Asgardians are traitors

I send a message asking Rossweisse if I could visit the next day, and talked and play with Celina, Bruggä and Frigga the rest of the day.

She was living in the outer ring of Asgard, the equivalent of the countryside of the realm.

When I went to see Rossweisse I noticed she was greatly happy to see me.

I did remember she didn't have a lot of friends. Scratch that, she didn't have ANY friend. So no wonder really.

Rossweisse : "ALEX ! How was your travel ? Did you found the hidden ruins I talked to you about in Ireland ? Did you visit the Maya temples ? How is your new house in Japan ? Have you met Yasaka-sama ? Have you tried to improve the magical circle we made together ? Did you..."

Göndul : "Enough Rossweisse, can't you see you don't even leave the lad time to answer your questions ?" Asked a stern grandma getting out of her house.

Rossweisse : "Right, sorry Alex."

Alexander : "No problem Ross, it's always nice to be greeted so enthusiastically. First let's do the presentation. Rossweisse, allow me to present you Celina, my maid. Celina, this is my good friend Rossweisse, and the one who I believe to be her grandmother, Valkyrie Göndul." I said, making Rossweisse aware of Celina, and squinting her eyes looking at her.

Göndul : "And you'd be right lad. You are welcome to our home as long as you keep your manners." She said sternly.

Alexander : "Of course Valkyrie Göndul." I said making a polite bow.

Rossweisse : "Alright, come on, you need to tell me about your travels. You also said you had something amazing to show me." She said dragging me to her house.

In the end it was a pleasant afternoon. We talked a lot about my travels, magic and various other topics. Her grandmother stayed for a bit before deciding I was not going to burn her house or something and went back to her room.

I did felt some tension between Celina and Rossweisse but nothing big. Some kind of standard rivalry between pretty teenagers ? Not sure.

In the end I told her I had something awesome to show her and asked if I could show it somewhere private (I did not really want her grandmother to learn of it).

She ended up leading me alone to her bedroom blushing along the way, saying that Celina didn't have to come since it was private.

Her room was neat and tidy. I didn't expect anything less from her to be frank. A few bookshelf filled with various magical theory books, and a desk stacked with papers filled of various magical circles were the only furnitures aside the bed. The only feminine touch in room was the few dolls on the bed, and a cute piggy bang.

She sat me on the chair and took place on the bed. And then asked me what it is I wanted to show her.

Without any world I started to undress my shirt. It was just too funny to see her get completely red and staggering.

Rossweisse : "W...What do you think you are doing ?! Shameless !! We're too young for this yet !"

Alexander : "Too young for what ? I just wanted to show you my back ? What are you talking about ?" I couldn't help it but I just NEEDED to tease her.

She then tried to explain herself, it was kinda cute.

Alexander : "Whatever, Look at my back ? Isn't it awesome ?" I said showing my back proudly.

Rossweisse : "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ?!" She yelled at me.

Alexander : "Calm down, it's a magical construct. Use the revealing spell we made to look."

And so she did. She was completely stumped by the absurdity of what I did. I had to explain to her some part, but using a variety of a scanning spell we made, she was able to get the gist of most of it. I did asked her to keep it to herself before explaining though.

It clearly opened her eyes and I could see some greed there. But it was mostly because she loved magic and what I did what a freaking impressive piece of magic.

In the end I told her how I came to create this, and when she asked about the materials, well... I lied of course. I told her I found some incredibly valuable scales during my travels. I even gifted her one, telling her she could use it as an anchor for a protection array of great power.

She was really thankful, and I even got a kiss on the cheek for it.

Ending my tale I also mentioned I tested it on Celina, and that's where the shit hit the fan.

Rossweisse got suddenly extremely unhappy and her attitude did a 180. She started to tell me what I did was stupid and unreasonable (yeah right... She was gushing about it five minutes prior).

She said I should have asked her first since she knew more about magic than a human maid without magical education.

When she tried to make me promise to never do something like that again without someone like her to help and supervise, I told her that Celina was good enough. That was apparently NOT the right answer.

In the end my visit was cut short since she decided that she didn't want to speak to me anymore this day.

I should have know things would not stop at that when she still had a vindicative look as we said our goodbyes.

The next day, Frigga seemed furious when I saw her in the living room. I learned quickly why, Rossweisse had SNITCHED on me about taking a tattoo (not about the fact it was a runic formation at least). And Frigga started to rant at me about how it was irresponsible, something only thug did (as if, even her husband had tattoos), and bla bla bla...

The worst of all ? Frigga had sent an official letter to the Gremory family in which she basically ranted about the fact that my parent didn't supervise me enough since I had the liberty to take such a big tattoo without any adult being there to stop me.

That's when I realized Asgardians were traitors !