
Qiu silently followed behind as Jiang Ying Yue aimlessly took a stroll around the capital.

That was what Qiu thought.

However. was it the case?

And the answer would be an obvious No.

The scene which appeared as simple as strolling was obviously due to Qiu's lack of experience and vigilance in perceiving the truth.

From the very beginning, today's outing wasn't a simple outing but a head hunting.

Jiang Ying Yue's sharp piercing gaze shot through the crowd wherever she went. Her dark yet shining pair of eyes which were blazing torches almost bore holes on every passerby.

Jiang Ying Yue's eyes appeared like an X-ray scanner scanning every inch of their surroundings.

From a crowded street to a desolate alley, then again from a desolate alley to a crowded street.

This sequence went on and on.

Qiu looked tired but her master didn't.

Jiang Ying Yue was adamant about finding her runaway patient since she knew she could use his help. Furthermore, she had also fed him her precious pills worth tens of thousands of silver. So, there was no way she was letting him go. She had never allowed herself to be taken advantage of.

Either that half-dead moron would have to pay her a huge sum of money or she would make him serve her.

Anyway, she saved his life so in a way his life could be considered her's now. Though, she didn't need it.

Jiang Ying Yue understood her predicament better than anyone. After all, she had all the memories of the previous owner.

So, she understood very well that right now she was in a very awkward position.

Currently, she was very weak and not strong enough to protect herself from her enemies. Especially opponents like Bai Ya, who was ruthless and had unscrupulous means.

Furthermore, the dark history that previous Jiang Ying Yue had with the younger generation of the upper-class aristocrats of capital was also worrying.

Every time they met they fought and each time they would be beaten to a pulp by Jiang Ying Yue.

So, they must hate her death.

And now that she was a weak chicken it would be a tough job for her to survive in the capital.

Amitabha! Just thinking about it gave her a headache.

Just take the example of the previous day.

so, it was better to carry that capable man as her amulet until she grew strong. Otherwise, phew!

She would be in big trouble every day.....just like now--


A thunderous roar boomed out of a corner of the street while Jiang Ying Yue was busy scanning the area left and right.

"Huh?" Jiang Ying Yue, now quite used to her current name, turned her head naturally towards the direction of the voice to see a tall handsome young man in his late teens glaring at her ferociously. And her heart went--

There you go!!!

The man took long strides and reached Jiang Ying Yue in a couple of steps.

A heavy stench of hostility and hatred was leaking out of every pore of his body startling Qiu so much that a yelp escaped from her mouth and she darted in front of her master assuming a protective stance while urging her master to run, " Miss, run!!!"

Only to realise that it was too late.

" Jiang Ying Yue, you are really good!! Huh??" uttered the young man through his clenched teeth appearing extremely scary.

However, Jiang Ying Yue remained nonchalant while facing his anger and even went on to respond to his mocking remark, " Yes, I know that."

Though she said it lightly there was an un-concealable pride and arrogance in her tone which was also accompanied by a soft teasing smile that lingered at the corner of her lips making her look unbridled and carefree.

She looked extremely charming and handsome donning such a devilish smile even capable of making young maidens blush.

But, Qiu who happened to be facing the glaring young man while protecting her miss missed all these. And instead, she experienced another round of horror making her appear paler by the second.

An ominous feeling gripped her heart as she watched the man's momentarily dumbfounded expression turning even more unsightly.

He was super angry!

'Oh, no! We are dead!'

Qiu only had this thought in her head.

"Jiang Ying Yue, you shameless wench!! How dare you hurt Juan'er?"

The man's eyes were glowing red as he glared at Jiang Ying Yue with unprecedented hatred.

It was only then Jiang Ying Yue's nonchalant expression turned into one of confusion as she pondered inwardly.

'Who the hell is Juan'er??'

"You are so vicious that you went as far as disfiguring Juan'er just to satisfy to your jealous heart.....I really underestimated you..."

The young man continued with his cursing while Jiang Ying Yue still had a look of confusion on her face, however, this confusion was slowly turning into impatience and annoyance as the cursing went on.

Qiu, who was currently holding the fort nearly drowned in saliva that splattered all over her head. Nevertheless, she couldn't care any less about it, in that moment her only concern was her miss' safety....oh! and also her miss' explosive temper.

Qiu herself was starting to feel annoyed by

this ranting bastard let alone Jiang Ying Yue who was notorious for her explosive temper.

Qiu prayed earnestly to the heavens for a miracle, so they could escape this calamity in one piece. Nonetheless, this was just her wishful thought and all her fears came true.

"Qiu, who the hell is this lunatic?"

Qiu: '...!' Qiu looked up at the sky and mourned. She had nothing to pray for anymore.



The man's eyes bulged as his anger soared to another level. He looked ready to kill Jiang Ying Yue and drink her blood then and there.

However, that was not the end as there came rolling another bolt of lightning hitting him where it hurt the most.

" And who the hell is this lunatic's Juan'er?"

Qiu: 'Wuwu...miss can you keep your mouth shut??'

" Jiang Ying Yue, how dare you insult me?? Today I must teach you a good lesson........blah....blah."

"Jeez! stop spraying your saliva on my maid. Qiu, come here." Jiang Ying Yue pulled her maid to stand beside her as she said this her expression still nonchalant though it also held a hint of annoyance in it.

The man flushed on her remark and glared at her even more angrily.

But Jiang Ying Yue didn't stop at that and continued, " Why are you so long winded? Are you a woman? Even a woman don't speak as much as you do? Are you sure you are really a man?"

" JIANG YING YUE, you..."

" Enough!" Jiang Ying Yue didn't allow him to speak and cut him short, " I remember my name. There is no need for you to mention it again and again. I don't have any spare time to waste on lunatics like you. So, just get to the point or get lost!!"

Jiang Ying Yue was completely enraged by now and couldn't stand more of his nonsense.

If that man was looking for revenge then she would rather fight to death than wasting her time on useless prattle.

Furthermore, she couldn't remember this man let alone his poor Juan'er. God knew how many people had the previous Jiang Ying Yue offended. How was she supposed to remember all of them? Besides, she could bet that even the previous Jiang Ying Yue wouldn't have known all of them. After all, she was a cultivation fanatic and barely socialized with people. She fought whoever came to challenge her, regardless of their identity. Thus, earning countless enemies.