"First Exposure To The Ancient World Of Cultivation" Part-2 (edited)

'Divine grade techniques' these three words piqued the interest of Jiang Ying Yue at once, who a moment ago was leisurely sipping her tea with an amused and indolent expression on her face.

From the memory the previous owner of the body she was sure that the god grade techniques existed only in legends and had long vanished from their continent. So, now at the mention of that precious technique that had long vanished from their continent Jiang Ying Yue was obviously surprised.

Furthermore, she wasn't very clear about grades of cultivation and martial techniques as even the lowest grade techniques were very hard to find which fit their interest and were regarded as treasures. So, when they found one they were sure to fight tooth and nail to the item.

Placing her palm below her chin she nudged the child to continue with his blabbering, interest and curiosity oozing out of her eyes.

Getting a green signal from his master Abhram smiled brightly and puffed his chest ready to show off his wisdom and charm.

"Yes, master Divine-grade technique. Master, you might already know cultivation techniques and martial art techniques are divided into various grades. Cultivation techniques are divided into nine grades namely- 1) Common grade, 2) Warrior grade, 3) King grade, 4) Emperor grade, 5) Superior grade, 6) Supreme grade, 7) Sage grade, 8) Heavenly sage grade, 9) Divine grade. Where the common grade is the lowest grade and Divine grade is the highest grade. In the same way, martial arts techniques are divided into four grades- 1) Martial Earth grade, 2) Martial Silver grade, 3) Martial Gold grade and 4) Martial Heaven grade, where martial earth is the lowest and martial heaven is the highest grade, furthermore these four grades are subdivided into- low, intermediate and advance grade."

Abhram explained the grading with a serious expression on his face.

"Whoa! Hearing all these why do I feel like I am an elementary student and I know nothing?" Jiang Ying Yue had a big question mark on her face.

What was the previous owner doing?

Why hadn't she heard of this before? She didn't seem to have any memory related to this topic.

"Master it's not your fault. Master although I can't go out my senses are very keen and can extend out this space, so from the time we arrived here I can feel that aura of our surroundings is not very strong and qi density here is also very thin. I think we might have fallen into one of those backwater continents. So, it's normal for the master to not know all this." Abhram stated after analyzing the surroundings.

Upon hearing the child's serious tone Jiang Ying Yue sighed once again feeling helpless about her rotten luck.

"Wow! It seems this place is more broken than I had thought it to be!"

Abhram heard his master exclaim.

"Master, it's not that bad. I could be said to be a form of blessing. Now that we are here you will face less danger in your initial growth period which is very crucial for a cultivator after which we can go looking for more powerful continents. Till then you should focus on improving your strength. "Abhram tried to cheer his master.

But, his master didn't seem to be paying attention to his words at all.

Getting up from her seat Jiang Ying Yue headed towards her bed while responding to Abhram perfunctorily with a nod.

'It seems like I have a long way to go and that also without good food.'

'Ah! Broken place!'

'Completely broken place!'

Jiang Ying Yue whined inwardly.

Looking at her dispirited state Abhram was at loss, he was afraid that she would go back on her word and would refuse to cultivate.

So, donning a pitiable look on his face and with an aggrieved tone he started playing pitiful to garner his master's sympathy," Master, did you forget your promise to me? You said that you would work hard so that in the future I can accompany you outside this space."

"Master, are you reneging on your word?"

"Master, will you allow me to be stuck here forever?"


Hearing that pitiful voice that kept repeating master this, master that Jiang Ying Yue finally couldn't bear it and turned to respond to the troublesome brat.

"All right! All right!"

"Fine! I accede defeat!"

"Whatever you say I'll follow! Happy?"

"Now stop mumbling in my ears!"

Getting his master's word Abhram immediately wiped that pitiful expression on his face and pasted a wide grin, eyes sparkling like diamonds.

"Yes, yes, master I won't disturb you again. You should take some rest; tomorrow let's get some herbs to detoxify your poison so that you can start your cultivation."

"What Poison?" Jiang Ying Yue mumbled back hearing his chatter with a dazed expression.

Hearing her puzzled tone Abhram realized something," Master, you don't know? You are poisoned and that is why you are unable to cultivate. Your meridians are blocked completely. Unless you don't get rid of poison you'll be waste your whole life and besides that, you won't be able to live past twenty as this poison will continuously degrade your health."

Hearing the seriousness of Abhram voice Jiang Ying Yue didn't doubt him, might be because they were contracted she had inexplicable trust in this boy which even surprised her.

Her mind whirled trying to figure out who was the one who poisoned her. But after some thought, she was sure it must have been people from the royal family as she turned into a waste only after the martial art tournament hosted by the royal family.

So, they must have planned it long ago, that day they couldn't kill her in front of all for fear of being criticized but behind the doors, they had long prepared for her funeral.

How cruel!

They didn't even spare a fifteen years old child!

For power, they played with people's lives without any remorse.

Sure, people from the royal family were the cruellest of all!

It was an undeniable fact.

"All right, you can give me the list of herbs tomorrow."

Jiang Ying Yue said softly as she marked the royal family as her first target in her mind.

She was a very lazy person by nature, so she wouldn't make her move unless she was provoked.

But when she made a move it would be a complete wipeout of the enemy camp.

As she was deep in her thought a sharp look resembling a hunter flickered past her eyes.

She would like to see how long this bunch of clowns could run around.

She would let them run around for the time being; by the time she got bored of them, hmm, there would be a bloodbath.