"First Exposure To The Ancient World Of Cultivation" Part-1 (edited)

Meanwhile, in the Jiang mansion,

After sending off her younger sister Jiang Ying Yue laid down on her bed listlessly wondering about her life.

In her previous life, she was someone who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She had everything that everyone could only dream of. She was a single child adored and loved dearly by her parents. She had everything

Ah! Such a perfect life but silly her kept pestering her parents for a younger sibling. Only now did she realize how considerate her parents were towards her, even though they used to leave her alone often to go on work and dates still they had enough conscience to not shove her with the burden of babysitting a troublesome child.

She rubbed her both ears that were numb from listening to the endless chatter of her sister while deciding in her mind that she had better stay away from this chatterbox in the future to keep her ears safe.

Jiang Ying Yue rolled all over her bed feeling bored and annoyed, thinking of ways to pass her time.

Ah! This world of cultivation was no fun, no T.V, no internet, no games. Sigh!

Annoyed from her boredom she finally sat on her bed and eyed every corner of her room to find something to play with when her eyes landed on a small pile of books placed on a table not far from her bed.

Raising her eyebrows she got up from her bed and picked up the pile of books on the table after which she returned to her bed.

Leaning on the headboard she sat on her bed, flipping through the books casually.

As she skimmed through the books one after another she realized that all these were either on martial arts or cultivation.

Since her childhood she had been very interested in martial arts and was well versed in different forms of martial arts and combats of her world, whether it was karate, Kung Fu, taekwondo or boxing all were up to her alley.

And weapons were just next in line after she was obsessed with good food. So, all in all, she was a power package with multiple fighting skills under her belt.

However, unbeknownst to all, her second obsession was deeply linked with her first obsession with food.

Ever since her birth, her foodie nature became more and more apparent with time.

Being born into a wealthy aristocratic family she grew up being fed on the finest delicacies. She, however still couldn't resist the temptation of mouth-watering street foods. So, at the age of ten, she found herself often sneaking out to enjoy her date with her delicious food without anyone knowing.

However, this couldn't continue for long and her heaven was shattered into pieces when in one of her such outings she was kidnapped by a group of gangsters and after a long hustle, she was finally retrieved by her parents.

Even though she returned home scot-free she was grounded for a few months with only three plain dishes per meal plus no side dishes as her punishment for sneaking out.

Finally, after three months of her jail period when she got released her craving for delicious street foods was almost killing her, so once again she sneaked out of her home stealthily.

But alas! Her luck seemed to be playing tricks on her. Not long after she headed to the streets, she got herself kidnapped once again.

However, this time she escaped the fate of being bundled up, jolted and thrown in the dirty corner of a rundown muggy factory as a group of highly skilled bodyguards were closely following her.

So, once again she was brought home by her parents and grounded for another three months.

From then on she realized how crucial it was for a member of a wealthy family to know some self-defence to enjoy a free life.

It was then her obsession with martial arts took root in her heart.

She wanted to travel freely around the world enjoying different delicacies from all over the world. So, to fulfil her dream she started her journey on the path of martial arts in full swing, hiring all renowned masters in their fields.

Eat, Fight, and Live Freely a good life was her motto of life from then on.

Finding something of her interest Jiang Ying Yue started flipping through the books of martial arts, immersed in reading when she was suddenly startled into flinging the book in her hand by a cute childish voice.

"Master, these cultivation and martial arts techniques aren't even worth enough to be placed in front of your eyes," Abhram remarked from the space, giving a disdainful look at the pile of books.

Hearing his cute voice a sudden realization dawned on Jiang Ying Yue, she seemed to have long forgotten that now she was raising a cute-looking baby spirit.

Patting her chest to soothe her startled heart she stood up to pick up the book which was flung at the far end of the room.

"Why?" Jiang Ying Yue softly asked back as she carried the book back and placed it on the nearby table and sat on the chair, picking up the teapot to pour herself a cup of tea.

"Master, these are the lowest grade cultivation and martial arts technique, learning these will only be a waste of your time and aptitude."

Abhram stated, as a matter of fact, still glaring disdainfully at the stack of books piled near the bed.

How could he let his master learn such lowly grade techniques, it would be an insult to his master. According to him, as master of 'Brahma World' his master only deserved the best.

"Oh, then what do you think is worth my learning?"

Jiang Ying Yue asked back, amused by the little guy's disdainful tone as she sipped on her tea.

"Master, you only deserve the best with me and 'Brahma World' around. Why would you need those measly low-grade techniques when you can even have countless Divine-grade techniques at your disposal?"

As he said this, Abhram puffed his chest with pride.