Mysterious Countless Herb Hall

The next morning, the sun shone brightly in the sky with a few clouds drifting by.

Jiang Ying Yue woke up early, preparing to head outside after breakfast to look for the herbs required for her detoxification.

However, before she could step out of the main gate of their mansion she noticed a group of people silently trailing after her.

These people were none other than her younger sister Jiang Ying Mei and their personal maids Qiu and Niu.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Ying Yue turned around, glancing at the trio.

The trio flinched at being caught red-handed and came out from behind the pillar where they were hiding.

Smiling sheepishly they fidgeted as they tried to explain the reason.

"Sister, take us along with you." Jiang Ying Mei stepped forward clutching onto her elder sister's sleeves pleaded softly while trying her to act cute.

"Yes, yes, eldest miss, you should take us along. Madam will be furious she finds out that we let you go out alone."

The two maids chimed in as they urged their mistress to take them along.

Looking at the trio she imagined a scene in her head where she was followed by a tail of three people where one of them was a chatterbox to the extreme as she walked around the streets and immediately shook her head trying to get rid of that picture from her mind. Thinking it was better not to take them, if she brought them along it would take her whole day to get the things she needed instead of an hour or two.

Knitting her brows she looked at the trio impatiently.

"What are you trying to do? I am going out for an important business and will return soon, so you don't need to follow me. Now go back, I am leaving."

With these stern words Jiang Ying Yue waved at them to leave as she turned around to step out of the main gate without giving them a chance to react.

The trio stood there in daze for a while as they saw her receding back moving farther and farther away.

When they snapped out their daze they glanced at one another with worried expression.

"What should we do now?"

Even though Jiang Ying Yue had woken up previous day and was recovering well, they were still extremely worried about her as her condition had been very precarious after the accident at the martial art tournament.

And on top of that now that she lost her cultivation and was considered a waste, it would be very difficult for her to even step out of the house without any protection as with her explosive temper she could flare up any time and fall into troubles.

Glancing at one another's eyes the trio understood their intention and nodded their head, deciding to follow her stealthily from a distance.

Unaware of all this, Jiang Ying Yue was now strolling on the streets of capital leisurely looking around the shops and hawkers on the either side of the streets.

As she walked through the streets and passed by the many pedestrians who came out to shop and for other enjoyments, she wanted to scream out loud--

"Primitive! Primitive! Super Primitive!"

Looking around she was extremely amazed by the primitiveness of this world.

She wondered inwardly if these people had been so devoted to their cultivation that they were willing to forgo their other necessities or were simply dull and lazy people with stunted brain lacking in aesthetic standard.

As she wandered the streets she concluded it seemed to be the second case, these people were simply lazy and they only invested their time in improving their strength to dominate the world with only brute force.

Jiang Ying Yue clicked her tongue at the sight of the wastage of the precious human resource as she glanced at them.

From their robes to their houses everything was coarse and dull without any taste.

Having seen much she simply shook her head and started looking for an herb hall.

As she walked forward she noticed a big store which stood out from the rest of the stores.

Jiang Ying Yue slowly approached walking with an unhurried and graceful pace. As she stood before the store she saw a plaque at the top of the entrance with gold embedded bold yet elegant calligraphy- "Countless Herb Hall"

Jiang Ying Yue raised an eyebrow as she eyed the store.

From her mem,ory the" Countless Herb Hall" was considered mothe st prominent herb hall in the capital and rumoured to have a powerful force as its backing.

Besides, they also held a good reputation in public for providing many good herbs at a considerable low price than other herb halls, gaining a just and dignified image.

However, Jiang Ying Yue had only heard of this as the previous owner of the body rarely came out on the streets and invested all her time and effort in her cultivation.

So, this was the first time she visited the hall. She looked around realizing that this store was indeed different from the rest. With a shining golden plaque and a few simple carvings at the entrance c, it stood out from the rest.

Though she was far from being amazed by them but in comparison to this primitive world's aesthetic standard she had to admit that this shop was a bit impressive.

It was grand.

So, there were still some people like this!

Jiang Ying Yue mused inwardly as stepped inside without further ado.

Inside the hall were two people who were managing the store, a middle-aged man with a gentle bearing and a young beautiful woman in her twenties.

As she approached them the woman stepped forward to attend to her with a small smile on her face.

"Yes customer, how can I help you?"

Her voice was gentle without any hint of impatience in it as she asked Jiang Ying Yue this question.

Her amiable nature and grace with an also slight air of dignity were enough to prove her good upbringing. This temperament could only be cultivated in noble families.

At one glance Jiang Ying Yue was sure that this young lady had a good family background. From this, she could also conclude that this herb hall which could hire someone of such a refined upbringing wasn't a simple one. And all those rumours outside weren't just baseless speculations. This herb hall indeed was very mysterious and had powerful backing.