Owing Her His Life Part-1

At Jiang Residence,

After treating the wounded stranger, Jiang Ying Yue returned to her chamber under incessant pestering of Abhram.

As soon as, she stepped into her chamber she was forced to busy herself preparing the herbs she needed for her detoxification.

As for the man who was lying in her study, she wasn't a bit worried about being discovered because her study was out of bounds for others, besides her no one was allowed to go in without her permission.

With the peace of her mind, she grounded herbs to extract sap from them which would be dissolved in hot bath water to prepare a medicinal bath.

"Is this enough?"

"Should I put them together or separately?"

Under the guidance of Abhram, Jiang Ying Yue was earnestly preparing for her detoxification, when a sudden undeniably reasonable question arose in her mind.

"Wait….Why am I doing all these?"

"Eh?" Abhram blinked large, watery eyes, trying to grasp his master's meaning.

"Ah!!!…." Jiang Ying Yue let out an exasperated sigh at Abhram's dumb appearance and explained patiently, " Didn't you say earlier that water from that moon spring can neutralize poisons? Can't we use that water to solve my problem too? Do I need to go through all these tiresome hurdles?"

"No, no, master, it won't work on you?" Abhram shook his head fiercely, looking completely against this idea of his master.

"Alright, stop shaking your head and tell me, why?"

Gulping down his fear at his master's increasingly impatient look, Abhram hastily blurted out the reason, not daring to play any trick, "Master, water from the Moon spring is not that powerful yet. With only a master's increasing power it can become more saturated over time with immense life force, holding the power to heal any fatal wound, cure any poison and diseases in the blink of an eye and also bring someone back to life from the death's door. All of these miracles will only require only a few drops of water from the Moon spring. But, its power is very light and if master insisted on using it to cure your poison, I am afraid it will take a very long time."

"Oh, so time is the essence. That is why you are rushing me to use this complicated method, you can't wait, right? Baby dumpling, you are quite scheming." Jiang Ying Yue sneered.

Abhram had an awkward expression, not knowing what to say. However, regardless of his ugly expression, his master continued, "Don't tell me, you forgot this as well?"

Abhram, who was just about to use the same excuse went quiet, not daring to retort back and accepted his master jeering comment as a compliment. He waited inside quietly for a while and not long after, he heard his master say that she would be starting her detoxification.

So, she asked him to get lost.

After preparing the bath Jiang Ying Yue swiftly removed her clothes and stepped into the tub.

Feeling the warm, comfortable temperature of the water she sighed deeply, closed her eyes and leaned her back on the tub, relaxing her body.

An hour passed unknowingly in comfort.

However, soon after the fleeting comfort, she was greeted with an unending, torturous agony that made her relaxed, leaning body sit bolt upright.

Feeling a sudden piercing pain all over her body Jiang Ying Yue opened her dark, glistening eyes and called out for Abhram hurriedly," Baby dumpling, baby dumpling! Baby dumpling! Abhram, wake up!"

"Huh?" Abhram who seemed to have fallen asleep rubbed his slightly puffy eyes as he sat up on the ground.

He had a puzzled look on his adorable round face.

After being disconnected by his master, who didn't allow him to remain connected to her while she was taking her bath, Abhram just sat on the lush green field of Brahma space excitedly waiting for his master's successful detoxification but after sitting for a while he started dozing off and fell asleep.

It was only now when he heard his master's voice repeatedly calling out to him did he woke up from his sleep.

Looking at his dazed expression Jiang Ying Yue felt helpless as she felt every cell of her body wreathing in pain.

However, that was not the end, the magnitude of this unbearable pain kept increasing with every passing second, "Hey, wake up! If you don't wake up your master will be dead soon! Then how are you going to rule the world without me?"

She was so exasperated that she spoke these words out loud rather than speaking them in her mind. And she wasn't joking; the pain she felt was too unbearable, it was as if her skin was pierced by countless needles, and even her bones were torn apart and crushed. It was so painful that Jiang Ying Yue almost roared, if not for her strong self-control.

On the other side, hearing the phrase 'Rule the world', Abhram immediately woke up from his daze.

"Master, what happened?"

"You are finally awake—look— what— happened! Why do I feel so much pain after immersing in this medicinal bath?"

Hearing his master's slightly trembling voice with a hint of impatience Abhram understood the situation and answered after a pause, "Oh, this pain is normal. Master, it's okay, just hold on for two hours after that everything will be fine and you can then start cultivating with gusto."

Hearing his jolly voice, Jiang Ying Yue for the first time had an urge to beat a child.

'Why was he so cheerful and excited when I, his master was going through hell? This brat! Argh!!'

Jiang Ying Yue tried to restrain her temper as her upbringing didn't allow her to abuse a child and such a cute child at that.

Gritting her teeth as she restrained her anger and bore with the torturous piercing pain that was turning more torturous by every passing second, a few incoherent words escaped through the gaps of her clenched teeth, "Y—din't—you—say—dat—earlier?"

"Huh?" Abhram who had a hard time understanding her incoherent words had a confused look on his cute, pudgy face.

"I said, why—why—didn't you tell me earlier about this, at least—I could—phew—have prepared myself in advance." Jiang Ying Yue repeated her words this time more clearly without gritting her teeth.

"Oh, I forgot," Abhram said casually.

Hearing his reply Jiang Ying Yue felt like vomiting blood and passing out from anger.

Nevertheless, she chose to temper down her anger as the magnitude of the pain she experienced kept increasing, not showing any intention to recede. Waves after waves of excruciating pain hit her, without giving her any chance to breathe, until every bit of poison was released out of her body.

As she continued with her detoxification, on the other side madam Jiang had a worried look on her face.

Inside madam Jiang's chamber,

"I just heard that your eldest young miss was harassed by that Cheng Li Juan?"

"Replying to the mistress, yes, it is indeed the case. However, before Miss Cheng could lay her hands on Eldest miss, she was sent flying by the herb hall's attendant. It was so satisfying!" Qiu gesticulated animatedly as recounted the incident.

On the side, Niu also couldn't suppress her laughter and giggled happily.

Madam Jiang had already heard about that from other servants of the mansion and did not continue asking more about it. For her as long as her daughter was fine, everything was fine.

"What did your Eldest miss do in the herb hall?" Madam Jiang asked again maintaining her stoic expression.

"Oh, I think, she bought some herbs."

The two maids Qiu and Niu turned serious and answered madam Jiang's query.

"Did you ask her the reason?" Madam Jiang continued with her gentle yet slightly sombre voice.

"Yes, eldest miss said that it was for unclogging her meridians so that she can cultivate again. So, after this, we didn't ask further as madam has forbidden us to talk any matter related to cultivation in front of Eldest miss." Qiu replied honestly to that question.

"Hmm, you did well." Madam Jiang sighed deeply thinking about her daughter's condition.