Owing Her His Life Part-2 ( edited)

Madam Jiang felt extremely worried for her eldest daughter.

Like her mother, she knew how her daughter was and precisely this was also the cause of her deep worry.

Ever since her daughter lost her cultivation she had changed completely. The accident or to put bluntly, the assault at the martial tournament had not only hurt her daughter physically but also mentally.

Her proud and high-spirited daughter was long gone after that accident and she deeply regretted it, regretted the fact that she wasn't resolute enough to stop her daughter from participating in that tournament; regretted the fact that she thought the royal family wouldn't be so vicious and audacious to harm a sixteen-year-old child openly not caring about public opinion.

Moreover, she hated herself for the fact that she could only watch helplessly as her precious daughter was assaulted and humiliated in front of everyone. If only…..

"Don't disturb her, let her do whatever she wants. You know her nature she won't want you to see her in a pathetic state. So, leave her alone and just discreetly keep an eye on her to ensure her safety." Madam Jiang uttered softly feeling helpless for her daughter.

Royal physicians had already declared that there was no way her daughter could be cured and she was destined to live the rest of her life as a waste.

So, she wasn't optimistic about hearing her daughter's statement and just took it as an act of desperation.

Or perhaps deep within her heart, she was afraid of being disappointed again after hoping for a miracle. Besides, she didn't want to see her already miserable daughter being pressured. So, she didn't dare to hold any false hope in her heart.

However, beyond her expectation, she would soon witness a miracle that she didn't even dare to hope for even in her dreams.

Night slowly crept over and the sky turned dark.

By the time Jiang Ying Yue was done soaking in the medicinal bath, the bath water had turned murky with a foul stench.

"Master, congratulations!"

Abhram chirped with excitement. Finally, his master can start cultivating and the days when he can escape this space to enjoy some fresh air weren't far! Hehe.

"Are you satisfied now?" Jiang Ying Yue raised her brows.

"Of course, how can I not be?" Abhram grinned happily.

Looking at this little ecstatic fellow Jiang Ying Yue swallowed all her complaints bitterly.

Forget it!

Although her hands were itching, she was too tired to teach that brat a lesson after enduring two hours of tormenting pain. Now, all she wanted to do was to sleep.

So, without further delay she prepared to sleep, however as a responsible doctor she didn't forget about her patient and went to her study to check on the condition of the man, who was still lying unconscious.

After confirming that her patient was fine and his wounds seemed to be healing quite well, she fed him some water and the last remaining Blood replenishing pill before she headed to her chamber to sleep.

Even though she didn't want to admit it, she was slightly excited to begin her new journey on the path of cultivation. So, tomorrow could be considered a big day for her.

She knew the rule 'when in Rome, follow the Romans'. Now that she was here she had to follow the rules of this world to survive and even if she wanted these rules to change for her comfort, she wouldn't be able to do in a single day, without a strong background to back her up she could only rely on herself, she could only do it step by step, little by little at a time.

Sighing deeply as she lay on her bed many thoughts passed by her mind and most of them were no doubt regarding food.

Now that she could cultivate again, the little guardian spirit won't nag her so much, so she could use some of her time to look for ways to improve her meals. With this thought she happily drifted into her sleep, a small smile pasted on her sleeping face that looked so pure and innocent.

Deep in the night, a shadow was slowly walking towards a chamber with a closed-door which was guarded by a young maid who was currently dozing off sitting on a stool.

Nonetheless, the shadow kept advancing on towards the door silently, without alerting the maid and quietly entered the room.

Entering the room that was dimly lit by a lamp the shadow revealed its appearance—It was the 'corpse', who was found wounded in the peach garden and was saved by Jiang Ying Yue.

The man still had his silver mask on and his lips were still pale, despite that he seemed to be in a much good state than he was during the day, when he almost died from excessive blood loss. The wounds on his body were also healing and had stopped bleeding, making it possible for him to move around.

The man slowly crept towards the bed where a small figure was lying soundly asleep, without any care in the world,d, unlike her sharp usual self, all thanks to the torturous pain and fatigue she went through during detoxification.

He looked at the small face illuminated under the moonlight that was shining through the window and his gaze turned deep.

Within that deep gaze there was a complicated look in his eyes as the man just stood there without moving.

After a while which seemed like ages the man gently lifted his hand, then hesitated for a moment before retracting it back.

Then his pale lips under the silver mask moved slightly as if he wanted to say something but hesitated again when he thought of something.

In the end he just decided to stand there silently and kept watching her for a while. His gaze was complicated yet extremely fiery so much so that Hang Ying Yue who was sleeping like dead log felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

Jiang Ying Yue frowned slightly as she instinctively felt as if she was watched by a dangerous beast. She instinctly wanted to open her eyes and look around but her tired body and mind didn't allow it; despite the discomfort she continued sleeping.

When the masked man saw her furrow her brows he once again lifted his hand and after hesitating for a while he finally placed it in-between her brows and rubbed against it gently. And that cool touch of his fingers miraculously managed to drive away her discomfort and lulled her back to sleep.

Jiang Young Your managed to sleep soundly the entire night, she slept like a log without waking once.

And the masked remained there entire night and it was only when it was nearing the daybreak did her cast her a long last look before disappearing in a flash.

However, before the man disappeared a soft murmer seemed to linger in the air--" If I managed to live after this, my life will be yours."