
In the royal palace, inside a grand study, a man was sitting on a chair reading memorial edicts one after one while a young man stood slightly bowing beside him.

The man looked to be around fifty years old. However, his age didn't seem to have left much traces on his handsome features. The man was still brimming with vigour and strength. He exuded an aura of a monarch that commanded respect from people around him and was wearing a golden dragon robe.

His face showing his kindness and magnanimityof a great emperor.

Sitting on the chair he was going through edicts with a sombre expression on his face while casting a few glances at the youth standing beside him from time to time.

Yes, the man sitting on the chair was the emperor of the Burning Phoenix nation, Xiao Jing Guo and the youth standing beside him was the crown prince of the nation and ex-fiancé of Jiang Ying Yue, Xiao Ting Fei.

Xiao Ting Fei was a young good looking man. He inherited his father's handsome features and tall stature.

He was eighteen years old this year, an age when young people were concerned about their looks so, he invested much time and resources in his appearance which didn't go to waste. He was quite popular among young noble ladies for his good looks which he was always proud of.

Standing beside his father with his head slightly tilted down he looked like a piece of art that could make many girls swoon.

"What's so urgent that brought you here at this time? Speak." The emperor finally opened his mouth after seeing the youth stand there quietly for a long time without uttering a single word.

With some hesitation, the crown prince started to answer his father's question," Imperial Father, I heard that trash Jiang Ying Yue woke up this afternoon and seemed to be recovering well from her illness."

"So?" The emperor threw a glance at his son while raising an eyebrow, showing unhurried and calm look.

"Father, how am I going to marry Ya'er if that wretch girl doesn't die? That trash would have died long ago if you hadn't allowed imperial physicians to treat her." The crown prince uttered in frustration. He was so frustrated that he directly skipped the imperial and called the emperor father.

"Oh! Now you even know how to blame your father." The emperor said nonchalantly while going through the edicts.

The crown prince had a horrified look on his face upon realizing his mistake. He was in such a foul mood that he forgot to control his tongue in front of his father. So, he rushed to correct his mistake," No, no, imperial father it's not like that I was just worried."

The emperor didn't seem to hear his explanation and instead continued," And why are you so worried about that trash Fei'er? According to the bet she already lost to Bai Ya and also her cultivation. Do you think that trash like her would have the right to become the future mother of the nation? And even if she did do you think that people would allow that to happen? Hmm?"

The emperor found his son was still immature at times and tried to make the situation clear to him.

He was the crown prince and future emperor of their nation so he needed to understand any situation clearly to govern the kingdom smoothly in the future.

"But imperial father what if general Jiang forces me to marry that trash after his return?" Xiao Ting Fei's worries were reasonable after all general Jiang was revered by the people of their nation for his heroic deeds and kindness.

So, if general Jiang wanted to force him to marry his daughter there was no way he could escape from that calamity even with the help of his imperial father.

Emperor understood what his son was thinking and his eyes turned cold. His eyes were so cold and malivolent which completely cobtrasted it his previous kind and generous look. He was indeed a good actor to be able to done that 'kind and magnanimous' look as his casual wear. He could wear it everywhere, even in front of his son he wouldn't let go of his pretense so easily. And it was only when JiangZemin's name was mentioned he lost his composure and showed his true self.

Just how much he hated this person?

Jiang Zemin was his most outstanding general who had been protecting his kingdom for years and was worshipped by t he people of the kingdom like a god. And this was also the reason he hated this general of his most.

He always felt threatened by this general's presence. That person always overshadowed himself. No emperor would like it when their generals were more popular and powerful than them, and he was also the same. He had been figuring out ways to get rid of this man and get command over his army. Besides, that guy was also someone who...

The Emperor tried his best not to think for he didn't want to upset.

"Fei'er you don't have to worry about him, all you have to do is to spend more time with Miss Bai. After a few days, I'll hold a banquet and announce your engagement with her. It would best to secure our relationship with the Bai family as soon as possible." Emperor assured his son.

"Imperial father? I don't want that trash even stepping in my manor." The expression on his face was enough to show his loathing for Jiang Ying Yue. To him, she was like a plague that he wouldn't even allow to step into his manor.

Emperor knew how much his son loathed that ugly girl. All men liked beauty, no matter how much power a woman was without a beautiful face and tempting body she would never be able to win a man's heart. So, he found his son's loathing for that ugly Jiang Ying Yue justifiable.

"Fei'er didn't I tell you not to worry about that man? When the time comes that man would find it difficult to even keep his head intact on his shoulder let alone force the crown prince of a nation to marry his trash daughter." Emperor's words didn't hold any respect when he was mentioning his greatest general who defended the nation his whole life and was instead filled with mockery.

Upon hearing his father's words crown prince was hit with a realization," Imperial Father, do you mean…"

He didn't finish his sentence but instead stared at his father with a stunned expression.

Emperor looked back at him and smiled lightly. But that smile gave such a cold and ruthless feeling that the crown prince felt a chill below his spine. And that was enough to confirm the emperor's malicious intent toward general Jiang.

The crown prince was filled with glee. He felt the heavy weight weighing down his heart finally lifted. Now he can finally get rid of that trash and marry the girl of his dream. Just thinking about the beauty made his blood boil. He thought himself to be very fortunate to be able to marry such a beauty with a powerful background.

He was the dignified crown prince of the Burning Phoenix nation only a girl with such a distinguished identity could be his match.

A smile bloomed on his face and he felt cheered.

The throne and the beauty both were destined to belong to him.