Qiu's Suspicion

Feeling stifled with rage Jiang Ying Yue pushed open the door of the study with a loud noise scaring away the maid servants who were passing by. With a thud, they all fell to their knees.

Qiu, who was sneaking around and paying attention to her master's movements rushed over in a hurry after seeing this.

" Miss, what happened?" As Qiu asked this in a concerned voice she signaled the other maids to retreat, her gaze cold and reprimanding.

Jiang Ying Yue happened to see her actions but she didn't say anything and took her strides towards the receiving hall.

As she walked out a beautiful smile bloomed on her lips stunning Qiu for a moment, who was following her closely.

" Qiu, do you think I am that unreasonable and cruel?" Jiang Ying Yue asked softly as she continued to smile, her smile appearing playful and mischievous.

" Huh?" Hearing such a question coming from her master and also in such a playful tone Qiu paused for a moment, taking her time to process, " No...no, no, miss. How can you be cruel and unreasonable?"

Although, she stuttered at the beginning Qiu's expressions and eyes were solemn. She didn't seem to be lying and this is what she felt.

Qiu knew very well, that although Jiang Ying Yue had a fiery temper she wasn't evil nor a cruel person. Rather, she was a very straightforward person which was also her disadvantage.

However, other than her family and personal maids other people around her had different thoughts.

In addition to the schemes hatched by various people and instigation from the royal family always succeeded in portraying Jiang Ying Yue as an unreasonable and cruel figure.

And these also went for the maids in Jiang's residence. So, it was no wonder they were so scared of Jiang Ying Yue.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't respond as she hummed a tune, her hands tugged behind her back, with no intention to continue anymore.

Let them think whatever they wanted to!

She wasn't going to be upset because of them.

Qiu understood and tactfully changed her question, " Miss, where are you going?"

" Hmm...headhunt," said Jiang Ying Yue, her voice barely audible making Qiu unable to catch her words.


" Nothing....oh, are you planning to follow me today as well?" Jiang Ying Yue asked lightly.

Seeing that her plan was seen through, Qiu gave an awkward smile and said fawningly, " Miss, please take me with you! I promise I won't cause you any trouble!"

When Jiang Ying Yue heard this she paused for a while to think before nodding in agreement, " But you are not to tell others. I don't want so many tails!"

Qiu understood who were 'others' Jiang Ying Yue referring to and nodded heavily. She was fine as long as she could follow her master.

" Alright, go bring me some sacks or something, big enough to carry a human." Jiang Ying Yue waved her hands as she signaled Qiu to go look for one.

Qiu hurried to get one though she appeared thoroughly puzzled by her master's demand.

What was going to do with that thing?

Qiu kept feeling that something was wrong with her master.

Ever since she woke up she had been behaving strangely.

Her temper was better than usual and she didn't flare up like before on small provocations.

She seemed to smile more.

She was also less rigid.

She was also good at eating and had a huge appetite.

And she wasn't as cold as before and was quite tolerant towards them.

The most important change was her miss wasn't as straightforward and naive as before. She was becoming quite scheming.

Qiu didn't know what caused this change.

If she hadn't seen her miss every day, she would have thought that her miss got switched with someone else.

Suppressing all these strange thoughts in her head Qiu rummaged for a few big sacks and carried them back to Jiang Ying Yue.

As she rushed over Qiu looked around for her miss to find her standing under a tree near the entrance.

There was a soft wind blowing as the rays of warm sunlight scarred all over through the gaps of green leaves and branches some falling on Jiang Ying Yue.

As the rays of sunlight fell on her long loose hairs and face it created a soft glowing hallow.

The wind blew and a few strands of capricious fringes danced merrily in the wind.

There was a slight smile on her lips as she extended her arms in the air to catch the falling leaves.

It was a mesmerizing scene filling the beholder with awe and bliss.

Qiu's mouth was wide open as she stared dumbly not even willing to blink her eyes.

Wow! Miss was so beautiful!

Truly beautiful like a fairy!

Wait....was she hallucinating?

Qiu rubbed hard at her eyes, again and again, to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Eh.....why didn't it go away?

So, it meant that what she saw was real, right?

But, why didn't she realize that their miss was quite beautiful before this?

Qiu was confused.

However, it was not Qiu's fault.

Last night, Jiang Ying Yue had used some Moon Spring water in her bathwater and so this was the result.

Her previous scars and acne had healed quite well and even her complexion improved quite a bit.

It was just no one paid attention to it until Qiu did.

"You are here?" Jiang Ying Yue asked when she caught Qiu standing there dumbly, " Qiu....?"

"Yes, miss!" Qiu woke up from her stupor and scurried over to her side.

" Did you get it?" asked Jiang Ying Yue.

"Yes, here, here." Qiu hurriedly handed her the item in her hands.

"Hmm.... let's go." Jiang Ying Yue seemed satisfied as she stuffed the sacks into her space ring and walked out of the entrance of their residence bringing along Qiu in tow.

Both of them were in hurry to run as they feared encountering Jiang Ying Mei on their way out.