Magical Tattoo

Honestly I was happy about how well my encounter with Ophis went. Especially since I was hopping for one or two scales and got 14 of them instead.

Let's say I was really happy. With these I could do so so SO much.

And so I went in crazy scientist mode and crafted. My holidays were coming to an end and I wanted for me and Celina to have our tattoo done before going back. I was also going to incorporate a protective array for Celina to prevent race change. Since she mentioned it, I became paranoid that a devil would pop out of nowhere and take her from me.

I told Celina that I would need her to tattoo my back, and hoped she would be ready for it. Her answer ?

Celina : "Young master, don't look down on me. It's part of a maid duty to be able to make tattoos if her master asks for one, of course I can do it." I wasn't really sure it was, and I'm still not, but Celina knows better than me what a maid is supposed to do, so I let it be.

So I first make the tattoo for her, it was better to test it since if something went wrong I could make changes on the spot.

I used powdered dragon god scales, devil blood (mine) and a very old tree sap to make the tattoo ink.

Next I 'draw' the runic schematic in the air. It was an ultra large magic circle, and it took me six long hour of concentration to complete it. Then I compacted it and placed it on Celina's back. I then carefully inked the 'magical model'.

Once I finished, the lame runic array changed form. I made it so it would take a meaningful form depending on the person's soul, for Celina it changed into a beautiful phoenix made of red and black, with purple eyes. He was also engulfed in black flames.

It was really impressive, a work of art, more so since because of the material and the goal of the tattoo, it looked alive (it also moved a bit). I could also feel a connexion with it since it was used with my blood.

Celina is still extremely happy with it. She always tell me it reminds her she got reborn thanks to her master's dark power.

After asking if she was OK, and an entire day of tests, I came to the conclusion I was clearly a genius. She felt stronger than ever and her body was slowly 'drinking' life essence. The tattoo would no only affect her touki, but also slowly improve her body with time.

All in all. It worked well.

The next day, I went though the procedure again but this time on me. Celina applied the ink on my back, and once it was completed it morphed into a massive black dragon that seems to protect a two winged devil. The dragon is big, like... It takes all my back, part of my shoulder and arms, and it's tail goes down one of my leg. That kind of big. The devil wear a hood, and his wings are folded behind his back. He has a hammer in a hand and a painting pallet in the other.

The tattoo would not please mother. Of that I was sure. But that aside, it was kinda cool.

As for the effect, it is just awesome. I couldn't really understand what Celina was trying to convey until I could really feel it myself. But to summarise it makes you feel energised.

And with that, my body would start to strengthen itself by nourishing my bones and muscle in a perpetual manner. The best ? No one would detect it unless I choose to release my touki. I made sure of it.

Since I still had a week before needing to go back, I choose to end my trip by going to Asgard. I wanted to introduce Celina to Bruggä, and I wanted to meet Rossweisse to brag about my tattoo. I knew she was going to be ultra jealous since she was smart enough to understand it, and I was not above taunting her for fun.

But before that I quickly asked Frigga if I could invite Celina. I could not bring any Tom, Dick, and Harry after all. She told me that as a land owner, I had the right for two retainers, and Bruggä was more or less included. So I officially named Celina as my personal maid in front of the queen of Asgard and she was good.

Was it smart to talk about it ? Not really, but it's not like she was going to blabber about it. I trusted her.

How wrong and naive I was. I still remember her betrayal like it was yesterday.

My coming back was starting fine. I was warmly welcomed by Bruggä, and I introduced her to Celina. She was sceptical at first, but the both of them hit it off fine and started to talk about me. She also magically marked her with something that basically said 'I serve Alexander Gremory and live at his home'. Kind of like a permanent visa.

I learned that the war against the Olympians was postponed because Frigga had beaten some sense into Odin and he realised he should just squash the puny Loki and the not so puny Hades. The search against Loki was not giving much though.

I then went to my house to show Celina around where I met Frigga and we talked for a while. She was happy to see me. I realized that she was starting to get fond of me, and honestly ? I liked that. She was like the nice grandma I didn't have. And since she was well learned I tended to talk a lot about runes and magic in general. She also started to talk about video games. She was rapidly becoming hooked up.