to force him to put it on magical contract using the head of house position as the signatory by justifying that if he had an accident, a future head of house would not be bound by his word otherwise.
And from that moment my family simply didn't have anything that could impact me in the long term. Devil society as a whole even. So I may be part of the devil faction on paper, but I knew the truth, I . WAS . FREE !
So I could now live a lazy and relaxed life with no problem.
After that little debacle, I needed to do more thing, just out of petty revenge, and to gain more goodwill. It happened when Ajuka, Sona and Serafall were taking their leave (after a never-ending tea party punctured with boring banalities).
Alexander : "Lord Beelzebub, Lady Leviathan, may I have a moment before you go please ?"
Ajuka : "Sure, why not" he said intrigued again.
Serafall : "Of course Alex-chan. I'll always have time for one of my biggest fan !" still as bubbly despite the boring ending of the meeting.
I guided them to an empty room, noticing Grayfia glancing our way.
Alexander : "I noticed the both of you seemed interested in my living paintings. So here, two manuals for you. A gift for your continuous hard work for our society"
Did I have two manual on me ? No. Just a bit of replication magic and voila ! Two happy Satan, and a future annoyed father.