"With this you may find a way to gain some goodwill with the other pantheon lady Leviathan. Just so you know though, It's pretty hard to make the ink, so you'll need a very good crafter."
Ajuka : "Thank you kiddo, it's appreciated. It's always good to know I'm not the only devil creating new stuff. Here, my personal phone number. Who knows, it may come handy."
Serafall : "Thank you Alex-chan !!! Here, my phone number, and my devilmail too. Just send your review to me directly in the future. I won't have to search them in my fan mail like that. And a bonus..."
And just like that, I got my first kiss, by THE magical girl no less.
Sona : *Gasp* "Onee-chan !!! You can't just k... Kiss a boy like that !"
Alexander : "Well, I was not expecting lady Leviathan to be a thief."
Serafall : "Uh ? What are you talking about Alex-chan ?"
Alexander : "Well, you stole my first kiss, and took my heart with it. How ruthless of you lady Leviathan."
Serafall : "Ooooh, aren't you super cute !"
Alexander : "By the way, I was not going to give a gift to both of you and ignore the cute heiress Sitri. Here for you, a bag of tangerine cookies."
Sona : "Thank you very much Alexander-kun, if they are as good as your cake it's a very nice gift. I hope we'll meet again soon." She told me blushing, like always.
Alexander : "This being done, I bid you adieu. Have a safe trip."
And after a quick goodbye everyone went their way. But for me, things weren't ending just yet.
A more close up meeting took place with just me, mother and father. I ended up being punished for my attitude, and thus, I would not be allowed to receive my devil pieces until at least my 10th birthday. Like I cared, not that I was going to tell them that. I acted like it was unfair, since Rias already had hers. My little act made my father happy, and I was basically left alone.
Next, they mentioned the need to formally present me to the other noble children. Once again, it was decided i would happen for my 10th birthday.
I was OK with it, this way I would be able to meet the few interesting devils of my generation.
After all that, I ended up staying home for a few days, where Rias introduced me to Akeno and Shirone/Koneko. And I guess Rias already presented me in a bad light since Akeno did not really made any effort to know me. As for Koneko, she was gloomy, but the nekomata incident was still recent, so she got a pass... This time.
The reason for my stay ? After genuinely complimenting me for my recent achievements, mother asked me if I could make a painting of her to show off to Natasha Phenex. I had no problem with that since I like to paint, and it would be another way to advertise my future business.
So I stayed longer than anticipated but went away leaving behind a happy and proud mother.
When I arrived at Kyoto's airport my guide was already waiting for me. Her name was Megumi, and she was a Kamaitachi yokai. From what I got, it's a type of weasel with sharp claws.
After introducing herself, she told she was assigned to me for a week. During that time, she would be my guide and would clarify the various supernatural aspects of Kyoto for me. It was also expected of me to learn the various restrictions that would be set on me since I was a devil. So should I commit a crime, they would judge me with the knowledge that I KNEW what I was doing.
At the end of the week, she would also lead me to the Kyoto temple where I would meet Yasaka.
But for me, her most important task was to show me my future home. I still had no idea what it looked like, so I was pretty impatient.
But before that, I told her I needed to meet someone. She got a bit edgy when she realized an intruder was staying in Kyoto, and no one knew about it. But I told her she was just a regular human knowledgeable about the supernatural that helped my organise my travels.
So after half an hour, I was rejoined by Celina, and we moved in direction of my house after short presentations.
The house was on the edge of the western youkai faction, and was almost linked to a little warehouse. It was 3 story high, and was extremely pleasant to look at.
The visit took a bit of time since there were a lot of rooms.
I was very satisfied with it, especially since it was free.
With that said, I told Megumi that I would stay at home for the rest of the day, as well as tomorrow. We could meet at 10 in the morning in two days.
Once she was gone, I told Celina what happened to me in detail the last two month, and then I started warding my property like a crazy lunatic. I wanted to be able to live peacefully, so nothing was considered too much.
And so, within 7 hours, I did the best I could with the materials at my disposal. I'd need to find powerful magical conductive materials to do better.
I was safe.
I also started to create a proper ritual room. These rooms can't pop out of nowhere and need time to become a real assistance. To put it simply, once you 'name' the room as a ritual room, it will get stronger and stronger with each ritual perform inside.
So I ended up my day with my very first personal ritual. Nothing big. It would just severe the connection between me and every body part or bodily fluid that came from me. This way, if someone possess some of my blood, or similar stuff, it would become magically inert. Sadly, it doesn't work for things already in use, like a bloody marriage contract.
Saw what I did here ? Bloody ? Get it ?